Premarket Testing and Validation

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Premarket Testing and Validation


U S. Food and Drug Administration. Scientific, regulatory, and public health agency ... name changed to the Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration in July 1927, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Premarket Testing and Validation

Premarket Testing and Validation
  • Charles Lankford
  • PharmaSys, Inc.
  • 216 Towne Village Drive
  • Cary, NC. 27513

U S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Scientific, regulatory, and public health agency
  • oversees items accounting for 25 cents of every
    dollar spent by consumers.
  • Jurisdiction
  • most food products (other than meat and poultry)
  • human and animal drugs
  • therapeutic agents of biological origin
  • medical devices
  • radiation-emitting products for consumer,
    medical, and occupational use
  • cosmetics
  • animal feed

History of the FDA
  • single chemist U.S. Department of Agriculture in
  • Regulatory functions added in1906
  • The Bureau of Chemistry's name changed to the
    Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration in
    July 1927,
  • nonregulatory research functions of the bureau
    were transferred elsewhere

Events Leading to Formation of FDA
  • 1905 - Samuel Hopkins Adams 11 articles The
    Great American Fraud in Collier's Weekly.
  • analyzed the contents of some of the country's
    most popular medicines.
  • argued that many of the companies producing these
    medicines were making false claims about their
  • some cases, these medicines were actually
    damaging the health of those people using them
  • 1906 - Upton Sinclair The Jungle
  • fictional portrait of life and death of working
    class immigrates in turn-of-the-century Chicago
  • filled with page after page of nauseating detail
    he had researched about the meat-packing industry
  • Public demanded sweeping reforms in the food
  • 30 June 1906 President Roosevelt signed the Food
    and Drugs Act, known simply as the Wiley Act.

1906 Food and Drugs Act
  • Prohibited interstate transport of unlawful food
    and drugs under penalty of seizure of the
    questionable products and/or prosecution of the
    responsible parties
  • Basis on regulation of product labeling rather
    than pre-market approval
  • Drugs, defined in accordance with the standards
    of strength, quality, and purity in the United
    States Pharmacopoeia and the National Formulary,
    could not be sold in any other condition unless
    the specific variations from the applicable
    standards were plainly stated on the label

1906 Food and Drugs Act
  • Foods were not defined according to analogous
    standards, but the law prohibited the addition of
    any ingredients that would substitute for the
    food, conceal damage, pose a health hazard, or
    constitute a filthy or decomposed substance
  • If the manufacturer opted to list the weight or
    measure of a food, this had to be done accurately
  • The food or drug label could not be false or
    misleading in any particular, and the presence
    and amount of eleven dangerous ingredients,
    including alcohol, heroin, and cocaine, had to be

  • Supreme Court ruled that the law did not--apply
    to false therapeutic claims.

The 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
  • A Tennessee drug company marketed a form of the
    new sulfa wonder drug, Sulfanilamide, a drug used
    to treat streptococcal infections, that would
    appeal to pediatric patients, Elixir
  • 100 people in 15 states died, many were children
  • Dissolved in diethylene glycol, a highly toxic
    chemical analogue of antifreeze
  • Not tested for toxicity food and drugs law did
    not require safety studies for new drugs

The 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
  • legally mandated quality and identity standards
    for foods
  • prohibition of false therapeutic claims for drugs
  • coverage of cosmetics and medical devices
  • clarification of the FDA's right to conduct
    factory inspections
  • control of product advertising, among other items

Kefauver-Harris Amendments
  • Thalidomide, chiefly sold and prescribed during
    the late 1950s and 1960s to pregnant women, as an
    antiemetic to combat morning sickness and as an
    aid to help them sleep
  • Drug stunted the growth of fetal arms and legs,
    10,000 babies affected, never approved in US
  • Now approved for the treatment of MULTIPLE
  • Resulted in Kefauver-Harris Amendments

