Title: The Mental Health Association of the Heartland
1- The Mental Health Association of the Heartland
- The Center for Practical Bioethics
- with funding from
- The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City
2- Mission
- to promote the mental health of the community and
improve the quality of life of - persons with mental illness,
- through advocacy, education, and support
3- MHAH promotes mental wellness,
- improves care and treatment of
- persons with mental illness,
- and works to eliminate stigma
- associated with mental illness
- through grassroots citizen-action efforts
- and non-clinical support.
4Center for Practical Bioethics
Mission to raise and respond to ethical
issues in health healthcare to provide
practical guidance at the crossroads of
decision on difficult and complex biomedical
5Center for Practical Bioethics
Vision A society world in which the
dignity and health of all people is
advanced through ethical discourse and action
6Funding for Sabbaths of Hope
- granted by the
- Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City
- to improve access and quality of health for the
medically indigent and underserved individuals
and communities by providing financial support
and leadership directed toward all aspects of
health in Kansas City, Missouri and a six county
service area
7- was/is a multi-faith initiative of
- the Center for Practical Bioethics
- to provide faith community leaders
- with tools and resources
- to address the spiritual needs of dying people.
8Introducing . . .
9What is it?
- Sabbaths of Hope is a project that aims to
- enable clergy, seminarians, and other faith
leaders to recognize types and symptoms of
depression - offer more effective support to congregants and
clergy suffering from depression - provide referral and linkage to treatment options
- address stigma, discrimination, and other
barriers to treatment - promote holistic approaches to depression
10What is it?
- Faith community participants will receive
training and resources to enable them to conduct
educational events for congregants and
colleagues. - All depression related activities will culminate
in a congregationally designated Sabbaths of Hope
weekend observance in May 2007 and annually.
11What is it?
- Sabbaths of Hope EVENTS
- Jan 2007 Clergy Cohort Breakfasts
- 1/22 29 Depression Seminars (COR)
- Feb 12, 2007 Conference Workshops
- Ongoing Depression Hope workshops
- May 2007 Weekend Observances
- June 2007 Clergy Cohort Follow-up
- Jan-June 2008 CYCLE 2 . . .
12What is it?
- Congregational Clergy Cohort
- Attend (if possible) an orientation breakfast
gathering - Attend the Sabbaths of Hope Conference
Workshops - Receive a comprehensive depression response kit
- Prepare and implement a Sabbaths of Hope
observance any weekend in May - Submit Best Practices for the 2008 Sabbaths of
Hope depression response kit and workshops - Complete brief pre- and post- questionnaires
13Congregational Cohort(completed questionnaires
received, as of now)
- Amazing Grace International Church of God in
Christ (COGIC) - Beth-Judah Ministries (COGIC)
- Church of the Resurrection (UMC)
- Central Baptist Theological Seminary
(ABC/CBF/ecumenical) - Community Christian Church (DOC)
- Congregation Beth Shalom (Conservative Judaism)
- Crossroads Church
- First Baptist Church of Kansas City, KS (ABC)
- First Baptist Church of Lawrence (ABC)
- First Christian Church of Blue Springs (DOC)
- Friendship Baptist Church (NBC)
- Hillview Church of God (COG--AI)
- Holmeswood Baptist Church (CBF)
- Kaw Prairie Community Church (Willow Creek)
- Judson Baptist Church (ABC)
- Lao American Baptist Church (ABC)
- Linwood United Church (UMC/PCUSA)
- New Life Family Church
- Peace Mennonite Church (MCUSA)
- Prairie Baptist Church (ABC)
- Revolution (UMC)
- St James United Methodist Church
- ?
- 2007 Conference Workshop
- 830 AM 430 PM
- Monday, February 12, 2007
- The Holter Center
- Saint Paul School of Theology
- Introductory Remarks by Honorary Co-Chairpersons
- The Honorable Congressman and Reverend Emanuel
Cleaver II - Betsy Vander Velde, President/CEO, The Family
Conservancy - Keynote Address by the Reverend Kirk Byron Jones,
PhD, DMin
- 2007 Conference Workshop
- Keynoter
- the Reverend Kirk Byron Jones, PhD, DMin
- served many years at Andover Newton Theological
School - as Kelsey-Owens Professor of Black Ministries,
- and currently teaches courses in ethics.
