Title: TRALI Transfusion-related acute lung injury
1TRALITransfusion-related acute lung injury
???? ???? ??
?????? 1 /12,000-30,000 ?????? / ???????
???? 1 / 100 ??
???? 1 / 100 ??
????? ?? ??
?????(TRALI) ?? ??
??????? 1 / 1,500-8,000 ???????/????
B????? ?1 / 300,000 ???????????
??????? ?1 / 1,200,000 ?????????????
3Donor Screening of Blood-borne Diseases in Taiwan
?(??) 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
HBsAg () 2.97 2.49 2.03 1.83 1.56 1.49 1.09 0.85 0.61 0.57 0.48
HCV Ab () 0.67 0.24 0.48 0.35 0.37 0.33 0.28 0.23 0.18 0.18 0.13
HIV 1/2 Ab () 0.03 0.45 0.13 0.08 0.14 0.14 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.10
HTLV ?/? AB() 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.02
4Accumulated Transfusion Transmitted HIV in Taiwan
1. ?????97?7? 2. ?????96??????,97???????
52007?7???? ?????250c.c.??,????????????3??????3?,??
??????? ,?????????200??????
96.12.27 ????
AT)?????11? ? ????????????????NAT??????????
6Source FDA report on blood safety
- 1980s the term TRALI was first used and the
idea that leukocyte antibodies cause TRALI
becomes widely accepted - 1983 (Popovsky, Able, and Moore)
- TRALI defined A series of 5 cases of pulmonary
transfusions reactions - 19 implicated donors
- One donor for each case had an HLA antibody
- 1985 (Popovsky and Moore)
- 36 cases
- Leukocyte antibodies in 89
- HLA antibodies in 65
8Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI)
- Severe shortness of breath within 4 to 6 hours of
a transfusion - No signs of fluid overload
- Pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray
- Hypotension or hypertension (15 respective)
9Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1994149818-824.
Transfusion. 2004441774-1789.
10TRALI NHLBI Working Group Definition
- New ALI
- Onset of symptoms or signs is within 6 hours
after the transfusion of plasma containing blood
components - ALI (Acute Lung Injury)
- Acute onset
- Chest x-ray Bilateral infiltrates
- Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure 18 mm Hg or
lack of clinical evidence of left atrial
hypertension - Hypoxemia Ratio of PaO2/FiO2 300mm Hg or O2
saturation of less 90 on room air - Clinical Diagnosis
Crit Care Med 200533721-726
- Most often associated with transfusion of ?plasma
containing products - Whole blood ,Packed red blood cells, Fresh frozen
plasma (FFP), Platelets, IVIG (rare) - Majority of deaths associated with
- ? FFPgt apheresis plateletsgt RBCs
- The most common cause of transfusion related
fatalities reported to the FDA (16-25) - Frequency 1/5,000-1/50,000
- TRALI is a clinical syndrome, rather than a
disease with a single etiology. - The diagnosis is a clinical and radiographic
diagnosis. - The diagnosis of TRALI is NOT made on the basis
of reference laboratory test results, including
those for white cell (HLA, neutrophil) antigen
and/or antibody testing.
13TRALI Clinical Course
- Symptoms generally resolve in 24 to 48 hours
- Symptoms may resolve before diagnosis is made
- Mortality 10 to 50
- Moore SB. Critical Care Medicine 2006 34
S114-117 - Rana R et al. Transfusion 2006461478-1483
14Clinical outcome (morbidity)
Required oxygen support 36 100
Required mechanical ventilation 26 72
Pulmonary infiltrates
Rapid resolution (lt96hrs) 29 81
Slow resolution (gt7 days) 6 17
Mortality 2 6
Long-term sequelae 0 0
Popovsky et al. Transfusion 1985. Popovsky and
Haley 2000 ?13 died
15TRALI Treatment
- Hypoxemia
- Supplemental oxygen
- Intubation and mechanical ventilation
- Hypotension
- Intravenous fluids
- Agents to increase blood pressure
- Corticosteroids
- Diuretics is rather contraindicative
Moore SB. Critical Care Medicine 2006 34
16TRALI-EtiologyPart I the role of WBC antibodies
- Antibodies to white blood cells, including
antibodies to - granulocyte antigens
- HLA class?antigens
- HLA class?antigens
17Implicated antibody in TRALI
HLA antibody Granulocytea antibody total
Donor 28 41 50
Recipient 7 4 11
Popovsky and Haley, 2000
18?????TRALI??? ??????
