Title: Health Trainers
Health Trainers
2At the beginning of January 2007, 15 local
residents began the journey to become Health
On completion of intensive 8 week training
programme 14 Trainers successfully completed the
7 Employed Full Time, 3 Part Time, 3 Session
Workers and 1 Volunteer
3Moving in to new office and establishing Health
Trainer locality teams took immediately priority
in March
Health Trainer locality teams were chosen in
accordance to where they live.
The principle being as local people they brought
with them existing networks and local knowledge
4Work of Health Trainers will be targeted
Gateshead Super Output Area within the 10 -
20 most deprived in England, IMD 2004.
5In addition to postcode profiling 3 Health
Trainers have specific communities of identity to
target, these are learning Disabilities
Community, Mental Health service users and BME
6Locality team have carried out an extensive and
thorough mapping of their areas, meeting staff
and volunteers working in community projects
and organisations.
Relationships are still being built and trust
gained by community members
7Kathleens story of why she became a health
I became a Health Trainer because I am interested
in peoples health. A few years ago I became a
walk leader because I wanted to encourage people
to be healthier and walking is free and almost
everyone can do it. In February 2005 I was
asked to take part I the pilot Health Trainer
course. I enjoyed the course and thought this is
a job I would love!
8When I went to the recruitment day I felt a bit
out of my depth as I was taken a back how many
qualified people where there. At the recruitment
day we were informed about the inequalities of
health. I was shocked to find out that if you
live in certain parts of Gateshead you would
likely die 10 years earlier than someone who
lives in a more affluent area.
Encouraging people to take small steps towards a
healthy lifestyle we know it makes a big
difference. As a member of the Gateshead Health
Trainer team I cant wait to see people make
positive changes
9Our tool to a Healthier Lifestyle
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11What We Say About the learning programme
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14For More infomation please contact
Gateshead Health Trainers At Gateshead
Stadium Neilson Road Gateshead NE10 0EF Tel 0191
433 5795 judithhindess_at_gateshead.gov.uk