Title: Who What When Where Why How Of Distance Education
1Who?What?When?Where?Why? How?Of Distance
2Before we start
- Who has taught on-line?
- Who uses the web in a traditional class?
- What are the biggest positives to teaching an
online course? - What are the biggest negatives?
3Interesting Facts
- Last year, almost 3.5 million college students
nationwide were taking at least one online course
representing nearly 20 of all U.S. higher
education students. - In Ohio, almost 50,000 students were taking at
least one online course representing nearly 11
of all publicly educated Ohio undergraduate
4- Why the
- Increase in
- Students in Distance Classes?
5Increase in Students in Distance Classes
- Attributed to
- enrollment growth,
- shrinking public funding for higher education
- student demand
- need to improve access for non-traditional
6- What are the
- Types of
- Distance Learning Classes?
7Types of Distance Courses
- Totally online courses
- Hybrid (or blended) courses where students meet
part of the time with a faculty member and part
time on their own using the web as a resource - Web-enhanced courses where faculty make use of
the web for the posting of documents and online
8What are sound Pedagogical Components of
distance classes?
9Pedagogical Components
- Best Practices for Online Education
- Pedagogy for Online Education
- Designing Online Content
- Providing Feedback to Online Students
- Active Learning
- Student Collaboration
10Best Practices for Online Education
- Implementing the Seven Principles Technology as
Lever - Follow-up on Chickerings Seven Principles
- Distance Education, Guidelines for Good Practice
- 14 standards based on a survey of DL practitioners
11Good practice in undergraduate education
- Encourages contacts between students and faculty.
- Develops reciprocity and cooperation among
students. - Uses active learning techniques.
- Gives prompt feedback.
- Emphasizes time on task.
- Communicates high expectations.
- Respects diverse talents and ways of learning.
- (Chickering, 1987)
12Guidelines for Best Practice
- Faculty must retain academic control
- Faculty must be prepared to meet the special
requirements of teaching at a distance - Course design should be shaped to the potentials
of the medium - Students must fully understand course
requirements and be prepared to succeed
13Guidelines (Continued)
- Close personal interaction must be maintained
- In real time (synchronously)
- In virtual time (asynchronously)
- Class size should be set through normal faculty
channels - Courses should cover all material
- Experimentation with a broad variety of subjects
should be encouraged
14Guidelines (Continued)
- Equivalent Research opportunities must be
provided - Student assessment should be comparable
- Equivalent advisement opportunities must be
offered - Faculty should retain creative control over use
and re-use of materials
15Guidelines (Continued)
- Full undergraduate degree programs should include
same-time same-place coursework - Evaluation of distance coursework should be
undertaken at all levels - American Federation of Teachers, 2000
16What are theCourse Design Components of
distance classes?
17Course Design Components
- Course Management System/ Authoring Platform
- Course Content
- Electronic Tools
- Assessment Methods
18- What is a
- Course Management System?
19Course Management System/Authoring Platform
- Course Management Systems provide an environment
in which students may work on course materials
within a curriculum. These environments provide
tracking and data collection capabilities of
registered users.
- WebCT Blackboard (they have merged)
(http//www.blackboard.com) - Ecollege (http//www.ecollege.com/index.learn)
- Angel (http//www.angellearning.com/)
- Moodle (http//moodle.org/)
- D2L (http//http//www.desire2learn.com/)
21- How do instructors
- choose appropriate software packages?
22Software Choices
- Course Management System chosen at College level
- Additional Software chosen by department or
instructor - MyMathLab
- WileyPlus
- Mathzone
- Webassign, etc.
23First Criteria
- Compatibility with MAC and PC
- Browser check (Auto or manual)
- IE7, IE8 or both
- Software Check
- Adobe Flash Player
- Java
- other
24User Friendly
- For You
- Content management
- File control
- Multiple sections
- For Your Students
- Easy to navigate?
- Online tutorial?
- Install Wizard?
25How Much Support for You and Your Students
- Video Lectures
- PowerPoint
- Online Textbook (ebook)
- Online Homework
- Online Discussion
- Instructor-Student Communication
26Each Package has Strengths and Weaknesses
- I use MyMathLab
- Cynthia Young College Algebra (WileyPlus)
- Plain language (talks to students)
- Go Tutorials
- Enhanced Web Assign
- only an Online HW management system
- supports every major publisher
27- What are the
- Types of Course Content used in
- Distance Learning Classes?
28Course Content
- Can be textbook specific or stand-alone
- Consult courseware support site for training
29- What are the
- Types of Tools used in
- Distance Learning Classes?
30Electronic Tools
- Audioconferencing
- Blogging
- Chatrooms
- Digital drop box
- Electronic bulletin board
- Electronic mail
- Fax
- Instant messaging
- Interactive video
- Vodcasting
- Wiki
- iPod
- Listserv
- Newsgroup
- Print (textbooks, etc.)
- Software tutorials
- Telecourse
- Telephone
- Threaded discussion
- Videoconferencing
- Webcams
- You Tube
32- What are the Types of
- Assessment Methods Used in
- Distance Learning Classes?
33- Lets try a live
- Webcam
- Using Windows
- Live Messenger
34Assessment Methods
- Traditional (in the classroom)
- Online
- Proctored
- In Institutions Testing Center
- By arrangement with proctor (faculty member or
35Using Technology to Assess
- Create your own testswith MicroSoft ClassServer
- Computer Generated Tests (example
Coursecompass.com) - Turning Points (instructor can ask any question,
get a response from the audience then immediately
display results in a PowerPoint presentation!
After data has been collected from the audience,
data can be downloaded into Excel Word for
further analysis, trend recognition and
36- How can you prepare to be a successful
- Distance Learning Teacher?
37Prepare to Teach Online Successfully!
- Find a mentor
- Have a trusted colleague review your materials
- Enroll in an online course or participate in
online training
38Internet Resources
- A website for TI-83 Ti-84 Graphing Calculators
- http//mathbits.com/MathBits/TISection/Openpage.ht
mGeneral - A website for math "notes http//purplemath.com/
- A website for Conics http//britton.disted.camosu
n.bc.ca/jbconics.htm - Print your own Graph Paper (rectanglar, polar,
logarithmic) http//www.mathematicshelpcentral.c
om/graph_paper.htm - A website for Derivatives http//distlearn.amatyc
.org - Math Type is a product for including
mathematics notation in documents
39Internet Resources
- Get a TI Calculator emulator
- http//www.mtsu.edu/smcdanie/CSS_Site/VisualAlge
bra/Visual_Dev_algebra2.htm - That one has lots of good help menus for Word,
Excel, Powerpoint, and has the virtual TI as a
download. - Math GV http//www.mathgv.com/
- This is a free grapher. Have your students use
this to create graphs to copy and paste into Word
40Free Resource on the Internet
- A free graphing utility
- http//www.padowan.dk/graph/
- A resource for math teachers
- http//www.mathbits.com/
- Texas Instruments ready-made lessons
- http//www.timath.com/
- Video tutorials for algebra to calculus
- http//www.hippocampus.org/
41Questions?Contact InformationMary Beth
Orrangeorrange_at_ecc.eduNancy J.
42Sharing Session
- Homework
- Projects
- Course material delivery
- Office hours
- Communication
- Class Participation
- Books
- All the other things that go in a math course