Title: Delayed Nursing Home Placement for Alzheimer
1Delayed Nursing Home Placement for Alzheimers
Nursing-Home Admission of Patients Treated with
Alzheimers Medicine Compared to Untreated
Patients taking Cholinesterase Inhibitors were
2.5 times more likely to progress slowly and had
a lower risk of nursing-home admission after 2
years, after controlling for multiple factors
that can alter the course of the disease
Percent of Patients Placed in a Nursing Home
Note Groups were matched by age, education
level, duration of the symptoms before treatment
initiation, and baseline Mini-Mental State
Examination (MMSE) score. Source O.L. Lopez et
al., Alteration of a Clinically Meaningful
Outcome in the Natural History of Alzheimers
Disease by Cholinesterase Inhibition, Journal of
the American Geriatric Society, 2005.