Kefauver-Harris Amendments
  • mandates efficacy safety before a drug could be
  • requires FDA to assess the efficacy of all drugs
    introduced since 1938,
  • institutes stricter agency control over drug
    trials (including a requirement that patients
    involved must give their informed consent)
  • transferred from the Federal Trade Commission to
    the FDA regulation of prescription drug
  • established good manufacturing practices by the
    drug industry
  • granted the FDA greater powers to access company
    production and control records to verify those

Drug or Device Deemed Adulterated if
  • If it consists in whole or in part of any filthy,
    putrid, or decomposed substance

Drug or Device Deemed Adulterated if
  • prepared, packed, or held under insanitary
  • do not conform to or are not operated or
    administered in conformity with current good
    manufacturing practice
  • are not operated or administered in conformity
    with the positron emission tomography compounding
    standards and the official monographs of the
    United States Pharmacopoeia

Drug or Device Deemed Adulterated if
  • composed, in whole or in part, of any poisonous
    or deleterious substance
  • a color additive which is unsafe
  • animal feed bearing or containing a new animal
    drug, and such animal feed is unsafe

Drug or Device Deemed Adulterated if
  • strength differs from, or its quality or purity
    falls below, the standards
  • strength, quality, or purity shall be made in
    accordance with the tests or methods of assay set
    forth in such compendium

Drug or Device Deemed Adulterated if
  • mixed or packed therewith so as to reduce its
    quality or strength or
  • substituted wholly or in part

  • A--General Provisions    
  • B--Organization and Personnel    
  • C--Buildings and Facilities
  • D--Equipment
  • E--Control of Components and Drug Product
    Containers and Closures    
  • F--Production and Process Controls
  • G--Packaging and Labeling Control
  • H--Holding and Distribution    
  • I--Laboratory Controls
  • Subpart J--Records and Reports
  • K--Returned and Salvaged Drug Products

Part 820 Device QSR
  • A--General Provisions
  • B--Quality System Requirements    
  • C--Design Controls    
  • D--Document Controls    
  • E--Purchasing Controls
  •  F--Identification and Traceability    
  • G--Production and Process Controls  
  • H--Acceptance Activities    

Part 820 Device QSR
  • I--Nonconforming Product    
  • J--Corrective and Preventive Action    
  • K--Labeling and Packaging Control
  • K--Labeling and Packaging Control   
  •  L--Handling, Storage, Distribution, and
  • MRecords    
  • NServicing   
  • O--Statistical Techniques

FDA Documentation
  • Regulation Codified and Law
  • Preamble Dialog of FDAs thinking when reg was
  • Guidance - FDAs current thinking about reg

GCP and Clinical Trials
  • Electronic Records Electronic Signatures (21 CFR
    Part 11)
  • Human Subject Protection (Informed Consent) (21
    CFR Part 50)
  • Additional Safeguards for Children in Clinical
    Investigations of FDA-Regulated Products (Interim
    Rule) (21 CFR Part 50, subpart D)
  • Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators
    (21 CFR Part 54)
  • Institutional Review Boards (21 CFR Part 56)

GCP and Clinical Trials
  • Forms 1571 (Investigational New Drug Application)
    and 1572 (Statement of Investigator)
  • Applications for FDA Approval to Market a New
    Drug (21 CFR Part 314)
  • Applications for FDA Approval of a Biologic
    License (21 CFR Part 601)
  • Investigational Device Exemptions (21 CFR Part
  • Premarket Approval of Medical Devices (21 CFR
    Part 814

Drug Approval Process
Drug Development and Approval Process
  • U.S. system most rigorous in the world
  • On average, it costs a company 360 million to
    get one new medicine from the laboratory to the
    pharmacist's shelf
  • It takes 12 years on average for an experimental
    drug to travel from lab to medicine chest.
  • Only five in 5,000 compounds that enter
    preclinical testing make it to human testing.
  • One of these five tested in people is approved.

