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- Anaesthetic requirements for ophthalmic surgery
- - Nature of the surgery
- - Surgeons preference
- - Patients preference
- Local
- Topical
- Regional
- General
4Local anaesthesia for eyes
- Non-akinetic and akinetic methods
- Non akinetic techniques
- Topical ( drops gel )
- Subconjunctival
- Deep fornix anaesthesia
5Akinetic techniques
- Akinetic blocks
- 1. Needle techniques
- - Intraconal
- - Extraconal
- - Combined intraconal
extraconal - 2. Cannula techniques
- - Sub- tenons block
- Ophthalmic surgeons prefer immobile
eyes - Friedman et al - patients also prefer akinetic
regional ophthalmic block. -
Br J Ophthalmol
6Topical anaesthesia for eyes
- Non-invasive
- Minimal complications
- Challenging operating conditions
no akinesia - Popular for phacoemulsification cataract surgery
- Careful patient selection
- Co-operative
- Must be able to lie supine still
- Sedation
7Regional anaesthesia
- Advantages
- Day cases
- Good akinesia anaesthesia
- Minimal effect on IOP
- Minimal equipment required
- Low failure rate high safety profile
- Disadvantages
- Not suitable for all patients
- Complications
- Skill of anaesthetist
- Unsuitable for certain types of surgery
- The orbit irregular four-sided
pyramid - Apex - pointing
posteromedially - Base - facing
anteriorly - Annulus of Zinn ? fibrous ring arising from the
superior orbital - fissure,
forms the apex - The surface of cornea, conjunctiva lids ?
forms the base - Globe movements are controlled by -
- - Rectus muscles (inferior, lateral,
medial superior) - - Oblique muscles (superior
inferior) - Rectus muscles ? origin - annulus of Zinn
- insertion -
anterior to the equator of the globe, Forms an
incomplete cone
10Cone formed by rectus muscles
11Nerve supply
- Within the muscle cone -
- - Optic nerve (II)
- - Oculomotor nerves
(III) - - Abducent nerve (VI
nerve), - - Nasociliary nerve
(a branch of V nerve), - - Ciliary ganglion and
vessels - ALL3 SO4 LR6
- Trochlear nerve runs outside above annulus?
superior oblique - (retained activity
of this muscle is frequently observed ) - .
- Nasociliary nerve ? Corneal perilimbal
conjunctival - Frontal infraorbital nerves ? remainder of the
peripheral conjunctival
13Tenons space anatomy
- Tenons capsule ? thin membrane enveloping the
- globe
separating it from orbital fat - Inner surface separated from the outer surface of
the sclera by a potential space the
sub- tenons space - Sub- tenons space ? lymphatic space
- Follows the optic nerve continues with
subarachnoid space
14Assessment and Preparation
- British Ophthalmic Anesthesia Society - fasting
regimen - there is difference in clinical practice by
different anaesthesist -
- Majority do not consider that it is necessary for
the pt to be fasted prior to local anesthesia for
eye surgery - ( 65 did not restrict any food or liquid
intake ) - Complication rates of starvation or aspiration in
ophthalmic regional anesthesia are unknown - Pre-op investigations
- Routine investigation of patients for catract
surgery is not essential - Tests can be done to improve the general health
of the patient if required. - Royal College of
Anaesthetists and The Royal College of
Ophthalmologists, 2001 -
- Enquiry about bleeding disorders related drugs
- Konstantatos et al
- Patients on anticoagulants to continue
their medication - Clotting results should be within
therapeutic range. - Anaesth
Intensive Care 20012911-8 - Recommendation for patients receiving
antiplatelet agents - - Currently no recomendation
- Katz J et al Study -
Ophthalmology 2003 110 1784-8 - - Procedures under topical,
subconjunctival, sub- Tenons - blocks are recommended
- Konstantatos A et al -
Anaesth Intensive Care 20012911-8
16 - Chassot et al -
- Extra occular anterior chamber surgery
can be conducted during dual antiplatelet
theraphy -
- Posterior chamber procedures require
cessation of clopidogrel ( but not asprine ) - Only emergency surgery should be performed on
full antiplatelet theraphy - The risk/benefit ratio of preoperative withdrawal
of antiplatelet drugs in order to perform
regional blocked is not justified -
BJA 99 (3)316-28 (2007) -
17 - Hamilton RC et al
- Risk factors that predispose
globe penetration - - Presence
of a long eye - - Staphyloma or
enophthalmos - - Faulty technique
- - Lack of
appreciation of risk factors - - Uncooperative
patient - - Use of
unnecessarily long needles -
OphthalmolClin North Am 19981199-114. - Patients with axial myopia have greater risk of
globe puncture - Risk rate is- 1 in 140 needle blocks with an
axial length gt 26 mm. -
Duker et al Ophthalmology 199198519-26. - If axial length not known ? power of patients
spectacles - In highmyopia in case of pre-existing scleral
buckle a classical peribulbar block or a single
medial peribulbar injection is advocated. -
Johnson, International Practice
of Anaesthesia. 1996 -
Vohra SB ,Br J Anaesth 200085242-5.
