Title: The ESR
1The ESR
A test which is often sneered at Why ?
2The ESR
OK, first of all, what is the ESR ?
ESR is an acronym E Erythrocyte Red cells S
Sedimentation settling R Rate amount in a
given time
3The ESR
OK, first of all, what is the ESR ?
how much the red cells settle in a given
time. Measured in mm/hr. Why is the hr bit
important ?
4The ESR
Next how is the test performed?
Take a tube
5The ESR
Next how is the test performed?
Take a tube Fill with blood
6The ESR
Next how is the test performed?
Take a tube Fill with blood
7The ESR
Next how is the test performed?
Take a tube Fill with blood Leave it for an hour
8The ESR
Next how is the test performed?
Take a tube Fill with blood Sedimentation occurs
9The ESR
What is it actually measuring ?
Sedimentation of red cells in a given time
Zeta potential
Which is dependent on
Red cells carry a net negative charge Which
causes them to repel each other
10The ESR
What is it actually measuring ?
Sedimentation of red cells in a given time
Something often overlooked. ESRs are Normal -
less than 10 (ish) or High - more than 10 (ish)
11The ESR
The science behind the test
An ESR is either normal or raised. If raised,
its because the cells sediment faster because
they stick together (rouleaux). More sticking
together implies less electrostatic repulsion So
the disease process is affecting the zeta
12The ESR
The science behind the test
A look at acute phase reactions. Albumin
Counteracts rouleax formation Decreased in
acute phase reactions So .? raised ESR
13The ESR
The science behind the test
A look at acute phase reactions. Fibrinogen
Increased in acute phase reactions So as
its raised, albumin levels are relatively
lowered So? raised ESR
14The ESR
The science behind the test
A look at polycythaemic conditions The more
cells, the more space they need to
settle Therefore a low result
15The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
There are a whole range of things that YOU can do
to change the result obtained from an ESR
16The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Time of sedimentation. The longer it is left,
the more sedimentation occurs up to a point what
point is that ?
17The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Mixing of the sample If not thoroughly
mixed, then its already partially sedimented.
18The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Temperature. Ever had a thick milk shake ? Why
can you drink one quickly in August and why does
it takes half an hour at Xmas?
19The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Vibrations. Put some marbles on the bench Drop
something heavy. What happens?
20The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
21The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Angle. In this tube the cells drop down
22The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Angle. In this tube the cells drop down
23The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Angle. In this tube the cells drop
down Gravity
24The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Angle. Wot about this tube ?
25The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Angle. Wot about this tube ?
26The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Angle. Wot about this tube ? Gravity is still
the same
27The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Angle. Wot about this tube ? Gravity is still
the same
28The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Angle. Wot about this tube ? Gravity is still
the same but the cells reach the side of the
tube and then roll down
29The ESR
Next - how can YOU cock it up ?
Angle. Wot about this tube ? Gravity is still
the same but the cells reach the side of the
tube and then roll down
30The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Clots. Why should a lump of clot in the tube
affect sedimentation ?
31The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
32The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
33The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Sufficiency. Whats the highest reading that an
ESR can be ?
34The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Sufficiency. Whats the highest reading that an
ESR can be ? The PCV
35The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Sufficiency. Whats the highest reading that an
ESR can be ? The PCV ie the ratio of this
36The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Sufficiency. Whats the highest reading that an
ESR can be ? The PCV ie the ratio of this
37The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Sufficiency. Whats the highest reading that an
ESR can be ? The PCV ie the ratio of this to
38The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Sufficiency. Whats the highest reading that an
ESR can be ? The PCV ie the ratio of this to
39The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Sufficiency. Whats the highest reading that an
ESR can be ? The PCV
40The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Sufficiency. Whats the highest reading that an
ESR can be ? The PCV Packed cell volume is a
41The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Sufficiency. Whats the highest reading that an
ESR can be ? The PCV Packed cell volume is a
ratio An ESR (at one hour) is a measurement.
42The ESR
Next how can YOU influence the result?
Sufficiency. Whats the highest reading that an
ESR can be ? The PCV which is reached much
quicker with a small sample
43Earlier I said A test which is often sneered at
44The ESR is
Not specific Affected by a range of
conditions Varies with the menstrual cycle Not
45Why do an ESR?
- Two clinical reasons
- Monitoring of rheumatoid arthritis
- Diagnosis of temporal arteritis
46Why do an ESR?
Its a marvellous test. BECAUSE its so
non-specific a one-stop or - screen.
If someone turns up at the G.P., and claims to be
unwell, but the G.P. is unconvinced, she will ask
for an ESR.