Biological Screening and Pharmacological Testing
  • Studies to explore the pharmacological activity
    and therapeutic potential of compounds.
  • animals, isolated cell cultures and tissues,
    enzymes and cloned receptor sites as well as
    computer models.

Pharmaceutical Dosage Formulation and Stability
  • The process of turning an active compound into a
    form and strength suitable for human use .

Toxicology and Safety Testing
  • Tests to determine the potential risk a compound
    poses to man and the environment
  • These studies involve the use of animals, tissue
    cultures, and other test systems to examine the
    relationship between factors such as dose level,
    frequency of administration, and duration of
    exposure to both the short- and long-term
    survival of living organisms.
  • LD50

Regulatory Review Investigational New Drug (IND)
  • An application filed with the U.S. FDA prior to
    human testing.
  • The IND application is a compilation of all known
    information about the compound. It also includes
    a description of the clinical research plan for
    the product and the specific protocol for phase I
  • Unless the FDA says no, the IND is automatically
    approved after 30 days and clinical tests can

Phase I Clinical Evaluation
  • The first testing of a new compound in human
    subjects, for the purpose of establishing the
    tolerance of healthy human subjects at different
  • defining its pharmacologic effects at anticipated
    therapeutic levels
  • studying its absorption, distribution,
    metabolism, and excretion patterns in humans

Phase II Clinical Evaluation
  • Controlled clinical trials of a compound's
    potential usefulness and short term risks.
  • A relatively small number of patients, usually no
    more than several hundred subjects, enrolled in
    phase II studies.

Phase III Clinical Evaluation
  • Controlled and uncontrolled clinical trials of a
    drug's safety and effectiveness in hospital and
    outpatient settings.
  • gather precise information on the drug's
  • determine adverse effects
  • identify the best way of administering and using
  • phase III studies can involve several hundred to
    several thousand subjects.

Institutional Review Boards
  • used to ensure the rights and welfare of people
    participating in clinical trials both before and
    during their trial participation.
  • make sure that participants are fully informed
    and have given their written consent before
    studies ever begin.
  • monitored by the FDA to protect and ensure the
    safety of participants in medical research.
  • An IRB must be composed of no less than five
    experts and lay people with varying backgrounds
    to ensure a complete and adequate review of
    activities commonly conducted by research
  • In addition to possessing the professional
    competence needed to review specific activities,
    an IRB must be able to ascertain the
    acceptability of applications and proposals in
    terms of institutional commitments and
    regulations, applicable law, standards of
    professional conduct and practice, and community
  • Therefore, IRBs must be composed of people whose
    concerns are in relevant areas.

Bioavailability Studies
  • The use of healthy volunteers to document the
    rate of absorption and excretion from the body of
    a compound's active ingredients.
  • Companies conduct bioavailability studies both at
    the beginning of human testing and just prior to
    marketing to show that the formulation used to
    demonstrate safety and efficacy in clinical
    trials is equivalent to the product that will be
    distributed for sale.
  • Companies also conduct bioavailability studies on
    marketed products whenever they change the method
    used to administer the drug (e.g., from injection
    or oral dose form), the composition of the drug,
    the concentration of the active ingredient, or
    the manufacturing process used to produce the

Process Development for Manufacturing and Quality
Control (CMC)
  • Engineering and manufacturing design activities
    to establish a company's capacity to produce a
    product in large volume and development of
    procedures to ensure chemical stability,
    batch-to-batch uniformity, and overall product

Regulatory Review New Drug Application (NDA)
  • An application to the FDA for approval to market
    a new drug. All information about the drug
    gathered during the drug discovery and
    development process is assembled in the NDA.
  • During the review period, the FDA may ask the
    company for additional information about the
    product or seek clarification of the data
    contained in the application.

