Title: Questionnaires
1Questionnaires Data Collection Forms
- Dr. John T. Drea
- Professor of Marketing
- Western Illinois University
2Choosing a data collection procedure
- Can be viewed by the degree of control available
- Sampling control control of selection of sample
subjects. - Information control obtaining the breadth and
quality of information needed. - Administrative control speed and cost.
- All of these have impacts on data quality.
3Collecting Survey Data Control
- Sampling Control Telephone
- Good with US respondents, non-response bias is
less of a problem than with mail surveys - Can create random samples.
- Some under-representation of lower income
individuals. - Less control in many international markets.
4Collecting Survey Data Control
- Sampling Control Mail
- More comprehensive coverage, but a greater
problem with non-response bias. - Randomization can be achieved through purchased
mailing lists, usually with excellent quality
(guaranteed 90-95 deliverable)
5Collecting Survey Data Control
- Sampling Control Personal Interviews
- Can be done randomly for general population, but
expensive. - Can be done as a mall-intercept, but is the
sample representative of the population?
6Collecting Survey Data Control
- Information Control
- Telephones
- Limitations in complexity - no rank orders, no
visual aids or other stimuli. - Allows for complicated branching.
- Mail
- Problem of sequence bias
- No complicated branching, and can use more
complicated questions - Personal Interview
- Can use a variety of tools, no sequence problems
7Collecting Survey Data Control
- Administrative Control
- Telephone
- Fast, data can be automatically tabulated and
ready to edit, less expensive. - Mail
- Slow, data can be coded quickly in some cases,
can be very expensive depending on response
rates. - Personal Interview
- Speed depends on number of trained interviewers,
can be very expensive.
8Open Ended or Closed Ended Questions?
- Open ended questions
- Difficult to code and can introduce some bias
problems in interpretation. - Provides subjects with an opportunity for a
variety of responses - good for pre-tests and
creating multichotomous response categories. - Ex Why did you choose to attend the last
Milwaukee Brewers game?
9Categories of Survey ErrorAdapted from Zikmund,
Essentials of Marketing Research (1999)
Non- response Error
Attention Loss
Respondent Error
Sampling Error
Response Bias
Respondent Misunder- standing
Total Error
Non- Sampling Error
Data Processing Error
Sample Selection Error
Admin. Error
Interviewer Error
Social Desirability
10Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors
- Sampling Error the difference between the
observed value of a measure and the long-run
average of the observed values in repetitions of
the measurement. - The difference between the sample mean and the
mean of the population (as estimated by multiple
means of the population by the same instrument) - A key to reducing sampling error is increasing
sample size.
11Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors
- Non-Sampling Errors types of errors not related
to the sample (i.e., all other samples) - Sampling errors decrease as sample sizes
increase. - Non-sampling errors do not decrease as sample
sizes increase. - Non-sampling errors have been found to be ten
times the magnitude of sampling errors!
12Types of Non-Sampling Errors
- Non-observation errors failure to obtain data
from parts of the survey population (sometimes
referred to as sample selection error) - Are there segments of your populations from which
you are failing to include in the sample? This is
a non-coverage error. Are some units
over-represented (listed more than once)? This
is over-coverage error. They are both gaps in
the sample frame. - Are there characteristics members of the original
sample that were not among the survey
respondents? This is a non-response error.
13Administrative Errors
- Data Processing Error
- errors from entering, coding, editing
- check each others work!
- Ideally, have one person read and the other
enter. - Interviewer Error/Cheating
- Can occur from marking the wrong response, or
falsifying responses - Check for falsification by calling a selected
number of respondents back to confirm whether the
original interview was conducted - Sample Selection Error
14Sample Selection Error(Non-coverage errors)
- How big of a problem is it?
- Compare data with available population data -
does the sample compare with other known data? - Be sure to scale questions similar to outside
sources of known population data. - Can we do anything to reduce it?
- Elimination of duplicates
- Carefully comparing the sample frame to the
15Sample Selection Error (Non-response errors)
- Non-response error an inability to obtain
information from sample elements. - Just because someone doesnt respond, it doesnt
mean we have a non-response error. - If non-respondents are similar to respondents,
there is no non-response error.
