Title: Myelodysplastic Syndromes Between FAB and WHO
1Myelodysplastic SyndromesBetween FAB and WHO
- Mona F. Melhem, MD
- Professor, Department of Pathology
- University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- Chief Hematology
- VA Medical Center of Pittsburgh
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
- Clonal hematopoietic Stem Cell Disease
- Dysplasia
- Ineffective Hematopoiesis (1 or more lines)
- Myeloblasts lt 20 of all marrow cells
- Synonyms
- Dysmyelopoietic syndromes
- Preleukemic syndromes
- Oligoblastic leukemia
3MDS Epidemiology
- Older adults (median age 70 years)
- Primary vs. Secondary MDS (S/P chemotherapy)
- Incidence 3/100,000 non-age corrected
- 20/100,000 over age 70
4MDS Clinical
- Symptoms of Cytopenia
- Anemia gt Neutropenia /- Thrombocytopenia
- Organomegaly (infrequent)
5MDS Etiology
- Primary
- No known history of toxic exposure
- Possible etiologies Virus, Benzene, cigarette (2
fold risk), Fanconi anemia. - Therapy-related
- Chemotherapy (alkylating agents)
- Radiation Therapy
6MDS Morphology
- blasts in marrow and blood
- Type and degree of dysplasia
- /- ringed sideroblasts
- Cytogenetic abnormalities del (5q)
- 500 cell diff in marrow
- 200 cell diff in PB
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9MDS Differential Diagnosis
- B12/folate deficiency
- Heavy metals (Arsenic)
- Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia
- Parvovirus B19
- GCSF therapy (increased blasts)
10Myelodysplastic Syndromes
- FAB Classification
- RA
- WHO classification
- Myelodysplastic Syndromes
- RA
- MDS Unclassified
- MDS del(5q)
- Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Diseases
- Atypical CML
- Juvenile CMML
- MDS/MPD, unclassified
11MDS Genetics
- 5q- syndrome (women, megakaryocyte anomalies
- Del 17p (pseudo Pelger-Huet anomaly, therapy
related) - Complex cytogenetic (chromosomes 5 7)
unfavorable prognosis - Del(20q) (erythroid and megakaryocytes)
- Abnormal Ch 3 (abnormal megas)
12MDS Prognosis
- Low Risk group
- RA and RARS
- Normal cytogenetics, del(5q), del(20q) and -Y
- High Risk
- Complex abnormalities
- Abnormal Ch 7
13MDS Score predicts survival
- Low 0
- INT-1 0.5-1.0
- INT-2 1.5-2.0
- High gt 2.5
14Myelodysplastic Syndromes
- WHO classification
- Myelodysplastic Syndromes
- RA
- MDS Unclassified
- MDS del(5q)
- Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Diseases
- Atypical CML
- Juvenile CMML
- MDS/MPD, unclassified
15Myelodysplastic Syndromes
- Refractory Anemia
- Blood Anemia, no or rare blasts
- BM Erythroid Dysplasia only
- lt 5 blasts
- lt 15 ringed sideroblasts
16Refractory Anemia (RA)
- Unilineage Dysplasia (Erythroid)
- Anemia refractory to therapy
- Unequivocal dyserythropoiesis
- Exclude all other possibilities i.e
- Drugs, toxins, virus, immunologic, congenital and
vitamin deficiencies
17Refractory Anemia (RA)
- Observe for 6 months and re-evaluate
- Myeloblasts lt1 PB and lt5 BM
- DD Other MDS with multilineage dysplasia or
Ringed Sideroblasts
18Refractory Anemia (RA)
- PB Normochromic, Normocytic RBCs
- Anisocytosis
- Poikilocytosis
- Blasts lt1
- Normal neutrophils and platelets
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20Refractory Anemia (RA)
- BM Hypercellular, normocellular or hypocellular
- Dyserythropoiesis
- Nuclear budding, internuclear bridging,
karyorrhexis, multinuclearity, megaloblastoid
features - Cytoplasmic vacuolization, PAS positivity
- Ringed Sideroblasts lt15 erythroid precursors
- Myeloblasts lt 5 all marrow cells
- Aur rods absent
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22Refractory Anemia (RA)
- Genetics (useful, not specific)
- 25 of cases
- Del (20q), 8, abnormal 5 and/or 7
23Refractory Anemia (RA)
- Prognosis
- 66 months survival
- 6 progress to leukemia
24Refractory Anemia with Ringed Sideroblasts (RARS)
- 15 erythroid precursors are ringed sideroblasts
- 1/3 or more of the nucleus encircled by
sideroblastic granules (Fe stain) - Myeloblasts lt5
