Title: Evaluate
1EvaluateQualitative Methods
- A little out of sequence due to scheduling
- Will get more implementation over next two weeks
- Imagine youve implemented your application
- These are techniques you will need to design user
study (end of project)
3Methods for evaluating system
- Qualitative
- Rich, subjective
- Exploratoring concepts
- More useful for earlier input
- Quantitative
- Precise, objective, repeatable
- Demonstrating claims
- More useful at documenting improvement
- Can be expensive
4For your project
- Will require aspects of both qualitative and
quantitative methods - Qualitative
- How users react to project, perceptions?
- Quantitative
- How users perform on project?
- What would you improve on next iteration?
- Perhaps users perceptions of performance more
important than actual values - Elevator waiting story
5Design evaluation methods!
- Most important aspect of evaluation is upfront
design! - Expensive to line up users, collect data
- Design to collect right information
- Pick appropriate method for what you want to
6Applying an evaluation method
- Determine the activity to observe
- Develop the method
- Human subjects review approval
- Pilot test the method
- Recruit participants
- Collect the data
- Inspect analyze the data
- Draw conclusions to resolve design problems,
reflect on what you learned - Redesign and implement the revised interface
7Demographic information
- Demographic data
- Age, gender, culture
- Task expertise, experience
- Motivation
- Frequency of use
- Education, literacy, training
- No matter what method, collect demographic data
8Environmental information
- Besides info on the user, may also need info on
the operating environment - Windows, Mac, Linux?
- Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari?
- Wired ethernet, wireless, modem
- Morning, afternoon, night
- Office, mobile, home
9Qualitative methods
- Discount usability methods
- Hueristic Evaluation
- Cognitive Walkthrough
- Questionnaire / Survey
- Think aloud protocol
- Co-discovery
- Semi-structured interview
- Deploy and observe in use
10Discount usability methods
- Enable evaluation at early stage, before
prototype implemented - Conducted quickly, inexpensively
- Early evaluation investment saves downstream
development costs - Hueristic evaluation
- Cognitive walkthrough
11Heuristic Evaluation
- Fancy way to describe expert review
- HCI expert
- Domain expert
- Expert review identifies usability issues before
implementation - Our grades on your homework are form of heuristic
12Evaluation hueristics
- Visibility of system status
- Match between system and the real world
- User control and freedom
- Consistency and standards
- Error prevention
- Recognition rather than recall
- Flexibility and efficiency of use
- Aesthetic and minimalist design
- Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from
errors - Help and documentation
13Heuristic evaluation method
- Multiple experts individually review (around 5
experts get 75 problems) - Observer records issues, answers questions, gives
hints - Conduct using low fidelity prototype or task
analysis with storyboards and scenarios - Generate list of usability problems according to
hueristic compromised
14Hueristic Evaluation analysis
- After created list of problems
- Rank severity
- Estimate fixability
- Suggest possible fixes
- Analysis may involve larger team
15Hueristic Evaluation as rigorous design review
- You can make a living out of doing Hueristic
Evaluation - Substantial consulting market for conducting
Heuristic Evaluation - You may pay a consultant to do a Heuristic
Evaluation - Know what youre paying for
- Especially the Severity, Fixability, Potential
Fix aspects
16Learning more about Hueristic Evaluation
- You can learn to do a Hueristic Evaluation
- http//www.useit.com/papers/heuristic/
17Cognitive Walkthrough
- Have user imagine walking through the process of
using system - Can use low-fidelity prototyping, partially
implemented prototype - Can use target user rather than expert
- Pluralistic walkthrough uses experts, users,
developers - Like a code walkthrough
C. Wharton et. al. "The cognitive walkthrough
method a practitioner's guide" in J. Nielsen
R. Mack "Usability Inspection Methods" pp.
18Walkthrough procedure
- Give user representation of interface and task
- Can they discover how to accomplish goal with
description of interface? - Can ask From here, how would you like to
accomplish? - Step through interface
- User takes action, system provides response
- Describe actions not depicted in interface
representation - Somewhat like Wizard of Oz
19Stepping through interface
- Will user try to achieve the right goal?
- Conceptual model of goals and tasks
- Will user notice correct action is available?
- Visibility
- Understandability
- Will user associate correct action with the goal
to be achieved? - Aligning goals with sequence of actions
- If correct action performed, will user see
progress toward solution? - Feedback
20Next assignment
- Testing storyboard with one user
- Effectively, this is a cognitive walkthrough
- Create storyboard
- Define task
- Step through with one user
21Questionnaires surveys
- User responses to specific questions
- Preparation is expensive, administration
relatively cheap - Oral vs. written
- Oral provides interaction, followup, but takes
more time - Written more efficient, can provide quantitative
22Designing questions
- Design questions with analysis in mind
- Closed format more precise, easier to analyze
- Convert qualitative?quantitative measures
- You give categories to users
- Open-ended questions provide richer feedback,
longer to analyze - Users give you categories
23Designing survey questions
- Multiple choice
- Collecting information
- Ordinal ranking
- Expressing relative preferences
- Likert scales
- Expressing personal reactions
24Closed format styles
Multiple choice
Ordinal ranking
Rank frequency of use from 5 Most frequent 1-
Least frequent 0 - Unused
Which social networkingsystems do you use?
