Title: Difficult to treat asthma
1??T????? ?????S??
?a?as?e?? ?atsa????? ???t??a? ??e?µ???????a? ?at??
?? S???? ?????? G? ???GG???S??S
2??T????? ?????S??
- Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)
- second-hand smoke
- involuntary smoking
- The smoke inhaled by the smoker first, and then
exhaled, is called mainstream smoke. The smoke
that goes directly into the air from the end of a
burning cigarette is called sidestream smoke. ETS
is composed of side-stream smoke from smouldering
cigarettes and from mainstream smoke exhaled by
3??T????? ?????S??- ??S
- ?p?te?e? s?µa?t??? ?a? ap???ta a?a?????sµ???
??p? t?? es?te????? ?????. - 4.000 ??µ???
- 100 t?????
- 50 ?a????????a
- ? ???es? e??? µ? ?ap??st? p?? s?µί???e? µe
?ap??st? e??a? ?s?d??aµ? pe??p?? µe t? 1 t??
???es?? e?e???t???? ?ap??st? 20 ts?????? t??
4??T????? ?????S??-???????
- T? 2004 e?t????a? se pa??t??? ??p??sµa
- 40 t?? pa?d???.
- 33 t?? µ? ?ap??st?? a?t???.
- 35 t?? µ? ?ap??st?? ???a????.
5??T?S? S? ETS S?? ???????
6??T?S? S? ETS S?? ???????
- 17 st?? ????pa??? ???s?
- 60 st?? ????da
- 47 st? ?????a??a
- 41 st? ?????a??a, ??p??
- lt10 st?? ?????a, Ga???a, S???d?a
- S????te?a se -??t?e?
- -?aµ??? e?pa?de?s?
- - e???te?
- - ?????a ??? t?? 54
- - a?t?apas?????µe???
7??T?S? S? ETS S?? S????
8??T?S? S? ETS S?? S????
9??T?S? S? ETS S?? S????
10??T????? ?????S?? ??? ??????
- ???µ??e?? ?at?te??? a?ap?e?st???? (LRI)
- S????? se pa?d?? 0-2 et??
- ί?????t??, ί????????t??, p?e?µ???a
- S????? e?sa????? st? ??s???µe?? ??a LRI
11??T????? ?????S?? ??? ??????
12(No Transcript)
13??T????? ?????S?? ??? ?????? S?µpt?µata
- S????µ??
- ???a?
- ?p???eµ??
- ??sp???a
- ? ??R
- At?p?a
14??T????? ?????S?? ??? ?????? ??S?? ??S?? O??S
- ??e?a µ?s? ?t?t?da
- ?p?t??p?????sa µ?s? ?t?t?da
- S??????? µ?s?? ?t??
15??T????? ?????S?? ??? ?????? S?????? ??F??????
- Kat? t? d????e?a t?? ???s?? ?a? µet?.
- ?a?a??te?? p??sf?s? t?? ???e??d?? st???
ae?a??????, µe ap?t??esµa pe??ss?te?? e???d?t???
ae?a??????, ?d?a?te?a µet? ap? ???es? se
e?e??sµata p?? p???a???? e??tt?s? t?? d?aµ?t???
t???. - ?e??ss?te?a ap????? ep?s?de?a ??????
ap?f?a?t???? t?p?? ?a? p??a??? ?????te?? ??d?
af?p??s?? µet? ta ap????? ep?s?de?a.
16?ST?? ???????S ??????S ??? ??T????? ?????S??
- ??????s? ί???????? ?s?µat??
- ?p?de???s? t?? s?ίa??t?ta? ?a? t?? p?????s?? t??
ί???????? ?s?µat?? - ?e??ss?te?a s?µpt?µata ?a? pa?????se??.
- ??? s?ίa??? pa????sµ?? p?? µp??e? ?a ?d???s???
?a? se ???at?
17???S? ??? ?????S??
- ? ????t??? ep?d?? a???t??? st?? ?????f???a
p?a????ta-µ?t?a? - ? d?af???p???s? eµί??ο??? ?a?d?a??? s????t?ta?
- ? a?t?stas? ?µf???a? a?t???a?
- ?? ??p??sµa s?et??eta? µe
- ? d?ast?se?? a??e??? p?a????ta
- ? a?t?µate? ap?ί????