????????????TRALI??,FDA?????? ??JAMA
1954 years male patient Received FFP for reversal
of Coumadin effect Developed respiratory rest
and died 45 min after transfusion
JAMA 20022871968-71
20Trali donor history look back
- Donor 54 y/o female donor
- 290 donations (plasma donations)
- 3 pregnancies
- Lab detection of anti-granulocyte specific 5b
antigen(HNA-3a) (In Whites, 90 5b)
JAMA 20022871968-71
21Clinical scenarios of 15 TRALI among 13 patients
Retrospective chart review of 50 patients who
received her plasma , 40 developed Trali-like
22TRALI donor history look back
- ???? 54 y/o ????
- 290 ???(???????)
- 3 ???
- Lab ??????? HNA-3a (5b antigen) (???, 90
HNA-3a positive). Pts typing unavailable. - ??50??????????,????40?????
- ??TRALI???,??????,???????,?
- ????????????????????
(JAMA 20022871968-71)
23Transfusion 200747545-550
- A donor, implicated in two febrile reactions, was
found to have anti-HNA-2a (but no HLA class I
antibodies) - total 27 donations (apheresis plasma), resulted
in 39 transfusions - Chart review found 12 transfusion reactions (9
patients), ranging from dyspnea, chills, rigors,
and fever. - 9 with lung symptoms
- 9 (9/12, 75) with leukopenia
- None of them had documented TRALI
24The transfusion of neutrophil-specific antibodies
No. Symptoms WBC pre WBC post
1 Dyspnea immediately 1.93 0.544
2 Chills, dyspnea, BP?, immediately 4.8 0.901
3 Chills, agitation, BP?, cyanosis 2.5hr after 14.8 15.7
4a Dyspnea immediately 1.11 0.438
4b Chills, rigors, immediately 3.82 0.510
4c Chills, rigors, wheezing, BP?, immediately 1.77 0.44
4d Chills, rigors, immediately 0.452 0.473
5 Chills, rigors, cyanosis, 1 hr, BT up 1 degree 1.390 1.670
6 Dyspnea, hyperventilation, rigor, 20 min after 0.403 0.186
7 Dyspnea, chest pain, rigors, chills, fever, and tachycardia 20 min 0.444 0.059
8 Chills, rigors, dyspnea, 2 hr 1.76 0.456
9 Chills, headache, 15 min 1.670 0.425
Transfusion 200747545-550
25??????????TRALI ????? ????????????????????
Transfusion 200747545-550
26Mechanisms Leading to TRALI
- 2 proposed pathophysiologic mechanisms
- The antibody hypothesis
- The neutrophil priming hypothesis
- Both
- Supported by clinical and experimental
observations. - Lead to a final common pathway of increased
pulmonary capillary permeability, resulting in
pulmonary edema.
Due to wide spectra of reactions after receiving
anti-WBC antibodies, a two hit theory was
27The neutrophil priming mechanism(two-event
- 1st event causes neutrophils to be primed, but
not activated (first hit) - may be caused by underlying condition (e.g.
infection, surgery, inflammation) - 2nd event causes activation of primed
neutrophils (second hit) - a consequence of transfusion
- may be antibodies (via antigen-antibody
reactions) or other biologically active
substances (e.g., biologically active lipids,
28Patient Factors
- TRALI is more common in
- Surgery patients
- Patients with hematological malignancies and
cardiac disease
Moore. Crit Care Med 2006 34 S114-S117 Silliman
et al. Blood 2003 101454-462
29Popovskys old model
Two hit model
Lung (2006) 184177185
30TRALI-surveillance (2003-2005)from American Red
- 550 reported cases involving 72 fatalities
- -gtretrospective review of fatalities revealed 38
cases of probable TRALI - 63 (24/38) belonging to plasma transfusion
- 71 (27/38) female donor with WBC antibody
- Female antibody-positive donors are more likely
to be associated with TRALI (OD 9.5, 95 CI
Transfusion 200747599-607)
31Leukocyte antibodies in blood donors
- Female donors
- around 7.7-17 with HLA antibodies
- 0.1 or less with neutrophil antibodies (HNA
antibodies) - In female with previous pregnancy 15-31
- Male donors with HLA or HNA antibodies are
extremely rare.