- R/O other causes of sideroblasts (anti-TB drugs,
25Refractory Anemia with Ringed Sideroblasts (RARS)
- 10-12 of MDS cases
- Older patients
- Males gt females
- Moderate anemia (Normo or Macro)
- Dysplasia restricted to erythroid lineage
- Genetic abnormalities in lt10 of cases
- 1-2 evolve to AML
- Median survival 6 years
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29Refractory Cytopenia with Multilineage Dysplasia
- Bi-cytopenia or pancytopenia
- Dysplasia 10 of cells, 2 or more lineages
- lt1 blasts (PB)
- lt5 blasts (BM)
- Absent Aur Rods
- Monocytes lt 1x109/L
30Refractory Cytopenia with Multilineage Dysplasia
- RCMD 24 cases of MDS
- RCMD-RS 15 cases of MDS
- Older patients
- BM failure, cytopenia 2 or more myeloid lineage
- Dysplasia gt10 of marrow cells
- Trisomy 8, monosomy 7, del(7q), monosomy 5, del
(5q), del (20q) - 11 progress to AML, Mean survival 33 mo
31Refractory Anemia with Excess blasts (RAEB)
- 5-19 myeloblasts in BM
- RAEB-1 5-9 blasts (BM)
- lt5 blasts (PB)
- RAEB-2 10-19 blasts (BM)
- or 5-19 blasts (PB) lt10 blasts (BM)
- or Presence of Aur Rods
32Refractory Anemia with Excess Blasts (RAEB)
- 40 of all patients with MDS
- 50 yrs and older
- Anemia, thrombocytopenia or neutropenia
- Abnormalities in all three lines (PB)
- Anisopoikilocytosis
- Atypical plts
- Pseudo Pelger Huet anomaly
- Blasts (0-19)
33Refractory Anemia with Excess Blasts (RAEB)
- BM Mostly Hypercellular ALIPs
- Neutrophil Hyperplasia with dysplasia
- Small, nuclear hypolobation, hypersegmentation,
hypogranularity - Erythroid dyserythropoiesis
- Megakaryocytes hypolobated, micromegas, widely
separated nucleii
34Refractory Anemia with Excess Blasts (RAEB)
- 30-50 clonal cytogenetic abnormalities
- 8, -5, del(5q), -7, del(7q) and del(20q)
- Immunophemotype
- Blasts express CD13, CD33, CD117
- 25 RAEB-1 and 33 RAEB-2 progress to AML
- Median survival 18 mo (RAEB-1), 10 mo (RAEB-2)
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39MDS, unclassified
- No specific morphologic findings
- Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia
- Dysplasia restricted to myeloid or megas
- Hyper/normo or hypocellular marrow
- No specific cytogenetic findings
- Older or younger patients, even children
- No increase in blasts
405q- syndrome
- Myelodysplastic syndrome associated with isolated
del (5q) chromosome - lt 5 Blasts in marrow and blood
- Predominantly middle-aged to older women
- Severe Refractory Anemia (Macrocytic)
- Hypercellular marrow with abnormal megas
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43Myelodysplastic Syndromes
- FAB Classification
- RA
- WHO classification
- Myelodysplastic Syndromes
- RA
- MDS Unclassified
- MDS del(5q)
- Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Diseases
- Atypical CML
- Juvenile CMML
- MDS/MPD, unclassified
44Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Diseases
- Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
- Atypical Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
- Juvenile CMML
- MDS/MPD, unclassified
45Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Diseases
- Clonal hematopoietic neoplasms
- Clinical/lab/morph supporting MDS
- finding c/w Chronic myeloproliferative
diseases, No Phchromosome - Hypercellular marrow, spleno hepatomegaly
- Dysplasia
- Blasts lt20
46Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Diseases
- t(512) (q31p12) and t(510)(q33q22), enhances
the tyrosine kinase of PDGF-R, leading to
abnormal RAS activation. - JMML associated with neurofibromatosis type-1
(NF-1) - Survival ranges from months to years
- Complications of cytopenias, leukemia
47Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
- Clonal disorder of marrow stem cell
- Persistent Monocytosis gt1x109/L (PB), 3mo
- (-) Philadelphia and BCR/ABL fusion gene
- lt20 blasts (PB BM), including myeloblasts,
monoblasts and promonocytes - /- Dysplasia in 1 or more BM lineages.
48Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
- Differntial diagnosis
- Tumors (leukemoid reaction)
- Infection
- Inflammation
- Other myeloproliferative disorders
49Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
- 31 of cases of MDS
- Median age at Dx 65-75 yrs
- Male predominance 1.5-3.11
- Blood BM involvement /- spleen, liver, skin,
LN extramedullary leukemic infiltrate
50Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
- WBC normal (50 of cases), or increased
- Monocytosis with neutropenia
- Fatigue, wt loss, fever, night sweat, infection,
bleeding - Hepatomegaly splenomegaly if WBC hi
- Unknown etiology (carcinogens, radiation,
cytotoxic agents.)
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57Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
- CMML-1 blastslt5 PB
- blastslt10 BM
- CMML-2 blasts 5-19 PB
- blasts 10-19 BM
- Blasts gt20 is AML
58CMML with eosinophilia
- CMML PB Eos gt1.5 x 10 9/L
- Complication with tissue damage due to
degranulation of eos - Should be classified as CMML-1 or CMML-2 with
- CD33, CD13
- Variable CD14, CD68 and CD64
- Increased CD 34 may indicate transformation to
AML - Genetics
- 8, -7/del (7q), abnormal 12p
- Survival 1-100 months
- Progression to acute leukemia 15-30
60Atypical Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (aCML)
- MDS and MPD changes
- NO Philadelphia Chromosome or BCR-ABL fusion gene
- Elderly patient (60-70s)
- MF ratio 11-2.51
- Blood, BM, spleen and liver
- Neutrophil precursors gt10 PB
- Hypercellular marrow
- ME ratio 101
- lt20 blasts
- Dysmyelopoiesis (trilineage)
- Poor prognosis
- 8, 13, del(20q), i(17q), del (12p)
62Juvenile Myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML)
- Childhood disorder
- Clonal hematopoietic disorder
- Proliferation of granulocytes and monocytes
- /- erythroid and megakaryocytic abnormalities
- 1.3/million children 0-14 yrs of age (75 of
cases less than 3 yrs of age) - 2-3 of all leukemias
- Malaise, palor, fever, bronchitis, tonsilitis,
skin rash, café-au-lait spots, bleeding,
hepatosplenomegaly - PB Monocytosis gt1x109/L (PB), 3mo
- (-) Philadelphia ch or BCR/ABL fusion gene
- lt20 blasts (PB BM), including myeloblasts,
monoblasts and promonocytes - two or more of the following
- Hb F (high for age)
- Immature granulocytes in PB
- Clonal chromosomal abnormality (CH 7)
- GM-CSF hypersensitivity of myeloid precursors (in
64JMML (etiology)
- ? Genetic predisposition
- Cases reported in twins
- JMML Neurofibromatosis (NF-1)
- Children with NF-1 have 200-500 x risk to develop
65JMML (prognosis)
- Variable
- Poor with death within 1 year (30 of cases)
- Median survival 5 mo-4 yrs
- Better prognosis in children lt 1yr of age
- Poor prognosis if pltslt 33 k or HbFgt15
66MDS/MPD, unclassified
- Lab and Morphologic features of MDS
- Prominent myeloprolifetarive features
- No hx of underlying CMPD or MDS, no toxins, no Ph
ch, no del (5q), no t(33)(q21q26), no inv
(3)(q21q26) - Mixed MPD and MDS cannot be assigned any other