Title: Simon Burton
1All the Worlds a stage Unleashing the awesome
power of live events
- Simon Burton
- Exposure Event Creations
2Question 1 How do you put a giraffe into a
3Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and
close the door
4- That question tests whether you tend to do simple
things in an overly complicated way
5 How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?
6Did you say Open the refrigerator, put the
elephant in and close the refrigerator?
7Open the refrigerator, take the giraffe out, put
in the elephant in and close the door
8- That question tests your ability to think through
the repercussions of your previous actions.
9- Question
- The Lion King is hosting an animal conference.
All the animals attend except one. Which animal
does not attend?
10The elephant. The elephant is in the refrigerator
- you just put him there!
11- We just tested your memory.
- OK.
- Even if you didnt answer the first three
questions correctly, you still have one more
chance to show your true abilities...
12- Question
- There is a river you must cross but it is
inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it?
13- You swim across. All the crocodiles are attending
the animal meeting
14- We have just tested whether you learn quickly
from your mistakes.
15The Power Unleashed
16So whats an exhibition anyway?
17- What
- Where
- When
- Who
- Why
- Turning Space
- into Place
18The Received Wisdom
- The most direct
- Face to Face
- Uses the 5 senses
- Creates sensations and memories
- Powerful by association
19What the boss says he/she wants
ROI from Trade shows we attend
20Where do Marketers really want to go?
- Brand brought to life!
- Dialogue, response, interactivity
- Profile - noise
- Value for money
- Opportunity
- Permission!
- Measurement
21 22 23 What is it that visitors want?
- Results
- Measurability
- Creativity
- Inspiration
- Entertainment
- Companies who visit shows are growing (71)
- Growth due to internal business activity (53)
24What can events do?
25Whats the alternative?
26Bringing your brand to life
Engagement Impact Connection Inspiration Cost is
an issue of build complexity NOT marketing
effectiveness. What it does is more important
than what it looks like!
27Bored? Lets have some controversy!
- Controversy Board
- Nursing Careers Show
- Day before general election
- National media interest
- Photo-opportunity
- Interactive
- Setting the agenda
28(No Transcript)
29(No Transcript)
30The Underwater Wedding Blessing - The Dive Show
33The RoLling Stones
The beatles
37STAr wars
38STAr trek
41What are your brand values?
- 3 Key words/ qualities
- Which celebrity?
- Which drink?
- Which animal?
- Which colour?
- Film/ TV show?
42In Summary
- Exhibitions live marketing
- Clients value engagement in the live environment
- Your contribution to the process has to produce
measurable results - Think engagement, think creativity, think
partnership - Ignore any other rules