Postapproval Research
  • Adverse events must be reported
  • Additional indications

Basic Regulatory Requirements for Medical Devices
  • Premarket Notification 510(k), unless exempt, or
    Premarket Approval (PMA)
  • Establishment registration on form FDA-2891
  • Medical Device Listing on form FDA-2892
  • Quality System (QS) regulation
  • Labeling requirements
  • Medical Device Reporting (MDR)

Premarket Notification 510(k) - 21 CFR Part 807
Subpart E
  • If device requires the submission,
  • can not commercially distribute until you
    receive a letter of substantial equivalence from
    FDA authorizing you to do so.

Premarket Notification 510(k) - 21 CFR Part 807
Subpart E
  • A 510(k) must demonstrate that the device is
    substantially equivalent to one legally in
    commercial distribution
  • Application fee applies to Traditional,
    Abbreviated, and Special 510(k)s. Small
    businesses may pay smaller fee.

Premarket Notification 510(k) - 21 CFR Part 807
Subpart E
  • Most Class I devices and some Class II devices
    are exempt
  • A list of exempt devices is located at

Premarket Approval (PMA) - 21 CFR Part 814
  • Product requiring PMAs
  • Class III devices, high risk devices, pose a
    significant risk of illness or injury
  • devices found not substantially equivalent to
    Class I and II predicate

Premarket Approval (PMA) - 21 CFR Part 814
  • PMA process is more involved
  • includes the submission of clinical data to
    support claims made for the device.
  • The PMA is an actual approval of the device by
  • Medical device user fees apply to original PMAs
    and certain types of PMA supplements.

Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) - 21CFR
Part 812
  • Clinical studies with devices of significant risk
    must be approved by FDA and by an Institutional
    Review Board (IRB) before the study can begin.
  • Studies with devices of nonsignificant risk must
    be approved by the IRB only

Establishment Registration form FDA-2891 - 21 CFR
Part 807
  • Manufacturers must register their establishments
    with the FDA
  • Once a year, FDA sends the registration form
    FDA-2891(a) to all registered firms to be
    verified, corrected, and returned by the firm as
    a yearly registration
  • foreign manufacturers must also designate a U.S.

Medical Device Listing form FDA-2892 - 21CFR Part
  • All medical devices are required to be listed
    with the
  • Firms that are required to list their devices are
    those that
  • manufacture,
  • repackage and relabel,
  • develop specifications,
  • reprocess single-use devices,
  • remanufacture
  • manufacture accessories and components sold
    directly to the end user

Labeling - 21 CFR Part 801
  • Labeling includes labels on the device as well as
    descriptive and informational literature that
    accompanies the device. Labeling requirements can
    be accessed on the web at http//

Medical Device Reporting - 21 CFR Part 803
  • Incidents in which a device may have caused or
    contributed to a death or serious injury must to
    be reported to FDA under the Medical Device
    Reporting program.
  • The MDR regulation is a mechanism for FDA and
    manufacturers to identify and monitor significant
    adverse events involving medical devices. The
    goals of the regulation are to detect and correct
    problems in a timely manner.

Medical Device Classification
  • classifications for approximately 1,700 different
    generic types of devices
  • three regulatory classes based on the level of
    control necessary to assure the safety and
    effectiveness of the device.

Device Class and Regulatory Controls
  • Class I General Controls
  • With Exemptions
  • Without Exemptions
  • Class II General Controls and Special Controls
  • With Exemptions
  • Without Exemptions
  • Class III General Controls and Premarket Approval

Class I Devices
  • Class I devices are subject to the least
    regulatory control.
  • They present minimal potential for harm to the
    user and are often simpler in design than Class
    II or Class III devices.
  • Most Class I devices are exempt from the
    premarket notification and/or good manufacturing
    practices regulation. Information on Class I
    exempt devices is located under the heading What
    are Class I/II Exemptions?.

