2How can you findor avoid me??
- Where am I?
- BDC 230
- How to contact me
- 664-2026 or jvangilder_at_csub.edu
- www.csub.edu/jvangilder
- Office Hours
- MW 1200 pm 200 pm
- F 100 pm 200 pm
- By appointment
3What is Microeconomics?
- Two parts
- Study of the behavior of the individual
- Study of the behavior of the firm
- What type of Behavior?
- Consumer
- Buying and working
- Firm
- Producing and selling
4What are some major changes in the economy that
have happened in the last six months?
- Role of prices
- Why do we have prices?
- How are prices determined?
- Who determines prices?
- Supply and Demand
- What are they?
- How do we draw them?
- What changes each?
6 - Competitive markets
- What makes us competitive?
- Sportsfootball vs. tennis
- Differing market Characteristics
- Control over prices
- Number of firms/customers
- Analyze real-life situations
- Why did the minimum wage change?
- Why are gas prices increasing again?
- Why do businesses have sales?
- Why do doctor visits cost so much?
- Microeconomics
- 7th edition
- Roger Arnold
8Attendance Policy
- Two phrases to live by
- If you dont want to be herewe dont want you
here - If you dont plan on staying the entire
timedont come
- Due at the BEGINNING of class following the
assigned questions - Homework review sessions
- Students do problems
- Answer need not be correct to receive credit
- Grading of homeworkWhat is your number?
- Dont forget ityour grade depends on it
10Exams and Quizzes
- Midterm
- Monday February 6th
- Quiz 1
- Friday January 20th
- Quiz 2
- Friday February 24th
- Final
- Section 03
- Friday March 17th 800am - 1030am
- Section 04
- Wednesday March 15th 200pm 430pm
11Grade Breakdown
- Midterm 25
- Cumulative Final 30
- Quizzes 20
- Homework 15
- Participation 10
12Other Stuff
- Academic Dishonesty
- Classroom Conduct
- Disabilities
13Chapter 1 What is Economics About
14Definition of Economics
- SCIENCE of how individuals and societies deal
with the fact that wants are greater than
resources available to satisfy those wants
- Wants are greater than the resources available to
fill those wants - What do you have scarcity of???
- Money
- Time
- What do firms have scarcity of???
- Labor
- Land
- Capital
16Thus.Economics is the SCIENCE of SCARCITY
17Normative vs. Positive Economics
- Normative
- What ought to be
- Positive
- What is
18Examples Positive or Normative?
- The government fought inflation during the early
1980s because it felt the inflation was damaging
potential long-term economic growth. - The government should cut taxes in order to
stimulate consumption. - Increases in consumer spending improved the
Japanese economy last year. - Balancing the federal budget would be good for
the economy.
19Micro vs. Macro
- Microeconomics
- Study of human behavior and choice
- Looks at SMALL units (individual, market, single
firm) - Macroeconomics
- Study of human behavior and choices
- Looks at LARGE units (aggregated markets, whole
20Economic Way of Thinking
- Watch
- An economist is someone that sees something
working in practice and asks if it would would in
principle - Think
- Identify
21Why Study Economics?
- Social Problems
- Discrimination
- Crime
- Understand why things happen
- Coupons
- Minimum Wage
- Understand the Political Process
22Homework 1
- Chapter 1
- Questions 1 and 2
23Beginning to Think Like an Economist
24Defining Economic Goods
- Utility
- Satisfaction you receive from consuming a product
- Good vs. Bad
- Tangibility
- Can the good be touched or is it a service?
- Resources or factors of production used
- Land natural resources
- Labor Physical and mental talents of people
- Capital produced goods that can be used as
inputs for further production - Entrepreneurship talent of organizing
resources, seeking new opportunities, and
developing new ways of doing things
25Remember Scarcity Runs the Show
- What was scarcity??
- Sohow do we make sure that only those who REALLY
need the good get it?? - Prices
- System of rationing of the good
- Cause people to compete for the item
26Opportunity Cost
- Value of the next best alternative foregone
- Pizza vs CD
- Pizza for 1.00 per slice CD for 15.00
- Revolutionary War
- The British and their red coats
- Big Macs
- Big Macs in Japan cost 8.25
- Highway System
- Paid for with taxes
27Summary Statement of Scarcity and Related
28Costs and Benefits at the Margin
- What is the margin??
- The last or additional
- Marginal Cost
- The cost of the last unit employed
- Marginal Benefits
- The benefit of the last unit employed
- Unintended effects
- Minimum wage
- Gun bounties
- Seat belts
- What is the right amount of time to study?
- Right amount optimal or efficient amount
- Marginal Costs Marginal Benefits
30Economic way of thinking includes
- Analyzing scarcity
- Look at opportunity cost of decisions
- Measure costs and benefits
- Look at marginal effects
- Examine unintended effects
31Economic Thinking Errors
- Association vs. Causation
- You hit red lights because you are running late
- Dont study for a test so you fail
- Fallacy of Composition
- What is good for the individual is good for the
group - Forgetting Ceteris Paribus
- All else remains constant
32What is this?
- Simplified version of reality
- Includes only the important aspects
- Why is a model necessary??
34Parts of a Theory
- Variables
- Magnitudes that can change
- Assumptions
- Ideas about event that will not allow to change
- Hypothesis
- Educated guess
- Predictions
- Based on hypothesis and assumptions
35Scientific Approach
- What do you want to predict/explain?
- What variables are important?
- State assumptions
- State hypothesis
- Test
- If results are goodYeah You!!
- If results are badamend or reject theory
36Building and Testing a Theory
37How do we judge theories?
- Look at how well they predict
- NOT by the assumptions
- Example Firms try to maximize profits
- Do they think about this every second?
- Probably not
- Over the course of the yearmake decisions to
maximize profits
38Appendix A
39Types of Relationships between variables
- Direct
- Positive
- Inverse
- Negative
- No Relationship
- Variables are independent
40Two-Variable Diagram Representing an Inverse
41Two-Variable Diagram Representing a Direct
42Two Diagrams Representing Independence between
Two Variables
- Used to see how a variable changes in response to
another variable changing
44To calculate slope
- Find two points on any straight line
45What sign do you expect the slope to have?
- Direct relationship
- Positive
- Inverse relationship
- Negative
- No Relationship
- 0 or infinity
46Calculating Slopes
47Calculating Slopes
48The 45 Line
- Chapter 1
- Questions 4, 5, 7, 8
- Chapter 1 Appendix
- Questions 6, 7, 9
50In-class exercise 1
- Do we understand Chapter 1?
51Appendix B
- Should you major in Economics??
52Five myths about economics and an economics major
- Economics is all mathematics and statistics
- Economics is only about inflation, interest
rates, unemployment, and other such things - People become economists only if they want to
make money - Economics wasnt very interesting in high school,
so it isnt going to be interesting now - Economics is a lot like business, but business is
more marketable