___ facebook ___ MySpace ___ LinkedIn ___
Orkut ___ Other__________
25Likert scales
- Ask users to rate on a numeric scale
- Odd number scale allows a neutral midpoint (5- or
7-point scale) - Even number scale forces taking a position (4- or
6-point scale) - Anchors give examples of points along the scale
26Example question
- How important is the Berkeley-Stanford Big Game?
Very Important
Not Important
Most important event this Fall
Could not care less
Maybe Ill go if my friends go
27Closed Format
- Advantages
- Clarify among alternatives
- Easily quantifiable
- Eliminate useless answers
- Relatively quick to administer
- Disadvantages
- Must cover whole range
- All choices should be similarly likely
- Dont get interesting, different reactions
28Questions people can answer about themselves
- What they do
- How they do it
- Opinions about current activities
- Complaints about current activites
- Comparing one thing with another
- How often they have done something in the recent
29Questions people cannot answer about themselves
- Predicting what they would do / like / want
- Imagining a hypothetical scenario
- Whether they would like a certain feature or
product - Estimating how often they do things
30Whats most important?
31Web-based survey tools
- Surveymonkey
- http//www.surveymonkey.com/
- Zoomerang
- http//info.zoomerang.com/
- Allows free basic analysis, more advanced
features for fee - Can extend reach to large number of respondents
32Thinking aloud protocol
- Have subject think out loud while performing
task - Psychology to elicit cognition
- Requires training task
- Facilitator actively prompts if subject falls
silent for more then 10 secondss - What are you thinking now?
- So, you are trying to?
- And now you are?
33Exercise Volunteer
- Never used Photoshop before
- Have two people work on a task together (even
though the task is normally done by one person) - Coordination with each other naturally elicits
35Exercise Two volunteers
- Never used Photoshop before
36Think aloud and co-discovery
- Valuable to evaluate tasks that require cognition
- Time intensive
- Rich feedback
- Think aloud requires training
37Semi-structured interviews
- Interactively asking questions (face-to-face,
telephone) - Give users chance to explain why to complement
what they did, subjective users viewpoint - Can help with design questions
- What improvements would you suggest?
- Can be done individually or in groups
38Semi-structured interviews
- Begin with list of open-ended questions
- Ask all users these questions
- Let users elaborate
- Flexibility to ask follow-up questions
- Must audio-record
- Interviewer should attend to user (not notepad or
laptop), use audio record for data (note
39Questionnaire Issues
- Language
- Beware terminology, jargon
- Clarity
- How effective was the system? (ambiguous)
- Avoid leading questions
- Phrase neutrally rather than positive or negative
- How easy or hard was it to accomplish the task?
40Questionnaire Issues (2)
- Prestige bias
- People answer a certain way because they want you
to think that way about them - Embarrassing questions
- What did you have the most problems with?
- Hypothetical questions
- Halo effect
- When estimate of one feature affects estimate of
another (e.g. intelligence/looks) - Aesthetics usability, one example in HCI
- Disadvantages
- Subjective view
- Interviewer(s) can bias the interview
- Problem of inter-rater or inter-experimenter
reliability (agreement) - Time-consuming
- Hard to quantify
42Pilot test observation method
- Pilot test method with some target users
- Debug the questions, methods
- Also debug logistics
- Dont count pilot data in analysis
- Make changes now before collecting data (want
method for collecting data to be consistent)
43Methods used in combination
- Mix of closed format, open-ended questions
- Surveys, questionnaires often used with
quantitative performance measures to assess how
users feel about interactions
44Mechanics of user testing
- Readings give more detailed nuts and bolts
- Common sense structuring of the experience to
help it run smoothly
45Analyzing qualitative data
- Rich, open-ended data
- Goal Structure to characterize, describe,
summarize data - Sounds harder than it is
46Analyzing qualitative data
- Exercise to immerse in data
- Develop categories to count
- Range
- Average
- Identify common patterns
- Allows identifying the interesting, unusual,
exceptions - Also look for correlations
47Exercise Analyzing conceptual map of Berkeley
- Example of rich, qualitative data
- See if we can detect some patterns
- Characterize set of qualitative data
48Berkeley map
- Number of features?
- Format of map
- Common features
- Landmarks
- Roadways
- Unusual features
- Assessments
- Correlations
49Qualitative analysis
- Start with things you can count
- Average, range, median
- Look for patterns that are in common
- Recognize features that are unusual, interesting
- Look for correlations
- Reflect on what the data is saying
50Qualitative study of your project
- What do you want to learn
- User reactions, perceptions
- Conceptual model problems
- Areas to improve design
- Does the design work?
51Next time
- Quantitative methods
- Readings
- "A face(book) in the crowd social Searching vs.
social browsing" - "iPod distraction effects of portable
music-player use on driver performance" - Questions on Project Proposal assignment?