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Fruit & Vegetable Processing Postharvest Physiology I. INTRODUCTION Fruits and vegetables when harvested from vines or plants are living structures ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fruit

Fruit Vegetable ProcessingPostharvest
  • Fruits and vegetables when harvested from vines
    or plants are living structures, continuing
    metabolic reactions and sustaining physiological
    processes for a considerable time during their
    postharvest period.
  • Fruits and vegetables respire by taking up
    oxygen, and giving off carbon dioxide and
    generating heat
  • they also transpire, i.e., lose water in vapor

  • The respiration and transpiration losses are made
    up by replenishing water, photosynthates (sucrose
    and amino acids), and minerals from the time-flow
    of cell sap while fruits and vegetables are
    attached to the plants or vines.
  • Subsequent to harvest, the source of water,
    photosynthates and minerals are cut off, and they
    enter into a deterioration or perishable phase.

  • Several changes take place in cell-wall
    composition and structure that result in the
    softening of the fruits and vegetables.
  • In general, visual color gradually changes as
    chlorophyll is degraded and yellow pigment of the
    skin and flesh increases in content.
  • In fruits and vegetables respiration involves the
    enzymatic oxidation of sugars to carbon dioxide
    (C02) and water, accompanied by release of
  • However, other substances such as organic acids
    and proteins also enter the respiratory chain.

  • Consequently, the loss of these reserves in
    fruits and vegetables results in the production
    of energy and the accompanying need for oxygen
    (0,) and removal of CO,.
  • Cellular water is lost because of respiration and
    transpiration, resulting in fruits and vegetables
    becoming soft, shriveled, and limp.
  • Anthocyanins that give the typical red, orange,
    blue, and other pigments of some fruits and
    vegetables may increase after harvest.

  • Apples, plums, pumpkins, and others enhance color
    development in a packaging shed or in a
  • The skins of some fruits and vegetables develop
    bloom or waxes after harvest that gives them an
    attractive appearance which may aid in reducing
    transpirational losses.
  • Starchy fruits and vegetables undergo a decrease
    in starch and increase in sugar and acids after
  • However, there may be changes in the kinds of
    acids present.

  • In certain cases as maturity advances,
    astringency decreases caused by tannins or
  • Volatiles and aroma components of many kinds of
    fruits and vegetables are produced after harvest
    if they are mature or ripe.
  • However, when they are harvested rather immature
    or at the green stage for distant shipment,
    they do not yield typical aroma.
  • For example, if Jordanian peaches are harvested
    for shipment to Kuwait market they do not develop
    as good aroma as when allowed to mature and ripen
    on the tree.

  • Ethylene is one of the volatiles synthesized in
    certain fruits and vegetables at certain stages
    of maturity and development when it reaches a
    high enough concentration, it triggers the
    ripening process and more ethylene is produced
    and the process of ripening is accelerated.
  • Growth, development. prematuration, maturation,
    ripening, and senescence (Figure 1) are the most
    important phases in fruit and vegetable ontology.
  • The growth of fruits and vegetables begins with
    cell division and cell enlargement, which
    accounts for the final size.

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  • Growth and maturation is referred to as fruit
  • Senescence is the period when anabolic and
    biochemical processes give way to catabolic
    processesleading to aging and final death of the
  • Ripening generally begins during the later stages
    of maturation and is considered the beginning of
  • The relative changes in weight, sugars,
    chlorophyll, and acidity are common to most
    fruits and vegetables (Figure 2) but other
    parameters such as respiration, flavor, aroma,
    and carotenoids can vary from commodity to

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  • Respiration of fruits and vegetables is an index
    of physiological activity and potent storage
  • It is one of the basic processes of life and
    directly related to maturation, handling,
    transportation, and subsequently, storage life.
  • Respiration of fruits and vegetables involves the
    enzymatic oxidation of sugars to carbon dioxide,
    water, and release of energy (Figure 3).