- ? e?d?µ?t??a a??pt???
- ? ???d???? ??t?p?? ???s?? (d?s?e?a?t?µe???)
- ? ???d??? ap??????s?? p?a????ta
- ?a??ste??µ??? e?d?µ?t??a a??pt???
- ??t?µat? ap?ί??? 1?? t??µ????
- ?µί??ο?? ???s?µ?t?ta
- ????µ? ???? ?µ????
- ???οµ?? t??et??
- ???d??µ?? p?a????ta?
- ?ht eµί????
- ?a?d??? ?s?µa
- ??ata?a??? a??pt???? ??S
18EN???????? ??T?S? S? ????? ?S?G????
- ??t???? ??p??sµa s?et??eta? µe a???µ???
o?e?d?t??? stress st? 3 µ???? ?e???? (Noakes P.
et al, ?horax 2007). - E?d?µ?t??a ???es? se ?ap?? ep?te??e? t??
a??e????? ap????s? se a??e???????a se p??t???a
(Penn A. et al, Env Heal Perc 2007). - ??t???? ??p??sµa (?at? t?? ???s? ?a? st?
s????e?a) s?et??eta? µe wheezing OR1.24
1.1-1.56 ?a? ?s?µa OR1.22 1.04-1.66(Raheri
son C et al, Resp Med 2006). - Guilliand FD, AJRCCM 2003
19?????S?? S??? ???S? ??? ?ST?? S??? ??????? ??????
- ?? ??p??sµa ?at? t?? eµί????? ?????a s?et??eta?
µe ?????te?? ep?pt?s? ?s?µat?? sta pa?d??. - ?????s? 60 µe?et?? a??de??e ?t? ? ???d????
eµf???s?? ?s?µat?? st?? pa?d??? ?????a e??a?
a???µ???? ?ta? ?? ???e?? ?ap??????. Odds Ratio
(OR)a1.21 (95 CI, 1.10-1.34). - ?? ??p??sµa t?? µ?t??a? e??e µe?a??te?? ep?pt?s?
ap? t? ??p??sµa t?? pat??a sta pa?d??.
aThe ratio of the odds of development of disease
in exposed persons to the odds of development of
disease in nonexposed persons. Cook et al.
Thorax. 199752(12)1081-1094 www.worldofstock.co
20?????S?? S??? ???S? ??? ?ST?? S??? ??????? ??????
- ? ???es? se ?ap?? ts?????? p??? ?a? µet? t?
?????s? s?et??eta? µe a???µ??? ???d??? ?s?µat??.
?O??S ??T?S? S? ?????
??T?S? S? ????? ??GO ??????S
Odds Ratio (95 CI)a
???? ?? G????S?
???? ?? G????S?
???? ??? ???? ?? G????S?
Adjusted for sex, age, educational level, active
smoking in terms of both smoking habits and
pack/years, occupational exposure, and hay fever.
In addition, when estimating the ORs for the 3
maternal smoking variables, adjustment was made
for exposure to smoking from other household
members. Skorge et al. Am J Resp Crit Care Med.
21??T????? ?????S?? ??? ??????
- ????? a??? stat?st??? s?µa?t??? ep?d?as? st??
a??pt??? t?? p?e?µ??a, ?p?? a?t? e?f???eta? ap?
t??? sp???µet?????? de??te? FEV1, FVC, MEFR. - ???a??sµ?? ???OS
- ??e??sµ?? ?p?d?????
- ??d?µa ί?e????????
- ?ί?e??????ss?t? ???a?s?
- ?pe?t??f?a ?a????e?d?? ??tt????
- ?pe??????s? ί????a?
- ?pe?p?as?a ade??e?d?? e?ί?ast?se??
- F?e?µ??? ί???????? ί?e????????
- ?p?ί??d??s? t?? a??pt???? t?? p?e?µ??a ?at? t?
?????s? - ?????OS
- - ?p?ί??d??s? eµί?????? a??pt????
22S??????? ??F?????? T?????? ?O? ???FO?- SUDDEN
- ??s?e?a?t?µe?? s?s??t?s? µeta?? ?ap??sµat?? t??
µ?t??a? ?a? ίef???? ?a??t??, t?s? ?at? t?
d????e?a t?? ???s??, ?s? ?a? µet? t?? t??et?. - ?a? µ??? µet? t?? t??et? ?? ???d??? ??a SIDS.