Class I - General Controls
  • Class I devices are subject to "General Controls
  • Establishment Registration (
  • Medical Device Listing
  • Manufactured s in accordance with GMP
  • Labeled in accordance with labeling regulations
    (21 CFR Part 801 or 809)
  • Submission of a premarket notification 510(k)
  • Examples of Class I devices include elastic
    bandages, examination gloves, and hand-held
    surgical instruments.

Class II - Special Controls
  • Special controls may include special labeling
    requirements, mandatory performance standards and
    postmarket surveillance.
  • Examples of Class II devices include sterilizers,
    LIMS, powered wheelchairs, infusion pumps, and
    surgical drapes.

Class III - Premarket Approval
  • Class III is the most stringent regulatory
    category for devices.
  • insufficient information exists to assure safety
    and effectiveness
  • Class III devices are usually those that support
    or sustain human life
  • Premarket approval is required
  • Not all Class III devices require an approved
  • Class III devices which are equivalent to devices
    legally marketed before May 28, 1976

Class III Devices Requiring an Approved Premarket
Approval Application
  • Examples of Class III devices which require a
    premarket approval include replacement heart
    valves, silicone gel-filled breast implants, and
    implanted cerebella stimulators, pacemaker.

  • Establish and maintain procedures for verifying
    device design
  • Confirm design output meets the design input
  • Results documented in the DHF

  • Performed under defined operating conditions on
    initial production units, lots, or batches, or
    their equivalents
  • Include testing of production units under actual
    or simulated use conditions
  • Include software validation and risk analysis,
    where appropriate

  • Specification - any requirement with which a
    product, process, service, or other activity must
  • Validation - confirmation by examination and
    provision of objective evidence that the
    particular requirements for a specific intended
    use can be consistently fulfilled

  • Process Validation - objective evidence that a
    process consistently produces a result or product
    meeting specifications
  • Design Validation - objective evidence that
    device specifications conform with user needs and
    intended use(s)
  • Verification - confirmation by examination and
    provision of objective evidence that specified
    requirements have been fulfilled

  • Always done versus specifications
  • Control of specifications increases probability
    of achieving desired results
  • Specifications reviewed before as development
  • As designs evolve, they should be evaluated
    versus their current specifications.

  • Always done versus specifications
  • Control of specifications increases probability
    of achieving desired results
  • Specifications reviewed before as development
  • As designs evolve, they should be evaluated
    versus their current specifications.

  • Should be done with test equipment calibrated and
    controlled according to quality system

  • Performed according to a written protocol(s)
  • Include defined conditions for the testing
  • Approved before being used.

  • Test protocol(s) are not perfect
  • annotate ongoing changes to a protocol
  • record technical comments about any deviations or
    other events that occurred during testing
  • The slightest problem should not be ignored

  • Ongoing development - evaluated and reviewed
    versus the software specifications
  • Final" prototype(s) - software and hardware are

  • Before testing detailed code should be visually
    reviewed versus flow charts and specifications.
  • All cases, especially decision points and
    error/limit handling, should be reviewed and the
    results documented.

  • Code visually reviewed versus flow charts and
  • All cases decision points and error/limit
    handling, reviewed and the results documented

  • Algorithms should checked for accuracy.
  • Recalls have occurred because algorithms were
    incorrectly copied from a source and, in other
    cases, because the source algorithm was

  • Testing includes normal operation of the complete
  • Combined system of hardware and software should
    be challenged with abnormal inputs and
    conditions. As appropriate, these inputs and
    conditions include such items as

Inputs and Conditions
  • exposure to static electricity
  • power loss and restart
  • simultaneous inputs or interrupts
  • limit testing
  • operator errors
  • induced failure of sensors and cables or other
  • induced failure of output equipment

  • Testing includes normal operation of the complete
  • Combined system of hardware and software should
    be challenged with abnormal inputs and
    conditions. As appropriate, these inputs and
    conditions include such items as

  • Exercised such that all labeling, displays, and
    outputs are generated, reviewed, and the results
  • All displayed prompts and instructions are
    checked versus the manufacturer's and FDA's
    labeling requirements and operator manual.

