Title: Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Ronald Rosenblatt DDS
1(No Transcript)
2About Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentist Dr.
Rosenblatt Many of my patients come to my office
without a clear idea of what we can do. Some are
even depressed over their smiles. But once we
show them the smiles we've created for people
with worse conditions, they understand our
abilities. That reaction is the first smile we
get. The second smile is when our work is
finished and they see the fruits of our effort.
The third smile is the one that lasts forever. I
get a lot of raised eyebrows from my patients
when they learn that I attended both UCLA and
USC. We joke about it, but the truth is that they
are both outstanding schools with fine
reputations. Both schools gave me the background
and specific skills I use in my practice every
day. Plus, I get great football seats. DDS
University of Southern California School of
Dentistry BS University of California at Las
Contact us Ronald Rosenblatt, DDS435 North
Bedford Drive, Suite 410Beverly Hills, CA
90210 Phone 310.275.1188 Email
3About Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentist Dr.
Rosenblatt Staff Member University of Southern
California School of Dentistry Continuing
Education 150 hours annually over state
requirements Graduate Advanced Master's
courses at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced
Dental Studies, including Practical Occlusion in
the Aesthetic Practice, Full Mouth Dentistry in
the Aesthetic Practice. Instructor Las Vegas
Institute for Advanced dental Studies National
and international lecturer Former head of the
dental section of the Surgical Review Committee,
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Contact us Ronald Rosenblatt, DDS435 North
Bedford Drive, Suite 410Beverly Hills, CA
90210 Phone 310.275.1188 Email
4Our friendly, relaxed atmosphere with all of its
attentive comforts includes No-wait
appointments Movies or stereo music during
your procedure A staff that remembers your
name Lemon-scented towels Chenille baskets
Major credit cards accepted The services of
a professional anesthesiologist are available,
upon request, for your comfort
Contact us Ronald Rosenblatt, DDS435 North
Bedford Drive, Suite 410Beverly Hills, CA
90210 Phone 310.275.1188 Email
5Services Sedation Dentistry Smile Design
Full Mouth Rehabilitation Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain Crowns Dental Implants Metal Free
Fillings Endodontics Periodontics
Orthodontics Bridges Bonding Gum
Contouring Dentures Teeth Whitening
Contact us Ronald Rosenblatt, DDS435 North
Bedford Drive, Suite 410Beverly Hills, CA
90210 Phone 310.275.1188 Email
6Thank You
Contact us Ronald Rosenblatt, DDS435 North
Bedford Drive, Suite 410Beverly Hills, CA
90210 Phone 310.275.1188 Email