- t? ??p??sµa µ??? t?? pat??a ????d??? ??a SIDS.
23?????S?? ??? ???S?
- ? ????t??? e??a? ??p?d?a??t? ?a? d?a??eta? e????a
µ?s? t?? ί????????? µeµί?a???. - ?at? t? d????e?a t?? ???s?? µetaf??eta? µ?s? t??
p?a????ta ?a? e?ap?t??eta? st??? eµί??????
?st???. - ?? ep?pt?se?? t?? ????t???? st?? ???s? ?fe????ta?
?????? sta pa?a??t? - - a??e??d?asta?t???? ?d??t?t?? t?? ????t????
- - ? ep?peda ?ate???aµ???? ?a?
?a?ί???a?µ?-sfa?????? eµί????. - - ? ?a?d?a?? s????t?ta ?a? a?t???a?? p?es?
24??????? ????????S S?? ??????? ?G??
- ? ???es? st? ????t??? µp??e? ?a µet???e? ?µµesa
µe t? µ?t??s? t?? ??t??????. - ? ??t????? e??a? ?a??te??? de??t?? ???es?? st??
?ap?? ap ?t? ? ????t???. - ? ??t????? e?ap?t??eta? ?d? ap? t?? 7? eίd?µ?da
st?? ?????f?-??a t?? eµί????. - ?p???e? ??aµµ??? s????t?s? µeta?? t?? ep?p?d??
??t?????? t?? µ?t??a? ?a? t?? eµί????.
Jauniaux et al. Obstet Gynecol. 199993(1)25-29
25? ??????S? ??S ????????S S??? ???????? ?????F????
- ? a?µat??? ??? p?a????ta-µ?t?a?.
- ?a?t?stas? st?? a?µat??? ??? µ?s?? e??efa?????.
- ? d?af???p???s? eµί??ο??? ?a?d?a??? s????t?ta?
?µί????? ?????f???a (Directional Color Doppler)
Oncken et al. Obstet Gynecol 200299751-755.
Albuquerque et al. Early Hum Dev. 20048031-42.
26? ??????S? ??? ?????S????S S??? ?????F???? ???
?????? ???S??????? ???? ???????S ?????S Notch
Umbilical S/D (Median)a
?? ?????S??S
??? ?????S??S
aS/Dsystolic/diastolic ratio, the ratio of
time-averaged maximal systolic and diastolic
blood flow velocities. Albuquerque et al. Early
Hum Dev. 20048031-42.
Number of Patients
?? ?????S??S
??? ?????S??S
27????G????????S ????????S S??????????S ?? ?? ???S?
- ?p??????s? p?a????ta
- ?a??ste??µ??? e?d?µ?t??a a??pt???
- ??t?µat? ap?ί??? 1?? t??µ????
- ?µί??ο?? ???s?µ?t?ta
- ????µ? ???? ?µ????
- ???οµ?? t??et??
- ???d??µ?? p?a????ta?
- ?ht eµί????
- ?a?d??? ?s?µa
- ??ata?a??? a??pt???? ??S (e??efa???? ?e?t?????a,
s?µpe??f???, ???s?)
Andres et al. Semin Neonatol. 20005231-241
Cnattingius. Nicotine Tob Res. 20046(suppl
28????????S? ?????????
- ????µ? ap??????s? f?s???????? eµf?teµ????
p?a????ta p??? t?? t??et?. - 0.8-1.0 t?? ???se??.
- ????t??? epape??e? t?? ??? eµί????-µ?t??a?.
- ?p??e? ?a ?d???se? se p???µ? t??et?, µe ί?a?? ?a?
µa????????e? s???pe?e?.
FBfetal body Blbladder FHfetal head Health
Education Assets Library. http//www.healcentral.o
rg/healapp/showMetadata?metadataId217. Accessed
October 19, 2007 Cunningham et al. In Williams
Obstetrics. 19th ed. 1993819-851 Ananth et al.
Obstet Gynecol. 199993622-628.
29?????S?? ??? ????????S? ?????????
?? ?ap??st??e? ????? d?p??s?? ???d??? ??a
ap??????s? p?a????ta
S?et???? ???d???? OR
??? ?????S??S
?? ?????S??S
????????S? ?????????
