ISQA 454 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ISQA 454


What Are Real Goals of Meeting. Contract? Action Plan? ... Use Trade Directories, Yellow Pages, Internal Users, etc. to Explore Supply Base ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ISQA 454

ISQA 454
  • On-Line Negotiation Results
  • Negotiation Planning

Abraham Lincoln
  • When I am getting ready to reason with a man, I
    spend one-third of my time thinking about myself
    and what I am going to say, and two thirds
    thinking about him and what he is going to say.

Ten Biggest Negotiating Crimes
  • 1. Inadequate Planning Time
  • 2. Weak Information Gathering
  • 3. Failing to Negotiate Internally First
  • 4. A Rigid Mindset
  • 5. Giving Concessions Too Early
  • 6. Responding Too Quickly to Each Demand

Ten Biggest Negotiating Crimes
  • 7. Not Calling Time-out
  • 8. Not Putting Yourself in the Customers Shoes
  • 9. Letting Egos Interfere
  • 10. Inattentive Follow-through
  • Source Kellar, Sales Negotiation Skills That
    Sell, Amacom, 1997, pp. 17-20.

Negotiation Planning
  • What is Fundamental Goal of This Transaction?
  • How Will This Transaction Create Competitive
  • Assess Buying Position
  • Assess Selling Position
  • Assess Situational Issues
  • Set Targets
  • Plan Concessions

Negotiation Success Planning
  • Planning Must Be Systematic
  • What Kind of Transaction?
  • One-Time
  • Repetitive Requirements
  • Distributive Bargaining
  • Integrative Bargaining

Positional vs Interest-Based Negotiation
  • Positional
  • Initial Demand
  • Focus Largely on Price
  • Contest of Wills
  • Limited Resource Situations
  • Typically One-Time Transactions
  • Distributive Method
  • Interest-Based
  • Answer Why
  • Multiple Ways to Meet Needs of Both
  • Look for Common Interests
  • Strives for Mutual Gain
  • Typically Longer Term Relationships
  • Integrative Method

Distributive Bargaining
  • Competitive
  • Win/Lose
  • Goals in Direct Conflict
  • Confrontational
  • Information is Guarded
  • Usually Focused on Price or Money Issues

Integrative Bargaining
  • Focus on Common Interests, Not Differences
  • Address Needs, not Positions
  • Address Needs of All
  • Exchange Information and Ideas
  • Pursue Options for Mutual Gain
  • Abundance Mentality

Win-Win Goals
  • Win-Win Does Not Mean Equal Gains
  • The Other Side is NOT the Enemy
  • Goal Mutually Satisfactory Agreement
  • Long Term Relationship
  • Conflict Resolution Mechanism
  • Mutual Dependence
  • Trust
  • Collective Goals

  • Leverage is any Information Used to Create a
    Perception in the Other Partys Mind of
    Negotiation Strength on Your Part
  • Leverage is an Increased Means of Accomplishing a

Elements of Negotiation Planning
  • Facts
  • Both Sides Agree
  • Needs/Interests
  • Internal and External
  • What Are Our Differences? Why?
  • What if on Other Side
  • Alternatives
  • Win-Win or Win-Lose
  • Options

Elements of Negotiation Planning
  • Legitimacy
  • Why is Your Position Proper
  • Be Careful of Standards, Benchmarks
  • Communication
  • Three Basic Rules
  • Reframe What You Say
  • Relationships
  • Unconditionally Constructive
  • Smile - Its All in How You Start
  • Good Way Even if Other Side Doesnt Reciprocate

Negotiation Planning
  • Use Internal Resources
  • What Exactly - Do We Need
  • Complete, Detailed Specifications
  • Past Volumes
  • Projected Volumes
  • Research Total Commodity Purchases for Last Three
  • Define Performance Requirements/Specifications
  • Set Priorities
  • Develop Price or Cost Estimates

Other Planning Issues
  • Dont Assume Everyone Knows
  • What Are Real Goals of Meeting
  • Contract?
  • Action Plan?
  • Information Exchange and Next Meeting Date?
  • The Importance of the Agenda and Ground Rules
  • Operationalizing the Agreement
  • Commitment What are Next Steps

Negotiation Planning
  • From Whom Do We Want Bids
  • Research All Suppliers in Last Three Years
  • Use Trade Directories, Yellow Pages, Internal
    Users, etc. to Explore Supply Base
  • What Form of Supplier Response
  • Sealed Bids With Non-Price Negotiation
  • Two Step Bidding
  • Negotiation

Negotiation Planning
  • Availability Issues
  • Lead Time Commitments
  • Suppliers Inventories
  • Quality Issues
  • Warranties
  • SPC
  • Pricing
  • Target Pricing (Why)
  • Acceptable Range

Setting Targets
  • Needs
  • Price Range
  • Quality Requirements
  • Delivery Requirements
  • Wants
  • Payment Terms
  • Extended Warranties
  • AM Deliveries

Setting Targets
  • Like-tos
  • Purple Color
  • Right of First Refusal of New Technology
  • Weekly Donuts
  • The Opening Position
  • Have High Aspirations
  • Temper With Realism

What Happens If We Dont Agree?
  • Walk Away Point
  • What Will It Cost to Change Suppliers?
  • What Will It Cost If We Dont Agree?
  • Immediate Cost
  • Future Cost
  • Future Interaction
  • Relationship
  • Credibility
  • Best Alternative
  • Contingency Plans?

Assess Suppliers Motivation
  • Quick Sale
  • Unload Inventory
  • Quota Time
  • Tide Over Business
  • Long Term Relationship
  • Foot-in Door
  • Market Penetration

Negotiation Planning Frank
  • What Do We Know About Other Party
  • What Do They Want
  • What About The Individuals
  • What Information to Present
  • To Whom Shall We Present Information
  • How to Present the Information
  • Get Point Across in 30 Seconds

Negotiation Planning
  • Concession Planning
  • Our Opening Position
  • The Negotiating Team
  • How Will This Agreement Look to the Other Sides

  • Another Element of Planning
  • Issues to be Avoided
  • MUST HAVE Issues
  • Priorities of Other Issues
  • Alternative Approaches
  • Concession Ammunition
  • Concession Timing

Types of Transactions
  • Industry Standard
  • Custom
  • Straight Rebuy
  • Modified Rebuy
  • New Purchase

Completeness of the Agreement
  • Amendments
  • Acceptance Tests
  • Assignment
  • Service Bulletins, Modifications
  • Confidentiality
  • Contract Renewal Option
  • Delivery
  • Emergency Support
  • Installation, Set Up

Completeness of the Agreement
  • Insurance
  • Liquidated Damages
  • Maintenance
  • Packaging
  • Payment Terms
  • Price Change
  • Spare Parts Availability
  • Service Support

Completeness of the Agreement
  • Taxes
  • Technical Publications
  • Technology
  • Training
  • Termination
  • Value Analysis
  • Warranties

The Negotiating Team
  • Composition
  • Rank
  • Numbers
  • Duties
  • Conduct
  • Observation
  • Scribe
  • Social Activities
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