  • Other substrates such as organic acids, fats, and
    proteins also play an important role during the
    process of respirarion.
  • The energy produced by the oxidation of sugars is
    convened into the energy of adenosine
    triphosphate (ATP), as an energy carrier.
  • The oxidation of sugars takes place in several
    steps under control of specific enzymes. A simple
    formula for respiration may be as follows Sugar
    602 gt 6C02 6H20 Energy

  • As indicated above this respiration of fruits and
    vegetables involves the following aspects
  • 1. Substrate the quantity of substrate
    (predominantly sugars) in fruits and vegetables
    available for respiration is a deciding factor
    for their longevity at that temperate.
  • The weight loss due to increased temperature and
    respiration usually is more than to five percent
    depending upon the structure of the fruits and

  • 2. Oxygen the supply of 02, for normal
    respiration is generally adequate unless
    intentionally restricted as in the case of CA
    (Controlled Atmosphere) Storage.
  • 3. Carbon Dioxide removal of respiratory CO2
    requires more attention than supply of 02 because
    CO2 may be in excess even when supply of 02 is

  • A three to five percent reductions of 02
    concentration would not have an adverse effect on
    a product, but a comparable increase in CO2 could
    suffocate and ruin certain fruits and vegetables.
  • 4. Energy removal of heat from respiration is
    vitally important otherwise the life of fruits
    and vegetables will be reduced to an increased
    temperature around the commodity.
  • Increase in rate of respiration causes
    acceleration of substrate utilization.

  • 5.Rate of Respiration The rate of respiration
    determines the quantity of 02 that must he
    available per unit of time.
  • The quantities of CO2 removed at he same time.
  • Increased rate of respiration will reduce the
    storage life of product.
  • Rate of respiration is a function of temperature
    and available concentration of 02 around the
    fruits and vegetables.

  • In addition. some fruits such as potatoes will
    have a lower rate of respiration than spinach or
    lettuce due to inherent substrate available for
    respiration and the anatomical variations of the
  • The rate of respiration can he defined as the
    weight of CO2 produced per unit fresh weight and
    time (mg CO2/kg/h) (Table 1).
  • The rate of respiration may be expressed in ml
    CO2/kg/h or the quantity of 02 taken up rather
    than CO2 given out.

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  • The classification of the rate of respiration is
    presented in Table 2.
  • 6. Initial Rate of Respiration the rate of
    prevailing respiration or within a few hours
    varies depending upon crop and temperature)
  • 7. Average Rate of Respiration It is determined
    by measuring rates at a definite time interval,
    summing the rates thus determined, and dividing
    by the number of intervals involved.

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  • 8. Effects of Temperature and Days in Storage on
    Rate of Respiration the rate of respiration
    generally increases as the temperature and the
    storage duration of fruits and vegetables
  • However, at very high temperatures and at the
    very long storage duration, the rate of
    respiration decreases until the death of
    products. However, one does not store fresh
    commodities at such high temperatures (Figures 4
    and 4A).
  • 9. Effects of Commodity on Rate of Respiration
    the rate of respiration varies depending upon
    commodity and variety, also the commodity will
    vary with other varieties of the same commodity.

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  • 10. Maturity of Fruits and Vegetables on
    Respiration Rate fruits and vegetables harvested
    at early maturity for distant market respire
    faster than those harvested at the firm-ripe
  • 11. Vant Hoffs Law this law indicates that the
    rate of chemical reaction is controlled by
  • He coined the term Q10.This indicates at each
    10C rise in temperature, the rate of reaction
  • However, Q10 for respiration may not always be
    doubled sometimes it may be more than doubled
    depending upon the maturity and anatomical
    structure of the fruits or vegetables.

  • Postharvest physiology is influenced by
    preharvest factors on the farm or in the orchard.
  • Physiology of fruits and vegetables begins at the
    time of blossoming or bud formation and is
    affected by agricultural practicesfertilization,
    variety, and irrigationand by environmental
    factors such as sunlight duration and quality,
    temperature, humidity, etc.
  • The genetics of fruits and vegetables determine
    postharvest storage life. Those crops that are
    most perishable such as lettuce, spinach,
    strawberries and raspberries have a short growing
    season life.

  • In contrast, Winesap apples which require 160 to
    170 days to develop have a longer storage life.
  • Summer cultivars of apples generally have a
    shorter storage life because they ripen earlier.
  • Likewise, early summer apples have a higher
    respiration rate than fall apples they also have
    a greater number of cells, more lenticels, and
    give off more ethylene.

  • However, one should not conclude that the
    differences in storage life of fruits and
    vegetables can be explained simply by length of
    growing season, respiration rate, or amount of
    ethylene released.
  • It involves genetic factors which control growth,
    development. postharvest behavior, and
    physiological and morphological variations.

    temperature quotient (Q10) is not the same for
    all fruits and vegetables, nor will it be the
    same for another variety of the same fruit.
  • The example is presented in Table 3.
  • As a general rule, it can be said that an apple
    or pear will ripen as much in a day at 21 C as
    it will in a week at 0 C.