  • Printed labeling and screen displays should be
    checked to see if they are directed to the user
    and not to the system designer
  • Data, identifications, or other key information
    displayed should be current, complete,
    unambiguous, and accurate

  • Printouts should undergo a verification similar
    to that performed for the screen or other
  • Annotated copies of verified labeling, printouts,
    etc. and associated notes and any checklists
    should be placed in the design history file

820.30(h) Design Transfer
  • Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain
    procedures to ensure that the device design is
    correctly translated into production
  • Production specifications must ensure that
    manufactured devices are repeatedly and reliably
    produced within product and process capabilities.
  • The process of encapsulating knowledge about the
    device into production specifications is critical
    to device quality.

820.30(j) Design history file
  • Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain a
    DHF for each type of device.
  • Other national regulations require some form of
    documentation and records. Product documentation
    required by Canada, Europe, and Japan contain
    certain elements of the U. S. FDA design history
    file requirements without requiring all the
    elements to be compiled in a file.
  • Virtually every section of the design control
    requirements specifies information which should
    be recorded. The compilation of these records is
    sometimes referred to as the design history file.

Typical DHF
  • Detailed design and development plan specifying
    design tasks and deliverables.
  • Copies of approved design input documents and
    design output documents.
  • Documentation of design reviews.
  • Validation documentation.
  • When applicable, copies of controlled design
    documents and change control records.

Design changes
  • establish and maintain procedures for design
    changes before their implementation.
  • Document control
  • Change control

Production Testing is not Verification
  • Some manufacturers erroneously equate production
    testing with verification.
  • Verification testing establishes conformance of
    design output with design input
  • Production testing is to determine whether the
    unit under test has been correctly manufactured
    screen out manufacturing process errors and
    detect infant mortality failures
  • Typically, a small subset of functional and
    performance tests accomplish this objective with
    a high degree of accuracy.
  • Production testing is rarely, if ever,
    comprehensive enough to verify the design.

  • A leakage test may be used during production to
    ensure that a hermetically-sealed enclosure was
    properly assembled may not be sensitive enough
    to detect long-term diffusion of gas through the
    packaging material.
  • Permeability of the packaging material is an
    intrinsic property of the material rather than an
    assembly issue likely be verified using a more
    specialized test than is used during production.

Environmental Conditions
  • Validation should include simulation of the
    expected environmental conditions

  • Validation is a compilation of the results of all
    validation activities.
  • For a complex design, the detailed results may be
    contained in a variety of separate documents and
    summarized in a validation report.
  • Supporting test articles should be explicitly
    referenced in the validation report and either
    included as an appendix or available in the
    design history file.

  • Routine end-product tests have insufficient
    sensitivity to verify the desired safety and
    efficacy of the finished devices
  • Clinical or destructive testing would be required
    to show that the manufacturing process has
    produced the desired result or product
  • Routine end-product tests do not reveal all
    variations in safety and efficacy that may occur
    in the finished devices.
  • The process capability is unknown, or it is
    suspected that the process is barely capable of
    meeting the device specifications.

  • (a) Where the results of a process cannot be
    fully verified by subsequent inspection and test,
    the process shall be validated with a high degree
    of assurance and approved according to
    established procedures.
  • The validation activities and results, including
    the date and signature of the individual(s)
    approving the validation and where appropriate
    the major equipment validated, shall be
  • (b) Each manufacturer shall establish and
    maintain procedures for monitoring and control of
    process parameters for validated processes to
    ensure that the specified requirements continue
    to be met.
  • (1) Each manufacturer shall ensure that validated
    processes are performed by qualified
  • (2) For validated processes, the monitoring and
    control methods and data, the date performed,
    and, where appropriate, the individual(s)
    performing the process or the major equipment
    used shall be documented.
  • (c) When changes or process deviations occur, the
    manufacturer shall review and evaluate the
    process and perform revalidation where
    appropriate. These activities shall be

Planning the Process Validation Study
  • The plan should include design reviews.
  • The plan for the validation study is documented
    in the validation protocol.
  • A copy of the protocol and validation results are
    placed in the Design History File (DHF) 820.30
    (j) or quality system record file (820.186).
  • The operational, monitoring, and other
    production-related procedures are part of the
    device master record (DMR) (820.181).