Ananth et al. Am J Epidemiol. 1996144(9)881-889.
30?????S?? ??? ????????S? ????????? S?S????S? ??
??S????? ??????
Odds Ratio (95 CI)a
?? ?????S??S b
?S?G??? / ???????? ?????S??S
Cnattingius. Am J Epidemiol. 1997145(4)319-323.
31?????S?? ??? ????????S? ?????????
15- 25 t?? ap??????se?? t?? p?a????ta ?a
e??a? ap?fe???e? e?? ?? ???a??e? d????pta? t?
??p??sµa ?at? t? d????e?a t?? ???s??.
???????????S S?? ?????S??
????????S? ?????????
Ananth et al. Obstet Gynecol. 199993622-628.
32?????S?? ??? ???????? ??????? 1?? ????????
- 9 t?? a?t?µat?? ap?ί???? µp??e? ?a ap?d????? st?
P for trend lt.001
Odds Ratio (95 CI)a
?S?G??? / ????? T? 1? ??????? ??S ???S?S
Logistic regression estimates include the
following covariates center, age, marital
status, maternal family history of spontaneous
abortion, education, history of miscarriages,
nausea, and alcohol and coffee intake in the
first trimester of pregnancy. Chatenoud et al.
Ann Epidemiol. 19988(8)520-526.
33??????S? ??? ?????S????S S??? ?????????
Cigarette smoking during pregnancy
Reduced dimensions of the fetal capillaries in
Modify placental blood flow
Diminish the area for exchange of gasses and
nutrients between the mother and the fetus
Reduction in birth weight of infants delivered by
smoking mothers
Adapted from Larsen et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol.
34??????S? ??? ?????S????S S??? ???????? ????????
- ??s?e?a?t?µe?? s??s? µeta?? µ?t????? ?ap??sµat??
?a? ?aµ???? ί????? eµί???? ??a t?? ?????a t??.
Odds Ratio (95 CI)a
?? ?????S??S
?10 ?S?G??? / ?????
??? ?????S??S
Cnattingius. Am J Epidemiol. 1997145(4)319-323.
35???????S ??????S ???S? ??? ?????S??
- ?? ??p??sµa a????e? s?µa?t??? t? ???d???
??t?p?? ???s?? d?s?e?a?t?µe?a
Odds Ratio (95 CI)a
?? ?????S??S
??O?? ?????S??S
??? ?????S??S (?S?G??? / ?????)
Adjusted for age (the category 25-29 years was
taken as the reference because this corresponds
to the mean age for delivery in France at the
time of the study). bP for trend .001.Bouyer.
Am J Epidemiol. 2003157(3)185-194.
36????G????S ???????? G?? ?????? ???S?
???????????S ???????S
- ? ep?d?as? t?? ?ap??sµat?? st? ??t?p?
???s? ?p?t?µ?ta? e?? e??a? a?????? t?? ???µ??e??.
??p??sµa 35
???µ??e??, ?e??????e?? 33
???a 32
Bouyer. Am J Epidemiol. 2003157(3)185-194.
37?????S?? ??? ???????S ????????? T??????
?? ??p??sµa s?et??eta? µe a???µ??? ???d???
eµί??ο??? ?a??t??
Relative Risk (95 CI)
?? ?????S????S
??? ?????S??S
Yuan et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005193489-495.
38??OΟ?? ???? ????O? (PPROM) ??? ?????S??
Rate of PPROM (per 1000)
?? ?????S??S
?S?G??? / ????? ??? ?????S??S
Kyrklund-Blomberg et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol.
39??OΟ?? ???? ????O? (PROM)
- 5 -15 ???? t?? ???se??
- ????µ? (lt37 w.) ???? ?µ???? (PPROM) p????pte? se
0.7-2.0 ???? t?? ???se?? - PPROM ap?d?deta? t? 30 ???? t?? p???µ?? ???se??
Andres et al. Semin Neonatol. 20005231-241
Accessed October 12, 2007.
40?????S?? ??? ??Oο??S ??????S (lt32 ????????)
Odds Ratio (95 CI)a
?? ?????S??S
?S?G??? / ????? ??? ?????S??S
Adjusted for maternal age, marital status,
educational level, employment, prepregnancy body
mass index, previous induced or spontaneous
abortion, and parity. Burguet et al. Br J Obstet
Gynaecol. 2004111258-265.