- Anaesthetic surgical procedures are explained
- All monitoring and anaesthetic equipments should
be functional - Intravenous line -
- Mathew et al - ? insertion of an IV
line for topical - or sub-
Tenons injection -
J Cataract Refract Surg
2003291132-6. - Anaesthetists and The Royal College of
Ophthalmologists, 2001 - - IV line must be inserted before
embarking on - a needle block
- Kumar CM, Dodds et al -
- - Presence of a secure IV line remains
good clinical practice -
Ophthalmic Anaesthesia.
The Netherlands, 2002.
19Types of regional anaesthesia
- Akinetic Needle Technique
- Peribulbar block (Pericone)
- Retrobulbar block (Intracone, Atkinsons)
- Sub- Tenons block
- (parabulbar block, pinpoint anaesthesia,
- medial episcleral block)
20Retrobulbar block
- The Atkinsons or classical retrobulbar block
- - Needle inserted through the skin, at the
junction of - medial 2/3rd lateral 1/3rd of the lower
orbital margin -
- - 2 to 3 mL of local anaesthetic is injected
deep into the - orbit behind the globe with the patient
looking upwards - inwards
- - A separate 7th nerve block is required.
- In modern retrobulbar block
- - 25-G, 31-mm long needle is inserted
through the - conjunctiva or skin in the
inferotemporal quadrant as - far laterally as possible below the LR
muscle. - - initial direction is tangential to the
globe, - once past the equator ,needle goes
upwards - inwards to enter the space behind the
globe - 4 to 5 mL of local anaesthetic injected
Insertion point direction of needle for extreme
inferolateral intraconal injection
Final position of needle after intraconal needle
24Peribulbar block 2 injections
- Inferotemporal injection
- Injection is made outside the cone.
- A 25-G, 31-mm long needle inserted through the
conjunctiva as far laterally as possible in the
inferotemporal quadrant. - Once the needle is under the globe, it is
directed along the orbital floor. - 5 mL of local anaesthetic agent is injected.
- Many patients require a supplementary injection.
- Nasal injection
- A medial peribulbar block is performed to
- supplement inferotemporal retrobulbar or
peribulbar injection, particularly when akinesia
is not adequate. - Rubin A. Eye blocks. In
Principles and Practice of Regional Anaesthesia -
Churhill Livingstone, 2003 - 25 or 27-G needle is inserted in the blind pit
between the caruncle medial canthus to a depth
of 15 to 20 mm - .