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  • Thus it is apparent that refrigeration is an
    effective means of extending the commercial life
    of fresh produce.
  • Fruit growers and shippers have learned by
    practical experience that the growing season has
    a powerful influence on the storage age of
  • For example, it has been recognized that t is
    hazardous to store or to ship Bartlett pears
    grown in cool coastal areas to distant places,
    because they often develop core breakdowna
    physiological disorder that makes pears too soft
    and mushy.

  • Some cultivars of apples grown in cool climates
    cannot tolerate storage temperature of 0 C and
    must be stored at higher temperatures such as
    (2.24.4 C) In order to avoid low temperature
  • Sweet as well as sour cherries develop scald when
    weather in is unusually warm and dry during the
    several weeks before harvest
  • Chemical reactions of respiration are controlled
    by temperature and ideally, one could expect a
    Q10 of about 2.5 for respiration.

  • This means that for a 10C rise in temperature,
    the respiration would double.
  • Rapidly growing young tissue respires faster than
    that which develops slowly.
  • The rate of respiration of asparagus is one of
    the highest rates of all fruits and vegetables
    because of the rapidly growing shoots of the

  • Fruits and vegetables vary in respiration rates
    and there are differences between cultivars and
    their maturitiesso it is not to be expected that
    the respiration rate will be a fixed value at any
    given temperature.
  • It tends to be more constant at temperatures of
    (0 to 4.4C) than at higher temperatures of (21.1
    to 26.7C).
  • At the temperature range (0 4.4C), where fruits
    and vegetables are held the longest-time, their
    heat of respiration is a factor to be included in
    calculating the refrigeration requirements for
    refrigeration storage and transportation.

  • In the case of fruits and vegetables, after
    harvest, fast cooling is generally desirable
    especially for perishable soft fruits such as
    berries and leafy vegetables.
  • This not only reduces metabolic activity of
    fruits and vegetables, but also controls fruit
  • Fungi and other microorganisms increase rates of
    respiration as do bruises and mechanical
  • the most serious consequences of holding fruits
    and vegetables at high temperature is the
    hastening of ripening, and shortening of storage
    and marketing life.

Climacteric and nonclimacteric fruits and
  • A large number of fruits and vegetables show a
    sudden and sharp rise in respiratory activity
    called the climacteric rise during the life
  • whereas others which do not show climacteric rise
    are called nonclimacteric fruits and vegetables.

  • The time of harvest for climacteric fruits and
    vegetables is critical for their maximum storage
    life and quality.
  • Non-clirnacteric fruits and vegetables are
    allowed to ripen on plants or vines and the
    resulting maturity is regulated by storage.
  • Maturity tests such as color, brix, acidity, and
    others are employed to determine whether they can
    meet standard grades and can be legally sold.

The classification of edible fruits and
vegetables according to their respiration pattern
  • Respiratory patterns vary from growth and
    development and also from fruit to fruit and
    vegetable to vegetable
  • most leafy vegetables are of non-climacteric
    nature (Figure 5).
  • Respiration is not merely a catabolic process,
    but it provides energy to synthesize enzymes,
    cell membrane constituents, and other material
    necessary for life of the cell.
  • It takes place within the cell at the site of the
    various enzymes that participate in the process
    of respiration.

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  • Respiration and ripening can be retarded by
    reducing the amount of O2.
  • Ethylene, if O2 is present, will increase the
    respiration rates and other metabolic processes
    as well.
  • The ethylene may come from the fruit or the
    vegetable itself or be added to the atmosphere.
  • In a fruit or a vegetable that has climacteric
    rise in respiration, ethylene treatment initiates
    the rise earlier, but the rates reach no higher
  • The climacteric in respiration of certain fruits
    generally occur at the onset of processes
    involved in ripening.
  • The peak of respiration does not always coincide
    with peak of ripening.

  • The Chinese knew in ancient times that pears
    could be ripened by exposing them to the smoke of
    incense burned in closed rooms.
  • Many years ago in Florida and California, oranges
    were colored or more correctly degreened by
    exposure to fumes from kerosene stoves or exhaust
    from a gasoline engine in a special coloring
  • Ethylene is the active degreening agent in stove
    gas and a concentration of 4 ppm would degreen
    lemons in 6 to 8 d.