16Response Rate Issues, Phone Surveys
Not at homes If there is no answer at a number,
or if you get an answering machine, place the
subject on a callback list to call during the
next calling cycle. Three attempted callbacks
is usually adequate - that reduces non-response
bias issues. Refusals best strategy is to
prevent them - what can you do to get the
respondent to complete the interview?
17Response Rates
Response rates are much easier to calculate for
a mail survey, personal interview, or a survey
administered in a group setting.
If we mail 1000 surveys and receive 250 replies
of which 25 are not useable (illegible, not
completed by correct respondent, etc.), the
response rate is calculated as (250 - 25)/1000
18Types of Non-Sampling Errors
- Observation Errors inaccurate information is
obtained, created during processing, or
communicated in the results. - Harder to determine we need to compare measure
results with true information to detect - in many
cases, if we had the true information, we
wouldnt need to do the research in the first
19Response Bias
- Occurs when respondents consciously or
subconsciously distort their responses Common
types of response bias - Acquiescence Bias some respondents tend to agree
with all questions (ex Mizuno Gloves) - Extremity Bias Some respondents avoid extremes,
others gravitate towards them. - Interviewer Bias Altering a question, presence
of the interviewer tone of voice - Auspices Bias Who is conducting the research?
- Social Desirability Desire of respondent to
create a favorable impression (voting,
readership, TV)
20Controlling Response Bias
- Intentional bias
- Anonymity (name not associated with answers)
- Confidentiality (answers will remain private)
- Incentives (encourages participation, creates
sense of obligation to tell the truth) - Validation check (used in personal interview -
asking respondent to demonstrate truthfulness,
e.g., can I see your medication you take for
condition X) - Third-person technique (makes the question less
personal, e.g., Do you think someone like
yourself would consider a physicians assistant?)
21Controlling Response Bias
- Respondent Misunderstanding respondent provides
an answer w/o understanding the question (watch
your terminology and instructions!) - Guessing respondent gives an answer w/o know if
it is accurate (introduces error - only ask
questions the respondent can answer) - Attention Loss decreasing motivation to complete
the survey (encourage them in the instructions)
or possible distractions (quiet place for
interviews) - Respondent Fatigue respondent tires of answer
questions, accuracy drops (keep it short, offer
incentive to complete)
22Closed End Questions
- Multichotomous
- Provides three or more structured categories for
responses. - Dichotomous
- Provides two structured categories for responses.
- Use dichotomous only when its an either/or
type of question - no middle position is possible
23Examples, Dichotomous Questions
- Appropriate
- Has your household purchased an automobile in the
past twelve months? ___ yes ___no ___ dont
know - What is your gender? ___female ___male
- Inappropriate
- Will your household purchase an automobile in the
next twelve months? ___yes ___no ___dont know - Are you satisfied with your current automobile?
- ___ yes ___no
- Do you consider yourself to be ____tall ___short
24An alternative way to ask the same question
- Will your household purchase an automobile in the
next twelve months? - definitely will purchase
- probably will purchase
- probably will not purchase
- definitely will not purchase
- no opinion/dont know
25Individual Question Content
- One question per issue (avoid double-barreled
questions) - No How important are academics and placement in
choosing a college? - Make your questions specific
- No Where do you buy your groceries?
- Yes At which local grocery store did you
personally last purchase grocery items?
26Individual Question Content
- Do subjects have the information to answer the
question? - Does the subject really know?
- Ex How much do you spend on food per week?
- Can they remember?
- Ex On what date did you last watch TV program X?
- Are subjects willing to answer?
- Place sensitive questions at the end of a survey,
and/or place the subject at ease by suggesting a
behavior is common.
27Some other suggestions on question wording
- Is the question necessary?
- Avoid leading questions.
- Will respondents give the correct information?
- Use simple, ordinary wording.
- Avoid ambiguous words (occasionally, regularly)
- Avoid extreme words (always, all, never, ever)
- Avoid poorly chosen words
- Be careful with you and where