41????????S ?????????S
- 0.3 -0.5 t?? ???se??
- ???d?a?es???? pa?????te?
- ???????µe?? ?a?sa????
- ??t??s?
- ?e??????e?? ???????
- ??p??sµa
- ? ?????a
- ????t??e?
- ???s? ???a????
- ????d?µ? ???s?
Low lying
Oyelese et al. Obstet Gynecol. 2006107(4)927-941
42????????S ?????????S ??? ?????S????S??????O????
Incidence per 1000 Births
G??????S ?????S????S ?1 pa??t?/?µ??a
G??????S ?????S????S lt1 pa??t?/?µ??a
?? ?????S??S
?S?G??? / ????? ???
Meyer et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol.
43??????S? ??? ?????S????S S??? ??????????? ???
?ht eµί??? p??a?? ?a ?fe??eta? st? ?????a
Ht ()
?? ?????S????S
??? ?????S????S (packyears)
??? ?????S????S (??????? ????????S)
Bush et al. Placenta. 200021824-833.
44??????? ?????S????S S? G????S
- ? ???es? st?? ?ap?? t?? ts?????? µet? t? ?????s?
e???e? S??????S, ??????? ???????O?????S ???d?????
??a t? ?e????, ί??f?? ?a? pa?d?, a?t?st?????? µe
a?t??? t?? ???es?? t?? eµί???? ?ap??st??a?
µ?t??a? st? d????e?a t?? ???s??. - ?? ??p??sµa t?? ?????? ap?te?e? p??t?p? ??a
??a??? ?ap??sµat?? sta pa?d??, s???e???µ??a
d?p?as???e? t?? ???d??? t?? ?ap??st???? s????e?a?
sta pa?d??. - ?? 1/3 pe??p?? t?? pa?d??? p?? ?ap?????? µp??e?
?a aap?d??e? st?? ?ap??st??? s????e?a t?? ??????.
45??T????? ?????S?? ??? ???????G???S ???S?
- Ca p?e?µ???? (a???s? ???d???? ?at? 20-3-)
- t? 1/3 t?? ?a?????? se µ? ?ap??st?? ap?d?deta?
se pa??t??? ??p??sµa. - Ca pa?a??????? ???p??
- Ca t?a????? µ?t?a? (?)
- ?e??a?µ?a (?)
- Ca µast?? (?)
- Ca e??ef???? sta pa?d?? (?)
46??T????? ?????S?? ??? ???????S ???G???? ?ST??
- ?p?de???s? ί???????? ?s?µat??
- ??????s? pa?????se??.
- ?a?????ta? ???d???? ??a ft??? p?????s? ?a? ?a??
??e??? t?? s?µpt?µ?t??. - ?? pa??t??? ??p??sµa ep?de????e? t? ?s?µa t??
e??????? ?at? 20
47??T????? ?????S?? ??? ???????S
- ??e??sµ? sta µ?t?a 20
- ???a 21
- ?a?t?a 8
- ?efa?a???a 6
48(No Transcript)
- ETS aggravates asthma in childhood
- Asthmatic children whose mothers smoke have more
severe cases of asthma compared with those whose
mothers dont smoke - Prenatal smoking is causally associated with
increased prevalence of asthma in children
Chan-Yeung et al. Respirology. 20038131-139
Courtesy of Getty Images. http//delivery.gettyima
Accessed October 12, 2007.
- Analysis of 60 studies revealed that the risk of
asthma in school- aged children is increased if
either parent smokes Odds Ratio (OR)a1.21 (95
CI, 1.10-1.34) - Maternal smoking did have a greater effect than
paternal smoking, yet the effect of the father
only was clearly significant - Results suggest postnatal effect is also important
aThe ratio of the odds of development of disease
in exposed persons to the odds of development of
disease in nonexposed persons. Cook et al.
Thorax. 199752(12)1081-1094 www.worldofstock.co
m/closeups/PHE1195.php. Accessed October 12, 2007.
- Exposure to pre- and postnatal smoking carries a
substantial risk for developing adult asthma
No exposure to maternal smoking
Exposure to maternal smoking
Odds Ratio (95 CI)a
Pre- and Postnatal
aThe ratio of the odds of development of disease
in exposed persons to the odds of development of
disease in nonexposed persons. Adjusted for sex,
age, educational level, active smoking in terms
of both smoking habits and pack/years,
occupational exposure, and hay fever. In
addition, when estimating the ORs for the 3
maternal smoking variables, adjustment was made
for exposure to smoking from other household
members. Skorge et al. Am J Resp Crit Care Med.
