Title: Rocklin Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Ashish Arya, DDS
1Welcome To Whitney Oaks Dental
2About Us
Dr. Arya received his Bachelor of Science degree
in Marine Biology and a minor in Psychology from
California Polytechnic State University at San
Luis Obispo in 1996. After graduation he worked
for one year in the medical field training
ophthalmologists for a corrective eye surgery all
across the country.
Dr Arya's dental education was completed at
Northwestern University in Chicago where he
received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery in
2001. Since then he had been an associate at a
high quality office which allowed Dr. Arya to
refine his skills in cosmetic and rehabilitative
3Our Services
- Porcelain Veneers
- Full Mouth Makeover
- Crowns
- Teeth Whitening
- Instant Orthodontics
- Implants
- Non-metal Fillings
- Smile Design
- Bonding
- Invisalign
4Our Smile Gallery
Dental Implants
5Our Smile Gallery
6Contact Us
Address 4308 Live Oak Lane Rocklin CA 95765
Phone (916) 435-4933 (916) 626-4238
7Contact Us
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