Title: Molly Prather of Memphis – A Skillful Fitness Trainer
1Molly Prather, Memphis
2- Molly Prather of Memphis A Skillful Fitness
Trainer - Molly Prather of Memphis is a skillful fitness
trainer who has a lot of knowledge and experience
in almost all aspects of fitness. She is living a
healthy life and thus can prove to be a good role
model for her clients. Regarding her education,
she has received certification in the field of
fitness and exercise from ACSM (American College
of Sports Medicine).
3 A Keen Observer Molly
Prather, Memphis takes personal fitness classes
as well as group fitness classes. When handling a
group, it becomes difficult for a trainer to keep
an eye on everyone. However, Molly Prather is a
keen observer who observes the moves of her
clients very carefully and pays attention to each
and every detail, even in a large group. She also
gives tips and guidance to those who fail to
perform some activity. .
4 A Unique Way of Delivering Feedback Molly
Prather realizes that the clients come to her for
learning and direction, and they do not know the
right way to perform exercises and physical
activities. So, if someone does not perform
something in an accurate way, she does not
criticize him/her directly in front of whole
group. Rather, she delivers the criticism in a
constructive manner and teaches the right way to
perform the said activity with patience. .
5 Customized Exercise Plans
Molly Prather, Memphis knows that all
people do not require same exercises and physical
routines. So, she formulates the exercise plans
in a customized way, depending upon the body and
strength of each person. She also makes sure that
her clients has medical clearances before they
join her for fitness and exercise training,
because it is very important for a trainer to
know what are the exercise restrictions for a
particular client.
6Thank You