52E?????S??S ETS S?? ??????GG?????
- Effects of environmental tobacco smoke
- ? risk of heart disease
- ? platelet and endothelial function
- ? arterial stiffness
- ? atherosclerosis
- ? oxidative stress
- ? inflammation
- ? heart rate variability
- ? energy metabolism
- ? infarct size
American Heart Association. Scientific Position,
Risk Factors and Coronary Heart Disease, 2005.
http//americanheart.org. Accessed February 2007
Barnoya et al. Circulation. 2005 1112684-2698
?id3383715. Accessed October 11, 2007.
53??S ??? ???????S ???
- Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke increased
the risk of non-fatal acute MI in a graded manner
Odds Ratio (95 CI)a
Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure (Hours per
aThe ratio of the odds of development of disease
in exposed persons to the odds of development of
disease in nonexposed persons. Adjusted for age,
sex, region, physical activity, and consumption
of fruits, vegetables, and alcohol. Adapted from
Teo et al. Lancet. 2006368647-658.
54??T????? ?????S??-???????
- ???e ????? p??? ap? 600.000 (!) µ? ?ap??st??
pe?a????? ???? pa??t???? ?ap??sµat??.
55600.000 (!) T?????? ???S?OS ??? ??T????? ?????S??
- ?? ???at?? ap? pa??t??? ??p??sµa e??a?
pe??ss?te??? st?? ???a??e? ap?t? st??? ??t?e?. - ?e??p?? µ?s?? ap? a?t??? t??? ?a??t??? (47 ?
281.000) af????? ???a??e?. - 166.000 ???at?? (28) af????? pa?d?? µ????te?a
ap? 5 et??.
56600.000 (!) T?????? ???S?OS ??? ??T????? ?????S??
- 379.000 ???at?? ap? S?.
- 165.000 ???at?? ap? ???µ??e?? ?at?te???
a?ap?e?st????. - 63.900 ???at?? ap? ?s?µa.
- 21.400 ???at?? ap? ?a????? p?e?µ????.
57DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) KAI
??T????? ?????S??
- 10.9 e?at?µ???a DALYs ?a???a? ???? pa??t????
???es?? - se ?ap??.
- DALYs af????? ap??e?e? ???? as???e?a?, a?ap???a?
? ???at?. - 61 t?? DALYS af????? pa?d?? ???? ???µ??e?? t??
?at?te??? a?ap?e?st???? (5.939.000) ?a? ?s?µat??
58??T????? ?????S?? DALYs
59?????G???S ?????S??
- ?e? ?p???e? asfa??? ???? ???es?? st? pa??t???
??p??sµa. - ?? pa??t??? ??p??sµa s??t??e? p??? ap? 600.000
a????p??? et?s???. - ?a???sµ??? ta pa?d?? e?te????ta? pe??ss?te?? st?
pa??t??? ??p??sµa ap? ?p??ad?p?te ???? ?????a??
?µ?da. - ?? ???at?? ?a? ? ??s???t?ta ???? pa??t????
?ap??sµat?? e??a? pe??ss?te??? st?? ???a??e? ?a?
ta pa?d??. - ?? ??ίe???se?? ?a p??pe? ?a p??state?s??? t???
p???te? ap? t??? ???d????? t?? pa??t????
?ap??sµat?? µe t? ??sp?s? ??µ?? apa???e?s?? t??
?ap??sµat?? st??? ?????? e??as?a? ?a? st???
d?µ?s???? ??????.
- ?? pa??t??? ??p??sµa ί??pte? s?ίa?? t??
??e?a. - ?a???a? p??pe? ?a e?t??eta? se pa??t???
??p??sµa µ??? µe d??? t?? ί????s?.
63(No Transcript)
64Sa? e??a??st? ??a t?? p??s??? sa?
65(No Transcript)
66- ETS is risk factor for
- lung cancer
- asthma attacks
- worsening symptoms of bronchitis
- recurrent respiratory illnesses
- ETS can also cause
- shortness of breath
- airway irritation
- coughing