Title: Celebrate Different Occasions with Flowers
1Celebrate Your Occasion With Flowers
- Buying flowers can be overwhelming, especially
for guys (or girls!) with little to no experience.
Lotus are Not water lilies. These lovely flowers
stand tall above the water.
These flowers are the spendthrifts among annuals,
showing a wealth of gold, copper, and brass into
our summer and autumn gardens.
- Jasmines are often strong and sweet scented.
- Jasmines are widely cultivated for their
shining leaves and beautiful clusters of fragrant
flowers. - Flowering in Jasmines takes place in summer
or spring which is usually six months after
Sunflowers are annual plants that produce large
or small yellow flowers in the summer. Sunflowers
are very popular because of their beauty, and
because they are easy to grow.
Hibiscus flowers are the big showy blossoms that
grow nearly everywhere in warm, tropical climes.
Hibiscus flowers can be used for decoration,
for paper, and as a food product.
The magnolia flower grows on evergreen trees and
even as deciduous plants. These flowers do not
have petals like other flowers. Instead they have
tepals that are lead like structures. Magnolia
is the harbinger of arrival of spring and is the
official state flower of Mississippi and
Symbols of wealth, fidelity and truth,
chrysanthemums have been grown in Chinese gardens
for more than 2,000 years.
In cold climates of North America, dahlias are
known as tuberous-rooted tender perennials, grown
from small brown biennial tubers planted in the
spring. These colorful spiky flowers generally
bloom from midsummer to first frost, when many
other plants are past their best.
The daisy is a delightfully simple flower that is
renowned for its variety of brilliant
colors. Give a gift of these cheerful flowers as
a symbol of your loyalty and pure intentions.
Sunny, yellow daffodils are a wonderful sign that
spring has arrived! Plant the bulbs in the fall
and they will bloom in late winter or early
spring. Daffodils are hardy and easy perennials
to grow in most areas in North America, except
Southern Florida.
Tulips do best in areas with dry summers and cold
winters. The brightly colored, upright flowers
may be single or double, and vary in shape from
simple cups, bowls, and goblets to more complex
forms. They are excellent in beds and borders
many types are good for forcing into bloom
indoors, and most are excellent for cut flowers.
14Thank You