Title: Vishal Anand Bricks and Mortar - Real Estate
1Vishal Anand Director of Bricks and Mortar
- I came to know about Bricks and Mortar
through news paper advertisement. when i met Mr.
Vishal Anand regarding a flat in Prateek Wisteria
Noida, he helped me about every enquiry regarding
the project and provided all the documents
required by me. Mr. Vishal Anand also provided
good and prompt home service for delivery of
receipts and submission of payments etc. I feel
lucky that i approached right broker for booking
of the flat at competitive rates with good
services. - Regards. Pallavi Rajvanshi Pankaj
2Bricks and Mortar Real Estate
- We bought a flat in Prateek Wisteria through
Bricks and Mortar. Mr. Vishal Anand has been our
single point of contact from Bricks and Mortar.
We are extremely satisfied with the services
provided by Bricks and Mortar. Right from day
one, we have been kept duly informed about the
latest on the property. We havent had any
difficulty in dealing with the builder by
approaching through Bricks and Mortar. The whole
process has been very smooth. Mr. Vishal Anand
has been extremely helpful in getting us the
right documents and has gone out of the way by
delivering documents at our place even late at
nights. He has even helped us in processing the
loan with the bank. This was our first property
purchase and with the help of Mr. Vishal Anand M.
D. Of Bricks and Mortar Real Estate, the process
has been easy and comfortable for us. - Regards.Sr. Manager Finance
3Vishal Anand Managing Director Of Bricks and
- Bricks Mortar was founded by Vishal Anand,
a true visionary who has a long term vision to
change the standards of real estate brokerage in
India. He has demonstrated strong business acumen
in understanding the real estate market trend
and responding accurately to the need. With his
vision focused on setting quality benchmarks,
Bricks Mortar has emerged as one of the leading
quality real estate advisory companies in a short
time span. - Visit For More Details
- http//www.bricksandmortar.co.in
4Bricks Mortar Real Estate
- Vishal Anand, MD of Bricks Mortar Global Realty
says that the good thing is that now all the
developers get a good number of enquiries from
women and almost half of whom are unmarried.
Today,women are on the same professional,personal
and financial platform as men.Owning a house, no
doubt,is topmost priority. It makes them feel
safe and secure for the future and serves as a
wise investment option.