Title: The Community College Readership Program
1The Community College Readership Program
Brought to You by Phi Theta Kappa
The Mission The purpose of The Community College
Readership Program, brought to you by Phi Theta
Kappa, is to promote civic engagement through
newspaper readership among two-year college
Overview The Importance Benefits Program
Cost Getting Started Contact Us
- Daily delivery of USA TODAY newspapers
- Chapter-based initiative
- Consistent readership habits develop
4USA TODAY Manages
- Sales processes
- Logistics and implementation
- Displays and signage promoting Phi Theta
Kappa - Recycling for unused newspapers
- Billing to funding partners
5The Importance
- Newspapers contribute to student engagement
in the democratic society. - Newspaper readership contributes to an
informed population. - Newspapers values are understood.
- Newspapers increase the quality of an
6The Importance
- Newspaper readership is an indispensable
method of promoting continuing education. - Newspapers provide important information to
decision makers. - Newspapers offer advice.
- Offers a 30 academic discount.
- Satisfies your chapters Five Star Chapter
Development Program Level Five College
Project. - Donates to the Leaders of Promise Scholarship
Fund. - Promotes your chapter on paper displays.
8Program Cost
- Determine college population
- Assume a 3 usage rate
- Take the discount 35 cents a paper
- Factor in the days in a school year 150
- Cost per student 1.58 for entire year
9Getting Started
- Contact USA TODAY for start-up packet.
- Approach administration about funding.
- Contact USA TODAY once funding approval is
granted. - Work with the local market office and begin
10Contact Us
USA TODAY Email ptk_at_usatoday.com http//www.usato
day.com/educate/ptk 1.800.872.3187, ext.
3415 Phi Theta Kappa Email readership.program_at_pt
k.org 601.984.3577
11The Community College Readership Program
Brought to You by Phi Theta Kappa
The Mission The purpose of The Community College
Readership Program, brought to you by Phi Theta
Kappa, is to promote civic engagement through
newspaper readership among two-year college