Title: Indiana Navigates the
1Indiana Navigates the Wet Weather
Waters Implications of SEA 620
CSO Partnership/AMSA Workshop Chicago, Illinois
Art K. Umble, PhD, PE, DEE City of Elkhart,
April 11, 2005
Overview of SEA 620s origin
Building a coalition of key stakeholders
Comparing the merits of SEA 431 and SEA 620
How does the permit holder apply SEA 620?
3SB 620 where are its origins?
Cost-effective Controls
Standard Narrative Numeric
Sensitive Areas
Recreational Designated Use
Priority Areas
discharges are in violation
of the standard
Existing Use
Implement LTCP
Downstream Impacts
Temporary Suspension of Designated
Recreational Use Standard
Develop LTCP
4SB 620 Who are the key stakeholders?
5SEA 431
SEA 620
In Compliance with ALL permit obligations
- IDEM MAY adopt rules to amend WQS
- to incorporate Temporary Suspension
IDEM SHALL adopt rules to amend WQS to implement
Subcategory by October 1, 2006
IDEM SHALL seek timely approval from EPA
IDEM SHALL revise guidance by September 1, 2005
6SEA 431
SEA 620
In Compliance with ALL permit obligations
- IDEM MAY adopt rules to amend WQS
- to incorporate Temporary Suspension
7SEA 431 SEA
When variance is for CSO ? LTCP has been
prepared ? NMCs have been implemented
8SEA 620 in application
9SEA 620 in application
10SEA 620 in application
Wet Weather CSO Limited Use Subcategory
11SEA 620 in application
Wet Weather CSO Limited Use Subcategory
- SEA 620 congruent with Water Quality
- goals outlined in CSO policy
- Stakeholder coalition confirms
- the common sense approach
- Provides for implementation of
- LTCP for durations in excess of
- NPDES permit terms
- Promotes the use of the NPDES permit
- as the legally enforceable mechanism
- Promotes the cost-effective controls
- by consideration of ultimate affordability
- Establishes accountability through
- mandated periodic reviews updates
- Adds flexibility for permit holders by
- providing options for LTCP development,
- approval and implementation processes
- Delegates existing use and sensitive
- areas issues to Guidance