- 3 to 5 mL of local anaesthetic agent is injected
Direction and placement of needle for medial
peribulbar injection
29Needle Selection for Akinetic Block
- Historically ? 38 mm long needle
- Chandra M Kumar et al
- Distance between inferior orbital rim apex
42 to 54 mm - Ciliary ganglion lie ? 7 mm in front of the apex
- ( as per
study in 120 cadaveric skull ) - Hence ciliary ganglion is 35 mm from the
inferior orbital rim - Patients with shallow orbit are at a ? risk with
needles 35 mm - Vanden Berg et al
- Shorter (25 mm) needles are recommended
- Some authors claim excellent results with 16-mm
needles -
Anaesthesia 200459775-80
30 - Bevel and tip of needle controversy
- Grizzard WS et al -
- Sharp narrow-gauge needles (25 to 31
gauges) reduce - Discomfort on insertion at the expense of a
reduced tactile feedback - Theoretically higher risk to recognise a globe
perforation -
Ophthalmology 1991981011-6 - Kimble JA et al
- Advantage of blunt needles
- Blood vessels were pushed rather than traumatised
- Tissue planes could be more accurately defined
Arch Ophthalmol
1987105749 - Grizzard WS et al
- Blunt needles
- More likely to cause greater damage when misplace
Ophthalmology 1991981011-6
31Complication of agent
- Systemic complication
- - Over dose
- - Intravascular
- - Allergic or vasovagal reaction.
- - Into CSF within a cuff of dura around
- the optic nerve
- (confusion, convulsion,
unconsiousness, respiratory cardiac arrest) - - Over dose or intra vascular injection
of adrenalin - - Allergic reaction to hyaluronidase
32Complications of the techniques
- Subconjuctival odema (chemosis )
- Frequently follow large volume of peribulbar
injection than retrobulbar injection - Resolves with use of pressure
- No intra or postoperative problem
- Bruising (ecchymosis )
- Disfiguring
- Conjuctival rather than skin injection to prevent
33Retrobulbar hemorrhage
- Incidence 0.1 -1.7
- Predisposing factor Elderly
- Vascular
or haematological disease - Pt on
steroids, aspirin, NSAIDS, anticoagulant - Manifest by Tight eyelids
- Subconjuctival or
periorbital hemorrhage - Dramatic increase in
IOP - Central retinal artery pulsation should be
monitored - Impending retinal artery occlusion ?
Decompressive surgery or -
Anterior chamber paracentesis - Postpone surgery
- Cionni et al -
- If pressure reducing device decreases
IOP, surgery can be - carried out
opthalmology 1991 98
34Globe perforation
- Both in peribulbar retrobulbar blocks
- Incidence - 1 in 874 Gillow et al, Eye
199610533-536 - 1 in 12,000 Devis et
al, J Catract Refract surg199420 - 1 in 16,224 Manner
et al, Eye 199610367-370 - More in long thin eye
- Globes longer than 26mm are at risk
- Pt who had or presenting for retinal detachment
surgery and pt with myopia have long globes
- Diagnosis by- Pain at time of injection
- Sudden loss of
vision - Hypotonia
- Poor red reflex or
vitrous haemorage - When suspected or diagnosed ?discuss with the
surgeon -
- May be avoided by
- - Knowledge of orbital
anatomy and length of globe - - Initial tangential
niddle insertion - - Not going up and in
till niddle tip past the equator - - Aiming for inferior
portion of superior orbital fissure - rather than orbital
36 - Optic nerve atrophy-
- Direct injury to optic nerve or retinal artery
- Injection into optic nerve sheath or hemorrhage
in optic nerve sheath - Retrobulbar hemorrhage
- May lead to partial or complete visual loss
- Amaurosis
- Mainly with retrobulbar block due to optic nerve
block - Not with peribulbar block
- Pt should be explained
- Occulo cardiac reflex
- Occasionally
- Pt should be monitored
37Penatration of optic nerve sheath
- Injection into the dural cuff of optic nerve
subarachnoid spread -
of anaesthetic agent - Nicoll et al -
- In 6000 retrobulbar block , incidence is 1