Typical Elements of Process Validation Study
  • any special controls or conditions to be placed
    on preceding processes during the validation
  • process parameters to be controlled and
    monitored, and methods for controlling and
    monitoring 820.70(a) 820.75(b)(2)
  • product characteristics to be monitored and
    method for monitoring 820.70(a)(2)
    820.75(b)(2) 820.80(c)
  • any subjective criteria used to evaluate the
  • definition of what constitutes nonconformance for
    both measurable and subjective criteria
  • statistical methods for data collection and
    analysis (820.250)
  • consideration of maintenance and repairs
  • conditions that may indicate that the process
    should be revalidated 820.75(c)
  • stages of the study where design review is
    required and
  • approval(s) of the protocol.
  • identification of the process
  • identification of device(s) to be manufactured
    using the process
  • criteria for a successful study
  • length and duration of the study
  • assumptions (shifts, operators, equipment,
  • identification of equipment to be used in the
    process 820.75(b)(2)
  • identification of utilities for the process
  • identification of operators and required operator
    qualifications 820.75(b)(2)
  • complete description of the process may
    reference the DMR 820.181(b)
  • relevant specifications including those for the
    product, components, manufacturing materials, the
    environment, etc. may reference the DMR and
    quality system files 820.181(a) and (b)

Installation and Operation Qualification
  • Process equipment should be installed, reviewed,
    calibrated, challenged, and evaluated to ensure
    that it is capable of operating within
    established limits and tolerances as well as
    throughout all anticipated operating ranges.
  • examining equipment design and supplied
  • determining installation requirements
  • establishing any needed environmental controls
    and procedures
  • assuring that the work area has sufficient space
    to perform the processing and associated
  • installing the equipment
  • verifying correct installation
  • establishing manufacturing procedures for the
    monitoring, operation, and control of the
    equipment including the minimum number of
  • determining calibration, cleaning, maintenance,
    adjustment, and expected repair requirements
  • identifying important elements of the equipment
    that could affect the output or finished device
  • verifying that the system or subsystem performs
    as intended throughout all anticipated operating
    ranges and
  • documenting the above information.

Process Performance Qualification
  • The purpose of process performance qualification
    is to rigorously test the process to determine
    whether it is capable of consistently producing
    an output or in-process or finished devices which
    meet specifications. In entering the process
    performance qualification phase of validation, it
    is understood that the
  • device, packaging, and process specifications
    have been established, documented, and
    essentially proven acceptable through
    engineering, laboratory or other verification
    methods 820.30 820.70(a) and
  • process and ancillary equipment and the
    environment have been judged acceptable on the
    basis of installation and operation qualification
    studies 820.70(g).

Product Performance Qualification
  • Demonstrate that the process has not adversely
    affected the finished product and that the
    product meets its predetermined specifications
    and quality attributes.
  • Products used for design validation should be
    manufactured using the same production equipment,
    methods and procedures that will be used in
    routine production.
  • Design validation can be conducted using finished
    products made during process validation studies
    and will satisfy the need for product performance
  • Design validation shall ensure that devices
    conform to defined user needs and intended uses
    and shall include testing production units under
    actual or simulated use conditions 820.30(g).
  • Original designs and design changes are subject
    to design control requirements 820.30(i). The
    results of design validation are subject to
    review under the design control review
    requirements 820.30(e).

Questions Answers
  • Charles Lankford
  • PharmaSys, Inc.
  • 216 Towne Village Drive
  • Cary, NC. 27513

integrity commitment value results
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