Title: Ling 001: Syntax II
1Ling 001 Syntax II
- Movement Constraints
- 2-11-2009
- In the last lecture, we talked about simple
phrases e.g. Noun Phrases like
- The dog
- The big dog
- The big dog that John was talking to
- In this lecture, we will look at how phrases and
larger objects are derived by rules, and how
phrases can be moved from one position to
another - How structures and meanings (including ambiguity)
are mediated by syntax, particularly those
hidden structures that we dont see or hear but
actually use - John is easy to please vs. John is eager to
- Some basic rules and two case studies of hidden
structures that combine linguistics with
3Notations Noun Phrase Example
- Lets talk about Noun Phrases (NPs) to begin
with. These have (among other properties) the
- The optional presence of an determiner (the,
a, etc.)
- The optional presence of more than one adjective
- We can write a rule that generates NPs in the
following way
- NP -- (determiner) AP N
- This means that a noun phrase consists of
minimally a head N it also can have
- -an optional determiner (parentheses)
- -any number of Adjective Phrases (AP),
including zero
- From this rule, and rules that say N--cat,, A
-- big, furry, irritable, we can generate a
number of phrases
- From N -- (det) AP N
- NP
- det AP AP N
- A A
- the big furry cat
5Adjuncts (are optional)
- We also need a way of adding adjoined phrases
like in the cat in the hat.
- The PP here is adjoined, to modify the meanings
of the NP. The object that it is attached to is
still an NP.
- The rule that we can talk about is like this
- NP -- NP PP (the cat in the hat)
- There are other options for this, but this will
generate the right structure, along with one more
- PP -- P NP (in the hat)
6Verb Phrases
- We will also need rules to derive VPs
- Consider
- VP -- V NP
- This says that a VP consists of a V and an NP
- This will define our set of transitive verbs
those that have objects (more on this in a few
- To be explicit, we could indicate this as
- VP -- V-trans NP
- Where
- V-trans -- kick, hit, kill, .
- We want to exclude Vs like sleep, arrive, etc.
from this context
7More Verb Phrases
- We can also have a PP adjunct to a verb phrase
often these specify how the action was performed,
where it was performed, etc.
- Mary fixed the car with a wrench
- John kicked the ball in the garden
- A rule like the one that we employed above will
work here
- VP -- VP PP
- VP-- V NP, NP-NP PP, VP-VP PP this is getting
8(Structural) Ambiguities
- Notice that both NPs and VPs can have PPs
attached to them
- In some cases, this results in what is called a
structural ambiguity one string has more than
one structure associated with it, and means
different things depending on what the structure
is - Example I shot an elephant in my pajamas.(How
did it get in there I dont know).
- Reading 1 I shot an elephant while wearing my
- Reading 2 The elephant I shot wore my pajamas
for some reason.
9More ambiguity
- Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant
- Stolen Painting Found by Tree
- Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
- Obesity Study Looks for Larger Test Groups
- British Left Waffles on Falkland Islands
- Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges
- Hospitals Sued by 7 Foot Doctors
- Bush Wins on Nomination, but More Lies Ahead
10Analysis Recall un-lock-able
- We can understand these ambiguities in terms of
our rules above. The ambiguity depends on
whether the VP is modified by the PP (reading2)
or the NP is so modified (reading 1)
11Sentences, etc.
- In order to generate sentences, we need
additional rules
- For instance, where S is for sentence
- S -- NP VP
- When we add rules for distinguishing transitives
from intransitives, etc., we can derive a wide
range of sentence types
- 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
- Did grye and gimble in the wabe
- And mimsy were the borogoves,
- And the moeme raths outgrabe.
- What is/are toves? wabe?
- gimble cannot mean something like like. Its
syntax is intransitive, so it must involve only
one argument
13Arguments, etc.
- In some sense, many things that happen in a
sentence depend on what the verb in the sentence
- Transitive verb kick
- Two arguments of kick, like f(x,y)
- Intransitive verb sleep
- One argument, like f(x)
- In order to be more precise about this, we need
to distinguish grammatical (syntactic) position
from semantic role
14Roles and Positions
- Consider a transitive verb like kick
- This has two arguments
- The arguments are
- The agent (the kicker)
- The patient (the thing kicked)
- In active sentences in English
- The agent is the subject
- The patient is the object
15Verbs and Arguments Introducing Movement
- Verbs are looking for their arguments in
particular positions remember the rule we
formulated above
- Patients appear in object position (inside the
- What about the passive? Here is where the
process of movement is important
- We can start with the VP kick the ball.
- Then the object of the verb kick is moved to
subject position as part of the passive rule
- It is still interpreted as the Patient, because
that is where it starts
- In order to be interpreted as a patient, the NP
has to have some relationship to the position
where it came from this is why traces are
important - The ball was kicked _____
16Other cases of movement
- The same principle applies in other areas as
well whenever an element appears in a position
that is NOT where it is interpreted meaning-wise
- Questions
- John ate the apples.