Vox Sanguinis 200792247-249 Transfusion
199939103-106 Platelet 19945234-235
322007, 2, 23 ???
?? 2005??, ??2007?????? ????
33TRALI cases in UK
2007 SHOT online report
UK Male plasma donor only since 2005.
34UK plasma sources
- Male plasma donor only in UK since 2005
- Since 2004, as a vCJD risk reduction measure, the
UK Departments of Health have recommended the use
of FFP sourced from countries with a low bovine
spongioform encephalopathy prevalence for
children born after 1 January 1996. In 2005 this
was extended to all children under 16 years. - Imported FFP is derived exclusively from male
donors as a risk reduction measure for
transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI). - SD (solvent detergent) plasma is thought not do
casue TRALI ?Octaplasma
BCSH Transfusion Task Force on 2007
35Human neutrophil alloantigens (HNA)
Antigens group Carrier glycoproteins CD Antigens Former names alleles
HNA-1 FCg receptor III CD16b HNA-1a HNA1b HNA1c NA1 NA2 SH FCGR3B02 FCGR3B02 FCGR3B03
HNA-2 NB1 glycoprotein CD177 HNA-2 NB1 -a
HNA-3 Unknown (GP70-95) HNA-3a 5b Unknown
HNA-4 MAC-1 CR3 aMb2-integrin CD11b HNA-4a MART ITGM01 (230G)
HNA-5 LFA-1aLb2-integrin CD11a HNA-5a OND ITGAl01 (2372G)
A Since HNA-2 is defined by isoantibodies formed
by individuals whose neutrophils lack the
glycoprotein, it is not possible to give a
certain allele.
36Human neutrophil alloantigen frequencies ()
Amerindians Asians Africans Whites
HNA-1a 83-91 88-91 46-66 57-62
HNA-1b 36-80 51-54 78-84 88-89
HNA-1c 0-1 lt1 23-31 5
HNA-1 null lt1 lt1 4 0.15
HNA-2 Nt 89-99 98 87-97
HNA-3a Nt Nt Nt 89-96
HNA-4a gt99 Nt Nt 99
HNA-5a 79-97 81 88 86-92
North and south American Indians
Vox Sanguinis 200894277-285
37Clinical condition caused by granulocyte
Alloimmune diseases ???????? Autoimmune diesease ????????
Neonatal immune neutropenia Primary autoimmune neutropenia
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) Secondary autoimmune neutropenia
Refractoriness to granulocyte transfusion Drug-induced immune neutropenia
Alloimmune neutropenia after BMT Autoimmune neutropenia after BMT
Febrile transfusion reaction
38HLA Class I and II Antibody Testing
- Antigen
- Immune affinity chromatography
- Recombinant technology
- Solid phase assays
- Microbeads-flow cytometry
- Microbeads-modified flow cytometry
- Other
- High throughput testing is possible
- Most HLA antibodies containing products do not
cause TRALI
39HNA Antibody Testing
- Antigen
- Newly isolated neutrophils
- Assays
- Agglutination
- Immunoflourescence-flow cytometry
- Monoclonal antibody capture
- Mixed passive hemagglutination
- Problems with solid phase
- HNA-3a has not been characterized at a molecular
level - No monoclonal antibody to HNA-3a
40Interpreting Antibody Test Results
4 Units RBC (2-4 donors)
4 unit FFP (2-4 donors)
12 units platelets (1-12 donors)
- Incidence of leukocyte antibodies in blood donors
- HLA Antibodies
- 4 to 7 of all donors
- Up to 21 of females with 3 for more pregnancies
- Neutrophil Antibodies
- Less than 0.1 of donors
How to establish the causative relation? A
working consensus is needed.
41Future perspectives
- Improve TRALI report and recall system
- Lab detection
- Donor policy/ donor deterrence policy