  • After this discovery, ethylene became generally
    used for degreening citrus fruits, bananas, honey
    dew melons and tomatoes.
  • Ripe bananas give off ethylene that ripens green
    bananas during shipping.
  • Similarly emanations of ripe pears or apples
    ripen other fruits because of ripe pears and
    apples giving off ethylene which accelerates the
    ripening of other unripened fruits.
  • Production of ethylene depends upon fruits and
    vegetables (Table 4).

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  • A classification of fruits and vegetables
    according to their ethylene production rates is
    presented in Table 5.
  • However, there is no consistent relationship
    between ethylene production capacity of the
    produce and its perishability.
  • Ethylene gas inhibited the sprouting of potatoes.
  • Small quantities of ethylene is produced by
    practically all plant parts and tissues, fruits,
    vegetables, flowers, leaves, roots, tubers,
    seeds, and fungi.

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  • Very low concentrations of ethylene are required
    to produce biochemical and physiological
    responses in climacteric fruits and vegetables,
    such as acceleration of the ripening process, and
    in contrast,
  • applied ethylene increases the respiration of
    non-climacteric fruits and vegetables,
  • the magnitude of the increase being dependent on
    the concentration of ethylene (Figure 6).

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  • There is a relationship between the physiological
    age and the response of cantaloupes and tomatoes
    to continuous treatment with ethylene.
  • Because of ethylenes marked accelerative
    effects on ripening of both climacteric and
    non-climacteric fruits, it is considered to be a
    plant growth hormone.
  • The effect of ethylene as a ripening stimulant
    can be inhibited by CO2 concentrations in or
    around the fruits and decreased O2.

  • These conditions prevail in controlled atmosphere
  • Effects of ethylene on fruits and vegetables held
    at 0 to 4.4C is not possible to detect
  • nor is it detectable at higher temperatures of
    about 35C.
  • Wholesalers and retailers should know that fleshy
    fruits and vegetables give off large quantities
    of ethylene at increased storage temperature.
  • fleshy fruits and vegetables should not be store
    and shipped with susceptible commodities such as
    green and leafy vegetables, carrots, and lettuce.

  • Also, fruits and vegetables should be stored at
    low temperatures to increase their shelf life
  • otherwise their quality and storage life reduces.
  • Apples, pears, carrots, etc. should not be stored
    in the same room or in a transportation
  • Ethylene is synthesized within the cell
    enzymetically from methionine.
  • The sites of reaction within the cell are
  • The avocado will not ripen on the tree but will
    ripen and show a climacteric rise in respiration
    after picking.

  • It is believed that an inhibitor of ripening is
    present in the leaves of the trees.
  • Pears are another fruit that must be picked
    before they are tree ripe in order to develop a
    good eating quality.
  • Some cultivars of pears must be exposed to colds
    storage temperatures before they ripen normally.
  • Recent research has shown that low temperatures
    bring about synthesis of ethylene in pears.

  • It is now believed that accumulation of ethylene
    in fruits and vegetables precedes the rise in
    respiration, triggering the climacteric rise of
    unripe fruits earlier.
  • Climacteric rise in respiration is an indication
    of the onset of senescence, indicating that the
    fruits should be harvested before it starts this
    rise in respiration.
  • Picking fruit at the peak of respiration offers
    the best storage quality.

  • The effects of various growth regulators on
    fruits and vegetables ripening are attributed to
    inducing ethylene production.
  • e.g., the stimulation of the ripening of figs by
    the application of 2,4,5-T.
  • Chemicals that are used to bring about abscission
    of fruits and vegetables important in fruit
    thinning and mechanical harvesting, have been
    shown to cause ethylene production.
  • Ethylene-releasing chemicals are in commercial
    use in agriculture to bring about desired changes
    in plants or plant products.

  • The chemical 2-chloroethyl phosphoric acid
    (Etheral, CEPA, Ethephon) is one of these.
  • This chemical breaks down, releasing ethylene
    within the plant tissue and modifying plant
    flowering, vegetative growth, dormancy,
    abscission, fruit maturation and ripening,
    disease, and freeze resistance.
  • Although ethylene is a useful chemical in the
    control of growth and ripening responses, it has
    some harmful effects.
  • It can cause premature ripening in fruits,
    defoliation in plants, lethal damage to nursery
    stock, petal fall, failure in bud opening in
    flowers, russeting lettuce, and bitterness in

  • Water is lost from fruits and vegetables as they
    grow on a tree or a vine
  • they may decrease in volume during the warm and
    dry part of the day, but regain their moisture at
  • With an increase in the relative humidity of the
    storage atmosphere, there is a decrease in
  • After harvesting, the process of transpiration
    continues but there is no way to replenish it.