in 375 with 1 in 700 life - threatening
Anesthesia and analgesia198766 - Hamilton et al - incidence is 3 per 1000
Canadian journal of anaesthesia1988 35 - All injection should be made with the globe in
primary gaze position - Symptoms usually appear within 8 min
- ( immediately or upto 40 min after
38 - Sign symptoms - Drowsiness , vomiting
Contralateral blindness -
Convulsion -
Respiratory depression or arrest -
Neurological deficit -
Cardiac arrest - Myotoxicity
- - Most frequently affect the inferior rectus
muscle - - Usually recover but sometimes required
corrective surgery - - Rainin etal
- Highest concentration of local
anesthetic should not be - used as they are found to be myotoxic
Archives of Opthalmology 1985103 - Direct injection into the muscle should be
39Sub Tenons Anaesthesia
- Original idea of Turnbull (1884 )
- Modified popularised by Mein and
Woodcock, Hansen, Stevens, Greenbaum others - Also known as Parabulbar block
- Pinpoint
anesthesia -
Episcleral block
40Anatomy of sub- tenons space
41Sub- Tenons block
- Standard technique
- Obtaining surface anaesthesia
- Access to the sub-Tenons space
- Insertion of a cannula
- Administration of local anaesthetic agent
42 - Inferonasal quadrant is the most common site of
access -
(can be accessed from all 4 quadrants ) - Stevens JD et al -
- Inferonasal quadrant allows good
fluid distribution superiorly - while avoiding area of surgery
damage to the vortex veins -
Br J Ophthalmol 1992 76 670674 - With the patient - looking upwards outwards
- Conjunctiva Tenons capsule are gripped with
non-toothed forceps (Moorfield forceps) ,5 to 10
mm away from the limbus - A small incision is made with scissors ( Westcott
scissors) to expose the sclera the cannula is
inserted following the globe
44Cannulae for Sub-Tenons Block
- Metal or plastic
- Commonly used cannula is ? metal, 19-G, 2.54-cm
long -
curved with a blunt end - Others Southampton cannula
- Mid sub- Tenon cannula
- Anterior cannula
- Ultrashort cannula
- Volume of LA varies from 1.5 -11 mL
- ( 3
to 5 mL is commonly used) - Smaller volumes ?provide globe anesthesia
- Larger volumes ? if akinesia is desirable
45One inch curved metal posterior sub-Tenons
46Plastic anterior sub-Tenons cannula.
47Plastic mid-sub-Tenons cannula
- Behndig A et al
- Prolonged anesthesia analgesia
are obtained - by inserting a catheter in the
sub-Tenons space. -
J Cataract Refract Surg
1998241307-9 - Sub-Tenons block used primarily for cataract
surgery - Also effective for ?Viteroretinal surgery
- Panretinal
photocoagulation -
Trabeculectomy - Strabismus
surgery - Delivery of
drugs - Sub-Tenons block favoured? in patients on
anticoagulants, aspirin NSAIDs - Konstantatos
A et al - Anaesth Intensive Care 20012911-8
49Passage of local anaesthetic agent during
sub-Tenons injection
- Ultrasound MRI studies shows
- injected anesthetic agent opens the
sub-Tenons - space giving a characteristic
T-sign - Local anaesthetic agent diffuses into intraconal
extraconal areas resulting in anesthesia
akinesia of the globe eyelids - Intense analgesia is produced by blockade of the
short ciliary nerves as they pass through the
Tenon capsule
50characteristics T-sign.
51Complications of Sub-Tenons Block
- Minor complications ? pain during injection,
chemosis, conjunctival hemorrhage leakage of
local anaesthetic -
- Major complications ? orbital retrobulbar
hemorrhage, rectus muscle paresis trauma, globe
perforation, central spread of local anesthetic,
orbital cellulites etc - Most of these complications occurs following use
of 2.54- cm metal cannula. - Kumar CM et al -
Eur J Anaesthesiol 200522567-77. - Smaller or flexible cannulae appear to be safer
but the incidence of minor complications
increases. - Kumar CM Dodds C et al -
An Br J Anaesth 200187631.