- He is a respected preacher and speaker,
- and the author of several best-selling books,
including - Rest in the Storm
- Self-Care Strategies for Clergy and Other
Caregivers - and Addicted to Hurry Spiritual Strategies for
Slowing Down
- 2007 Conference Workshop
- Depression Hope Workshop
- by pastoral theologians
- Rev Jeanne Hoeft, PhD, Saint Paul School of
Theology - Rev Judith Schwanz, PhD, Nazarene Theological
Seminary - Rev Ruth Rosell, PhD, RN, Central Baptist
Theological Seminary
- 2007 Conference Workshop
- Breakout Sessions
- Depression in Particular Populations A Panel
Discussion - Depression in the African American Community
- Tom Copeland, PhD Ursula Copeland, MSW
- Cultural Diversity and Disparities in Mental
Health - Susan Crain Lewis, MSSW, President/CEO, MHAH
- Medications for Depression
- Dr Jessica Lea, PharmD, UMKC School of Pharmacy
- 2007 Conference Workshop
- Depression Hope
- Visual Arts Exhibit
- Resource Exhibitors
- Cokesbury Bookstore
- Depression Hope Book Sale
- Depression Hope Response Kit
- Introduction
- Depression A Guide for Faith Community Leaders
- Signs Symptoms
- Causes of Depression
- Depression in Particular Populations
- Suicide and Substance Abuse
- How, When, and Where to Refer
- Treatment Options
- Multi-Faith Liturgical Resources
- Scripture Texts Sacred Writings
- Sermon Themes Titles
- Prayers Congregational Litanies
- Music Selections
- Depression Hope Bulletin Inserts
- Depression Hope Workshop Module
- Sabbaths of Hope Observance
- When?
- any weekend in May
- (Mental Health Month)
21Why observeSabbaths of Hope?
- National epidemic 18.8 million adults per year
experience depression (U.S. data) - 9.5 of the adult population
- 17.6k men 38.1k women in Greater KC
- 10-fold increase in the past 50 years
- 31,500 suicides per year (U.S.)
- 535,000 ER visits for self-inflicted injury
- http//www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/suicide.htm
22Why observeSabbaths of Hope?
- I remember reading something a religious man and
professor wrote. He recalled that in the worst of
his depression a friend came to his house once a
week and simply washed his feet. The friend
didn't say anything or try to fix" anything. He
just reached out in a way that he knew how. - Sarah R. King, Administrative Judge and mental
health activist
23Why observeSabbaths of Hope?
- Depression Disparities
- for many minorities
- depression incidence is higher
- treatment access/usage is lower
24Why observeSabbaths of Hope?
- Depression treatment is 70-80 effective
- Yet only 25-33 of sufferers access treatment
25Why observeSabbaths of Hope?
- I have personally struggled with depression in
the past, and when I was in the throes of it, I
did not have the energy to pick myself up by the
bootstraps, but was desperate for someone to
reach out to me--and would have responded. . . .Â
 - Sarah R. King, Administrative Judge and mental
health activist
26Why observeSabbaths of Hope?
- Also
- Stigma
- is a major barrier to treatment
27Why observeSabbaths of Hope?
- I have found that in this military community
especially the families are afraid of expressing
any perceived weakness or what they see as
defeat. I hear a lot from the women thatthey
don't want to "complain" because their husbands
are deployed, yet at home they are overwhelmed .
. . . There is so much pain in the military
community and so much depression. - Sarah R. King, Administrative Judge and mental
health activist
28Why observeSabbaths of Hope?
- In fact
- 31 of Kansas Citians
- turn first to their
- spiritual leader/clergy
- in times of mental health crisis
- http//www.machc.org/documents/12_20Employee20At
29Why observeSabbaths of Hope?
- Depression is such an issue in our church that
most of the Pastor's time is taken up by
counseling right now. - Sarah R. King, Administrative Judge and mental
health activist
30Why observeSabbaths of Hope?
- But to whom and where
- do those spiritual leaders
- and faith community leaders turn?
31- The Mental Health Association of the Heartland
- The Center for Practical Bioethics
- with funding from
- The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City