Title: Introducing'''
The new face of
2Alison Hammond!
3What does this mean?
Over the next year Crown Bingo roomies will have
an option within their bingo room to have Alison
Hammond calling out their bingo numbers. Alison
will be calling out the bingo lingo numbers and
has thrown some of her own in there as
well! Check out www.crownbingo.com/alison-hammond
for more details.
4Appearances in the bingo room!
Guest CM Not only that but Alison Hammond will
also be making guest appearances as a CM on the
site. Her first shift is on the 2nd October at
8pm for an hour and in the build up to this we
will be asking that our roomies send in their
questions for Alison over the next couple of
Supporting Alison's Charity of the Month In
October we will also be supporting Alison's
chosen Charity the Teenage Cancer Trust as our
Charity of the month. Crown Bingo has already
given away over 2000 to charity this year and
with Alison pushing it too we should make a lot
for this great cause.
Alison will be joining us our launch night
October 2nd at 8pm and on our charity night from
7pm to 9pm in room 2 on October 20th
5Affiliate resources
Well after a great day out with Alison in August
we have some excellent resources for you to use.
Behind the scenes
See what Kirsty and I got up to when we spent the
day in Birmingham with Alison. Let me know if
you want copies of any of the photos.
Check out http//blog.crownbingo.com For details
of what happened during the day!
6Affiliate resources
You tube videos Watch Alison win 100 on a
scratch card and tell us how much she loves
playing on Crown Bingo in these great viral
videos. Best thing is these weren't even set up!
She opened an account the weekend after the
View the videos here www.youtube.com/crownbingo
7Affiliate resources
Banner Ads We've pimped up our affiliate banners
with some great photo's of our Alison so get to
the creative area now and download them!
8What else are we doing?
Over the month we are really going to be beefing
up all of our marketing streams to make the most
of the launch. TV Advertising We are increasing
our advertising on TV in October, you shouldn't
be able to watch cable TV channels without seeing
a Crown Bingo advert in there! This is great for
increasing awareness of Crown Bingo and we all
know what that means for your commission!
TV ADVERTISING FACT Increased TV ads Increased
Affiliate Income As we are trebling our current
exposure you should see a massive increase in
your traffic over the next month!
View our TV ad here http//uk.youtube.com/watch?v
9What else are we doing?
Promotions Calendar The promotions we are going
to run during October include...
1st October Alison Hammond is put live as our
alternative bingo caller 2nd October Alison
will be a guest CM on the site _at_ 8pm 4th - 7th
October Alison's Give-away Bonanza! Prizes
Galore! w/c 13th October Mid Month Madness -
1000 holiday give-away!! 20th Ocotber Charity
Bingo with CM AliHam Teenage Cancer Trust 31st
October - Halloween Promotion
10What else are we doing?
Lapsed player direct one piece mailer After the
success of our last mail out, we are also going
to be sending a one piece mailer to 15,000 of our
lapsed players in October. This will include a
reference to Alison joining us and also an
exclusive incentive to come back and play. So
you better watch out for your old players coming
back to life! ...and just in time for
11What's in it for you?
Did you think we'd forgotten you? Well we
haven't, in October we are going to have
promotions galore for our lovely affiliates!
- Commission Bonuses
- Get promoting Crown Bingo this October and you
could see your commission rocket! - Two depositing players get a 10 bonus
- Five depositing players gets you a 15 bonus
- Ten depositing players 20 bonus
- Twenty depositing players 25 bonus
For Example October Commission
400 Depositing players 6 Bonus 60
Coverage Prizes The affiliate who gives our
Alison Hammond launch the best coverage on their
site in October will get a luxury hamper.
12So many reasons to promote Crown bingo this
Alison hammond
Massive tv spend
Increased commission
1000 give-away!
...And loads more to come!
- If you have any questions please contact me on
the following - ? vikki_at_crownbingo.com
- ? 0191 226 7387
- ? vikki.taylor_at_live.co.uk