Title: Sin t
Honor Mention National Peace Award - 2000 VI
Brajnovic Communication Award - Navarra
University - 2002 Bogotá - Colombia
2 ? OUR MISSIONPromote an ethical and
responsible practice of journalism, essentially
informing the events related to the armed
conflict and the peace efforts in Colombia.
Medios para la Paz- MPP -
3? Non-profit organization founded on
March 4, 1998. ? 80 members.? Is part of the
Committee for the Protection of Journalists -
Internal Affairs Ministry.
Medios para la Paz- MPP -
4? WORKING AREAS Training and Reflection
Workshops, National and Frontiers Seminars,
Forums, Diploma Courses, Design of Academic and
Post Graduate Courses, Thematic Meetings, Visits
to Directors of the Media and to the Edition
Medios para la Paz- MPP -
Medios para la Paz- MPP -
5Production and Circulation of Information Web
Page www.mediosparalapaz.org. on the Internet.
Dictionary Para Desarmar la Palabra (To
Disarm the Words). Book Las Trampas de la
Guerra. Periodismo y conflicto. (Traps of War
- Journalism and Conflict). Booklet and CD La
Guerra, una amenaza para la Prensa. (War, a
Threat to the Press) Poster Instrucciones para
convertirse en un periodista amenazado(Instructi
ons to Become a Threatened Journalist) Newspaper
El Antivirus (The Antivirus) Documentation
Medios para la Paz- MPP -
6Investigation and Advising Investigation War, a
Threat for the Press, on professional routines
at times of war jeopardizing information and the
journalists lives. Advise the press and
social organizations.
Medios para la Paz- MPP -
7Some figures
? 1125 journalists who are members of
the Network. 374 bulletins and 1120
documents circulated. ? 600 participants
at the meetings with the Bosnian
Journalist, Zlatko Dizdarevic, invited
to Colombia by MPP.
? 12 Types of Workshops 50 completed for
1260 Journalists 90 in conflict
zones. ? 20 Thematic Meetings. ? 8768 monthly
visits and 5800 hits per day on our
Web Page. 3 Journalism Advice sessions
Online per week.
Medios para la Paz- MPP -
8- 2 Diploma course on Responsible journalism
in the armed conflict. 120 hours
and 18 exhibitors. - ? 600 commonly used words in peace and war
information in the Dictionary. - ? 120 surveys and 136 personal interviews
for the Investigation.
? 4 editions and 4000 issues of the
Newspaper. ? 1 Course -academic version and
training- 120 and 56 hours (Peace
University of the United Nations
Costa Rica Office).
Medios para la Paz- MPP -
9? Partners in Colombia Peace Program, Peace
Fund, Social Foundation, Suramericana de Seguros
Foundation, Institute of Political Studies and
International Relations of the National
University -, IEPRI-, Peace Advising Agency, Zenú
Industries, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana,
Bancolombia, Éxito Foundation, Noel Industries,
Corfinsura, Intercor.
Medios para la Paz- MPP -
10? International PartnersBroederlijk Delen
(Belgium), Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Germany),
International Organization for Migrations -OIM-,
High Commissioner of the United Nations for the
Refugees -ACNUR-, Peace University of the United
Nations (Costa Rica), Peacefund (Canada), Fund of
Local Initiatives for Colombia (Canada),
International Media Support (Denmark), Philip
Morris, Diplomatic Delegations from Germany and
the United States of America in Colombia,
Reporters without Frontiers (Sweden), National
Endowment for Democracy -NED- (EE UU).
Medios para la Paz- MPP -
11Telephones (57) (1) 2579913 (57) (1)
5304200 Telefax (57) (1) 5306182Cra. 15 No.
82-58 Office 402 Bogotá - Colombia
Together with the war of bullets, Colombia
suffers from the war of disinformation.
Regarding the armed conflict and the peace
efforts, we pursue a journalism able to defend a
balanced and accurate information.
www.mediosparalapaz.org - info_at_mediosparalapaz.org
Medios para la Paz- MPP -