Title: I. Jeffrey Sachs: Eliminating Global Poverty in Our Lifetime
1I. Jeffrey Sachs Eliminating Global Poverty in
Our Lifetime II. The Geography of Poverty III. T
he World Banks World Development Report Per
Capita Income and Country Categories
IV. The UNDPs Human Development Report HDI
Positives and Negatives
2Bonos Forward Sachs A Global Family Portrait
Malawi Bangladesh India China
3Source World Development Report 2005, Human
Development Report 2005
4- Three Concepts of Poverty
- Absolute
- Moderate
- Relative
5- The Geography of Poverty
- Where is the largest number of people in
absolute poverty?
- What region has made the greatest strides in
reducing absolute poverty in the past 20 years?
6- The Geography of Poverty
- In which region is the absolute poverty rate the
highest? Lowest?
- In which two regions is absolute poverty
7- Why does Sachs think that poverty can be
eliminated in a single generation?
- Two questions
- Can the world do more?
- Is money the only obstacle?
8- Vocabularies of Development
- Backward vs. advanced nations
- Developing or underdeveloped countries
- First, second and third worlds
- North vs. South
- World Bank Low Income, Middle Income, High
Income countries
9Source World Development Report, 2005
Note these figures mask major variation within
categories Cutoffs Low-income 825 per capita i
ncome or less Middle-income 826-10,065 Hig
h-income 10,066 or more Question why is per-ca
pita income a problematic way of measuring
development? (remember virtual tour question)
10- An Alternative Measure of Development The Human
Development Index
- income
- literacy
- life expectancy
2005 Ranking Norway is 1, US is 10
11Per Capita Income Rank minus HDI Rank equals
How are these discrepancies to be explained?
12Source Human Development Report 2005
13(No Transcript)
14Recall what makes Kerala special
What general conclusions can we draw from this
and previous slides about the bases of human
15- The richest 20 receive 75 of the worlds
- The poorest 40 receive 5 of the worlds income
- If the world were a country, the median income
would be 1700 and the average income would be
5533 (in purchasing power parity)
- According to the UNDP, convergence is slowing
and may be reversed.