Title: Humanities RQF Trial Results
1Humanities RQF Trial Results RQF Groups
September 2007
2RQF Trial Results
3RQF Trial Divisional Results
4Humanities RQF Plan
Contemporary Music Studies ? Anthropology/Cultural
Practice group
5Group Leaders(Preparation of Evidence
Portfolio for RQF Submission)
- Ancient History Group
- Assoc. Prof. Tom Hillard
- Dr. Trevor Evans
- Modern History and Politics Group
- Prof. Angela Woollacott
- Prof. Murray Goot
- English and European Literatures Group
- Prof. John Stephens
- Assoc. Prof. Martina Möllering
6RQF Submission
Home Panels (13) Panel 9 Social Sciences
and Politics Panel 12 Humanities Panel 13
Creative Arts, Design, and Built
Environment Evidence Portfolio 1. Group
identification 2. Context Statement 3. Details of
each researcher 4. Statement of Claims for
Impact 5. Metrics (journal rankings)
7Evidence Portfolio
- Group identification
- Name of Group
- RFCD codes (up to 3) and SEO codes
- Home Panel and any cross-disciplinary Panel
8Evidence Portfolio
- 2. Context Statement
- Statement of history, strategic focus, and
research objectives of the Group - Summary of main achievements of the Group
- Extent of Cohesion and Collaboration within the
Group - Collaborative research within the Institution
(i.e. University) and/or elsewhere (Australia
and overseas) - Support for ECRs and HDR students
- Esteem factors
- Comment on difficulties overcome
- Funding income
9Evidence Portfolio
- 3. Details of each researcher
- Four Best
- Body of Work (all publications)
- (i.e. a revised version of information prepared
for the RQF Trial, - using feedback from comments)
10Evidence Portfolio
- 4. Statement of Claims for Impact
- Engagement with end-users (including academic
discipline) - Uptake of research (e.g. public policy)
- Extent to which research has produced social,
economic, environmental, cultural benefits
- 5. Metrics
- (journal rankings)