- What did John eat ____
- Relative clauses
- John was talking to Mary.
- The woman who John was talking to _____
- Topicalization
- John likes these apples.
- These apples John likes _____.
17A brief look at some other languages
- English I always DO my homework.
- I AM always late
- Note the difference between different kinds of
18Old(er) English
19Shakespeare English/French
- Basic Pattern In French and Old English, the
finite verb appears before adverbs and negation
- In Shakespeare/French the verb also moves in
- In Modern English only the auxiliary does so
- E.g., Do you always read the books?
20Rules transformations
- In all languages S-NP VP, VP- (Adv) VP
- VP-V NP, or
21What does the verb go?
- In French/Old English, it moves to a position
above the adverb but after the subject
- This is the position called TENSE, where tense
like present/past is represented
- E.g., We like exams. We DO like exams. We DID
like exams
- Revise the rules S? NP TP, TP-Tense VP
22Transformations across languages
- French/OE main verb moves to the Tense position
- English main verb stays put. If TENSE needs to
be filled, we put an auxiliary there
- I DID like exams.
- In Shakespeare/French, the main verb moves to the
beginning of sentence to form questions
- In Modern English, the main verb stays and the
auxiliary verb moves to the beginning
23French/Old English vs. English
24Constraints on Movements
- Much like syntactic rules, which dont just
combine anything and everything, movement is also
restricted some of these traffic laws are
quite bizarre - Recall the auxiliary movement rule (last lecture)
in English questions no movement of the first
- I shot an elephant in my pajamas.
- Two readings
- What (clothes) did I shoot an elephant in?
- How many readings?
25Of Elephants and Pajamas
There are structures out of which movement is not
possible. And this is quite general across sente
nces and languages
26Impossible movements, PossibleMeanings
27A-over-A Principle, or No Grandparent Left Behind
- In general, a small NP cannot move out of a large
28Even young children know this
- Three year olds saw a play.
- A dog broke a leg.
- A little girl fixed it up with a bandage
- What did she fix the puppy with ___?
- Reality gives two answers, but constraint on
movement makes only one possible--and thats how
children answered.
29Another psychological dimension
- To this point, the discussion of traces has been
motivated by considerations of how verbs find
their arguments
- A substantial research program in linguistic
theory asks further questions for other cases
that look like movement
- For an additional illustration, we will consider
here some psycholinguistic evidence about how
traces are processed online by hearers
30Chains of Fillers and Gaps aka moved elements and
- The idea above is that the who functions as a
kind of place-holder
- The man who John was talking to ___ left.
- In this particular case, the idea is that the
who, which is associated with the man, must be
understood as the object of talking to
- Another way of investigating this hypothesis
involves priming in the following slides, I
summarize an experiment by Swinney et al. (1988)
31Background Lexical Access
- When we hear the sound form of a word like cat
(or see it represented in spelling) we activate
this lexical item (word) this is called Lexical
Access - A number of factors determine how quickly Lexical
Access will occur for any particular word
- Length
- Frequency of the word
- Etc.
- One factor that influences lexical access is
called Priming
- Priming is the facilitation of lexical access--
under certain circumstances, accessing a word is
faster than it is in others
- Example consider lexical access for word 2
- Word 1 Word 2
- Situation 1 cat dog
- Situation 2 hat dog
- In situation 1, access of dog is speeded up
because semantically-related cat is processed
first (we could say that cat primes the access of
33Back to traces
- What does priming have to do with traces?
Consider the following example
- The policeman saw the boy who the crowd accused
_____ of the crime
- In this example, the NP the boy is understood as
the object of accused
- This is because of movement in the relative
clause, where who moves to the front and leaves a
34An Experiment Predictions
- Predictions of the model with traces
- Meaning of boy should be active when it is first
- This activation should decline over the following
part of the sentence
- The item boy should be re-activated at the
position of the trace, because that is where it
is understood
- Activation of boy
- Active
- The policeman saw the boy who the crowd at
- Declining--- REACTIVATED
- the party accused trace of the crime
- The experiment uses
- A design in which subjects are listening to
sentences like the one above
- At the point of the trace, the subjects are
presented with a word visually, which they have
to pronounce aloud this is enough to see if
there is priming or not - Situation 1 Basic Result
- The word girl is presented at the position of the
- Boy and girl show a priming effect independently
because they are related
- Result Data showed facilitated access for girl,
indicating re-activation of boy at the trace
- Situation 2 In order to confirm the above
- Other nouns in the sentence (policeman, crowd)
were tested at the trace position
- The results showed that these nouns were not
activated at the trace position
- Movement is required for cases in which
constituents appear in positions that they are
not normally associated with
- The theory posits that movement leaves a trace in
the original position, an object that relates to
the moved element
- Substantial research questions concern what moves
where, how far, etc.
- Some experimental results suggest reactivation of
moved elements at trace positions
- Syntax is the codebook that translates meanings
into structures and then backwards