Title: Keith Middlebrook~Pro Sports
1Keith Middlebrook Chief Consultant at Pro
Sports Capital Management
2Keith Middlebrooks Pro Sports Capital Management
LLC are a division of Keith Middlebrook
Enterprise LLC. This business is run primarily on
a referral basis, and his clients include the
rich and elite from the entertainment and
professional sports industry.
3Being extremely efficient at what he does, he can
delete negative items from a credit report at sky
rocketing speeds. Equipped with such talent and
efficacy, he is able to get the job done faster
and better than any credit repair agency.
4He has a rich history of helping many
professional athletes recover their credit,
manage their wealth, and get them on the track
towards financial stability. Unlike other
companies, Keith treats his clients like his
friends and has a genuine interest in helping
them out.
5Keith Middlebrook is also known as the Credit
King owing to his ability to help out people
with their credit woes. He can help clients set
clear goals and believes that one has to think
big. This sometimes involves setting foot outside
one's comfort zone.
6Keith believes that one must remove all negative
elements, be mentally flexible, focus on the
positives, and work hard. Following this method,
he believes that success can be achieved.
7About Keith Middlebrook Keith Middlebrook is a
successful businessman, entrepreneur, actor, and
philanthropist. As an actor, he has appeared
with A list celebrities in popular movies like
Iron Man 2 and Moneyball. He has had a
successful career helping people resolve their
financial and legal matters.
8He owns multiple businesses including financial
services, law offices, vacation rentals, and pro
sport athlete assistance offices. He operates
his companies from Murrieta California, and his
clients include prestigious and high net worth
clients like Lindsay Lohan.