  • The moisture content of most fruits and
    vegetables is high and weight loss during
    transportation and storage can be a serious
    economic factor, especially if fruits are sold by
  • In most fruits and vegetables with 5 to 10 loss
    in moisture content, the product are visibly
    shriveled as a result of cellular plasmolysis.
  • The pedicels of cherries and calyx of
    strawberries turn brown and dry and the berries
    become dull and loose luster.
  • Hence, quick cooling is necessary to preserve
    fresh appearance.

  • The weight loss of fruits and vegetables in
    storage depends upon size, maturity, composition
    and structure, air surrounding them, storage
    temperature, relative humidity, velocity of air
    in the storage, thickness of cuticles, size and
    number of stomata and lenticels, and other
  • A practical way to minimize this effect is to
    cool the fruit quickly using hydrocooling
    containing antifungal chemicals which will both
    cool the fruits and control the adhering fungal

  • Similarly, lettuce and other leafy vegetables are
    cooled by sprinkling cold water on them followed
    by vacuum treatment.
  • Preventive loss of water from fruits and
    vegetables can be attempted both by reducing
    respiration as well as transpiration.
  • Fruits and vegetables should be precooled before
    storage at lower temperatures.
  • Sometimes, it is essential to package the produce
    in semi-permeable polyethylene or mylar bags.
  • When dry fruits and vegetables, such as nuts or
    dried fruits, are stored in polyethylene
    containers, the problem is to maintain desirable
    low RH (about 60) and to avoid fungal growth.

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  • There is only one way to reduce shriveling and
    drying of fruits and vegetables in storage rooms
    and that is by increasing RH.
  • Vegetables as well as fruits can be protected
    from a lower RH by using various types of
    permeable polyethylene bags or films or by
    providing moisture in the form of ice or
  • Hydrocooling fluid should contain a fungicide to
    prevent microbial growth.

  • Water loss is rapid at low relative humidity (RH)
    and slower at higher RH because the air in the
    room contains less water vapor than it can hold
    at the temperature of the room
  • thus water vapor is readily transferred from the
    humid interior of the leafy vegetables of fruits
    to the relatively dry air.
  • In contrast, if the RH in the room is 100 (water
    saturated atmosphere), the air in the room and
    fruits or vegetables are balanced in respect to
    moisture content, the gradient between the two is
    low, and moisture loss is nil.

  • The amount of moisture the air can hold before it
    becomes saturated rises with temperature
  • More water is required to saturate air at 15.6C
    than at 4.4C.
  • Accordingly, at 15.6C and 90 RHI, the air is
    drier than in a room at 4.4C and 90 RH
    resulting in rapid dehydration of the produce.

  • Further, water has a greater tendency to
    evaporate as its temperature rises. Hence, RH is
    always expressed with temperature.
  • As the temperature increases, the quality of the
    produce decreases (Figure 7)
  • likewise the quality also decreases as fruits and
    vegetables experience a postharvest field delay
    as seen in Figure.

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  • High velocity air causes rapid evaporation by
    continuously removing water that is saturated.
  • Air movement should be sufficient enough to
    effectively remove respiratory heat from the
    produce after it has cooled to the temperature of
    the room, trailer, or rail car.

  • Water evaporates more rapidly in lower
    atmospheric pressure than in higher. For every
    10 decrease in pressure water loss will increase
  • Thus the rate of water loss in an airplane will
    be about 20 more than a sea level due to the
    difference in pressure alone. Should the lower
    air pressure be coupled with lower RH and
    relatively higher temperature, a significant
    amount of water can be lost from produce during
    air transit.
  • Therefore, during air transportation of fresh
    fruits and vegetables, appropriate pressurization
    should be maintained especially over 5,000 ft

  • Chilling injury is a disorder induced by low
    nonfreezing temperatures which occurs in certain
    susceptible plants or produce (Table 6).
  • Usually this damage can occur in tropical fruits
    and vegetables when stored al low refrigerated
    temperatures (Table 7).

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  • Chilling injury affects sweet potatoes, bananas,
    and most tropical and subtropical fruits.
  • Chilling injury induces decay and can be avoided
    by storing at higher temperatures.
  • Vegetables such as potatoes and sweet potatoes
  • Susceptibility of various vegetables to chilling
    injury are presented in Table 8

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