Title: Accepting Your Classmates
1 Accepting Your Classmates
- Kindergarten
- Instructional Contextual PowerPoint
- 110.2.English Language Arts and Reading
- EDIT 3318 Summer Session II 2005
- Lauren Barker
2What does it mean to accept someone?
- Def. of accept to receive willingly, or to
believe in.
- Acceptance can be shown by a smile, handshake,
nice comment to a classmate, etc.
3How do you show acceptance each day to your
- Respect
- Speaking softly
- Nice comments
4What is another way to show your friends you care
about them?
- Say kind words when your classmate is feeling
down - Share crayons, toys, etc.
- Smile instead of frown
- Work together
- Offer your help when someone is frustrated
- Be open-minded
5How do you feel when
- Someone smiles at you?
- You are hugged?
- Classmates share with you?
- Someone says they like your clothes?
6What are some of the differences between you and
your classmates?
- Physical appearance skin color, hair color,
weight, height, disabilities, etc. - Hobbies
- Family culture
7Some other differences might be
- Interests
- Traditions/Customs
8Why is it important to accept one another?
- Everyone needs an encouragement
- One kind word can make a persons whole day better
- If you were the other person, think about how you
would feel if someone was mean to you
9Heres an example
- Tommy is from an interracial family
- He has a hard time understanding material
presented in class
- Lisa comes from a wealthy white family
- She is really smart and is often called the
teachers pet
10Favorite hobbies?
- Tommy
- Soccer
- Videogames
- Hunting
- Fishing
- Lisa
- Drawing
- Soccer
- Helping mom cook
- Reading
- Swimming
11What is a hobby shared by both Tommy AND Lisa?
- SOCCER They have many different interests but
can relate to one another because they like to
play soccer.
12How could they help each other?
- Lisa helps Tommy when he doesnt understand
13Who are the characters in Stellaluna?
- Stellaluna
- Stellalunas mom
- Stellalunas bird friends
14How is Stellaluna accepting of the birds?
- Stellaluna befriends birds when lost
- Acts like the birds to fit in
- Finds bat family
- Stays friends with birds even though they are
different - Uses her differences to save the birds
15How are the birds accepting of Stellaluna?
- Welcome her into their family
- Teach her how to live as a bird
- Remain friends when she finds her family
16What did you learn from this story?
- Accept others
- Love each other despite physical appearance
- Use your differences to help others.
17Who has seen Beauty the Beast?
18Who are the main characters?
- The Beast
- Beauty aka Belle
- The Beasts servants
19First Impression of the Beast
- Mean
- Huge
- Ugly
- Angry
- Unforgiving
- Scary
20After getting to know him
- Kind
- Gentle
- Sweet
- Caring
- Loving
- Silly
21What did we learn from this?
- Do not assume until you know
- Give the benefit of the doubt
22When doing those things
- You could make a friend for life
- You have an opportunity to learn
- You make others feel better
- People will be more willing to accept YOU
23Teacher Resources
- Cannon, J. Stellaluna. (1993).
- www.twinkle.com.hk/ intposter/poster/e0613.jpg
- www.schools.pinellas.k12.fl.us/.../ Heart.gif
25Now lets go see what we learned!
26What is the definition of accept?
- A) to reject
- B) to pretend to like
- C) to receive willingly, to believe in
- D) to make fun of
28Accepting others is a good characteristic. To
believe in others is the only positive answer.
30What is one way to show your classmates you care
about them?
- A) Say mean things when they arent around.
- B) Smile and say kind things.
- C) Talk while others are trying to talk.
- D) Not sharing
32- Not sharing, saying mean things, and talking
while others are talking are not ways of showing
that you care about your classmates.
34What did you learn from Beauty and the Beast?
- A) Never judge a book by its cover.
- B) First impressions tell you everything about a
person. - C) Never give the benefit of the doubt.
- D) Always judge someone by the way they look.
36- It is important to always get to know a person
before judging them based on their looks or what
you think about them.