Title: The Orb
1The Orb
The City of Edinburgh Councils Intranet
site Sally Kerr Web and New Media Team
2- Council Web Content Management Project
- Begun 2003/4
- Hyperwave selected as cms
- Wordmap provided taxonomy solution
- Internet site delivered 2006
- Intranet site delivered 2008
3- Main drivers for overall Web Content Management
- Project
- Provide robust platform to become the main
communication and business tool for the Council - Upgrade technology to meet web requirements
- Review content structure and content to meet user
needs - Conform with Government web standards including
4- Main objectives for overall Web Content
Management Project - Re-design and improve corporate sites
- Provide consistent design and functionality
- Establish new publishing and maintenance
responsibilities and protocols - Provide one content management system - easier
to use and avoids duplication of content - Put in place new management processes for web in
the Council
5- Delivered with the new Internet site
- A new robust platform
- New content layout (template based)
- New user and group structure
- LGCL for site structure, linked to IPSV
- New editorial structure
- Aim of AA standard
- Better content quality and management
6- Main reasons for the new Intranet site
- it was very difficult to find information through
the structure or the search - the majority of content was out of date
- there was a great deal of duplication (For
example, the site contained fifteen different
versions of the flexitime form) - the technology behind the old site needed
replaced due to its age
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13- What would the new Intranet deliver?
- A new branding and design to attract users
- A new structure with a strong corporate focus
- An already established structure of editors and
authors who could manage and develop content - A key internal communication tool for the
Council - Improving communication across the Council,
within departments, and divisional areas - Facilitating collaborative work for projects
- Allowing staff to find what they need for their
work quickly and easily - Providing the key source for Council strategies,
policies and plans - Offering the ability to learn about Council
initiatives, news and activities - Sharing relevant documents across the Council and
reduce email use for this function - Becoming a knowledge base for the Council
14- Milestones for the Intranet project
- Final content development, audit and migration
- Taxonomy linking of site structure headings to
IPSV - Site and system testing
- Marketing of the site
- Site roll out programme
15- Key issues and challenges for the project
- Ensuring content was current, and new content was
developed for site launch - Last minute re-branding of the site
- Marketing of the site identity to create a
positive buzz for the site launch - Resolving system issues
- Carrying out a phased roll out for the launch
rather than a big bang approach - Radical new site structure, centralising content
in one place
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28- How did we roll out these structural changes?
- Conducted workshops with key editors
- Produced guidelines on where to publish types of
content - Conducted usability testing
- Guidance on structure included in web publishing
training - Responded to feedback this is ongoing
29- Marketing activities
- Pre launch article in Staff magazine,
fortnightly web newsletter, trailer week before,
how to guide, generic presentation for dept
use, pre launch emails - Marketing already in place default to Intranet
homepage on all PCs - Post launch series of road shows, statement of
support from Chief Executive, emails to each
department for roll out, emails encouraging
publishing to Orb and changing perceptions,
competition to improve early usage
30- Testing and roll out
- Performance testing
- Roll out programme
31- What makes staff happy with their intranet?
- What they didnt want
- Complex structure
- Out Of Date Content
- Content duplication
- A lack of useful content
32- Background research
- Better connected Intranets SOCITM report (2007)
highlights - Usability
- Access
- Useful content directories, notice board,
council papers - Top ten applications phone directory, bulletin
boards, HR applications, Job vacancies, Room
Bookings, Catering, GIS, Committee info system,
Leaders monthly briefings, Employee discounts - Inter-active applications
33- SOCITM Top Ten
- Phone directory Global Address List (GAL)
available to staff - Staff Bulletin Board using YABB software
- HR system available through the Orb with
relevant support and advice on the site - Job Vacancies posted each week, will change to
Scottish Recruitment Portal feed before Christmas - Room Bookings Rendez vous system available to
staff for bookings in multiple locations - Catering menus for main Council locations and
catering booking available - GIS partially available with plans to develop
further - Council Papers Online (CPOL) available to staff
and the public - Leaders briefings available monthly (Team
Talk) online plus homepage messages when
appropriate - Staff Benefits a wide range of discounts
available to CEC staff online and through a
quarterly publication - eFinance system (oracle) available
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39- Factors that contributed to the success of the
project - Stakeholders for the 4 main areas of the site
- Providing department homepages for depts to
develop and manage themselves - Pre and Post site marketing using appropriate
online tools and road-shows leading to successful
buy-in from staff - The sites name the Orb proved a positive
influence at the launch as it was already
accepted into the Council culture - Surprise factor repeated testing for
issues/performance produced a positive response
from staff, not a negative one - New ideas - such as the Photo gallery - have
proved successful
40 41- Any questions?
- Sally Kerr, Council Websites Manager 0131 529