Title: Fish, Fish and more Fish
1Fish, Fish and more Fish!
2Three Questions about Betta Fish
- 1. Why do Betta fish not need a lot of room to
survive? - 2. How do Betta fish reproduce?
- 3. Why cant two Betta fish be put in the same
3The Research Process
- When I first started to look up information for
this topic, I was not having much luck. It was
mainly coming up with pages of how to take care
of a betta fish and where to buy the tanks and
other supplies. So this made ask my questions
very precisely. It all started to come together
when I found the websites http//freshaquarium.ab
out.com/cs/anabantids2/p/betta.htm and
etta_breeding.htmtop2. After reading these
websites thoroughly my questions were getting
4Background information on Bettas
Scientific NameĀ Betta SplendensOther Names
Betta Family BelontiidaeOrigin Cambodia,
ThailandAdult Size 3 inches (7 cm)Social
Males cannot be kept togetherLifespan 2-3
yearsTank Level Top dwellerMinimum Tank Size
3 gallonDiet Live foods preferable, will eat
flakes and frozen foodsBreeding Egglayer -
bubblenestCare Easy to IntermediatepH 6.8 -
7.4Hardenss up to 20 dGHTemperature 75-86 F
(24-30 C)
5Why do beta fish not need a lot of room to
- This is because betta fish can live in water with
low oxygen content. - Keep them in a warm area they are tropical
fish! - The advantage of keeping your bettas in a tank
rather than a bowl is that you can now decorate
his surroundings. - The likelihood of him getting sick from you
neglecting to change his water often enough is
- Bettas are labyrinth fish, which allows them to
breath atmospheric air. The labyrinth acts as a
lung. This is why they can survive in small
volumes of water, because they only need to be
wet in order to live, assuming they have a place
to breath air from the surface. So make sure that
they have a place to get air from in their bowl - However, even though bettas can survive in small
amounts of water does not mean that they prefer
to live in these conditions! - Examples of acceptable fish tanks for your
bettaSiamese Fighting Fish (Betta Splendens)
7How do beta fish reproduce?
- Learn to distinguish between males and females
- The female is under the male, and releases her
eggs, the male wraps himself around her, catches
the eggs in his mouth and spits them into the
bubble nest. The bubble nest had been built
earlier by the male. The male literally squeezes
the eggs out of the female - The male Betta, will care for the eggs in the
bubble nest. You will see him taking the eggs
into his mouth where he cleans them with special
natural chemicals in his mouth. Two days after
spawning the chemicals in his mouth change and
dissolve the outer layer of the eggs to release
the fry. - Now comes the difficult part. One cannot raise
the Betta fry in an aquarium or a bowl. Instead
you put them in a pond. This only works when the
water temperature is 68 degrees F. or warmer.
8Why cant two bettas be put in the same tank?
- It is called the Siamese Fighting Fish because of
its behavior towards other males of the same
species. You cannot keep two or more males in the
same tank. If they are placed in the same tank,
they will fight until only one of them remains.
They will flare out their gill covers and erect
their fins showing the other fish their fighting
posture. - There are ways to see this behavior without
introducing another male. One way is to use a
small hand mirror and place it up against the
tank glass so that the male betta may see his
reflection. He will mistake his reflection as
another male and the fighting posture should then
be displayed.
- AC Tropical Fish Aquatic Community. 2004-2005.
39.html - Animation Library. 2000-2006. http//www.animatio
nlibrary.com/a- l/index.php3?nsubcat_images.php3
id43start80end20 - Ask the Vet Solving Pet Health Problems.
2003-2006. http//www.ask-the- vet.com/betta-fish-
care.htm - pbskids.org/.../files.php/ 206563_discovery_f.jpg
- Pet Fish Resource and Online Store. 2000-2006.
betta_breeding.htm top2 - Sharpe, Shirley. New York Times Company. 2006.