52Pain during injection
- Multifactorial
- Incidence with posterior metal cannula up to
44 - Pain scores on a VAS have been reported as high
as 5 -
Stevens JD - Br J
Ophthalmol 1992 76 670674 - Smaller cannulae appear to offer a marginal
benefit -
Kumar CM, Dodds et al -
Eye 2004 18 873876 - Guise PA et al -
- Premedication or sedation during
sub-Tenons injection does not add any benefit
Anesthesiology 2003 98 964968 - Preoperative ? explanation of the procedure, good
surface anesthesia, gentle technique, slow
injection of warm local anaesthetic agent
reassurance are considered good practice
53 - Chemosis-
- Incidence 25 to 60 with a posterior cannula
- 100 with shorter
cannulae - Resolves with application of digital pressure
- Minor conjunctival hemorrhage
- Incidence 20 to 100 depends on the cannula
used - Loss of local anaesthetic volume during injection
- Anaesthesia and akinesia
- Akinesia is volume dependent
- (large proportion develop akinesia
with 4-5 ml of LA ) - Superior oblique muscle lid movements may
remain active in a significant number of patients - \
54Pharmacological Considerations during Ophthalmic
Regional Block
- Local Anaesthetic Agent
- All the modern LA are suitable
studies have shown little - difference in the quality of
anesthesia, analgesia akinesia - Adjuvant
- Vasoconstrictors -
- - Increases the intensity and
duration of block minimize - bleeding from small vessels
- pH Alteration -
- - Alkalization decreases onset time
and prolong the - duration of effect after needle
block - . Zahl K et al -
Anesthesiology 199072230 - - No such benefit is seen during
sub-Tenons block. - Moharib et
al - Reg Anesth Pain Med 200025514-7
55 - Hyaluronidase -
- Improves the effectiveness quality of needle
sub- Tenons block - use remains controversial
- The amount of hyaluronidase used - 5 to150 IU /
mL - Orbital swelling - allergic actions or excessive
doses orbital pseudotumour have been reported - Others -
- Muscle relaxants clonidine are known to
increase the onset potency of orbital block - use is neither routine nor recommended.
56Sedation and Ophthalmic Regional Blocks
- commonly used during topical anesthesia
- patients, in whom explanation reassurance have
no benefit - Short acting BZP, opioids small doses of IV
anesthetic induction agents are used - The Royal College of Anaesthetists and The Royal
College of Ophthalmologists, 2001 - The routine use of sedation is discouraged
- A means of providing supplemental O2 should be
available - Sedation should only be used to allay anxiety
not to cover inadequate block
57Intraocular Pressure (IOP) and Ophthalmic
Regional Blocks
- Changes in IOP after retrobulbar peribulbar
injections are controversial - IOP is generally reported to increase immediately
after injection - Bowman
R et al - Br J Ophthalmol 199680394-7. -
Palay DA et al - Ophthalmic Surg
199021503-7. -
Watkins R et al - Br J Ophthalmol
200185796-8. - IOP is not seen to increase after sub-Tenons
block - Ling R etal -
J Cataract Refract Surg 200228113-7. - Vallance
etal - J Cataract Refract Surg 200430433-6. - Alwitry
etal - Eye 200115733-5.
58Retained Visual Sensations During Ophthalmic
Regional Blocks
- Many patients experience intraoperative visual
sensations - This include light, colours, movements
instruments during - all forms of local ophthalmic anesthesia
- During sub- Tenons block
- (16) found the experience to be unpleasant or
frightening -
Wickremasinghe et al - Eye 2003 17 501-505 - Patients receiving orbital blocks should receive
preoperative - advice as this may alleviate an unpleasant
experience -
59Intraoperative Care and Monitoring
- Patient should be comfortable with soft padding
over pressure areas -
- The Royal College of Anaesthetists and The Royal
College of Ophthalmologists - All patients undergoing major eye surgery
under local anesthesia should be monitored with - Spo2
- Maintenance of verbal contact
60Choice of Technique
- Preference for anaesthetic technique by surgeons
patients varies - Recent article by Friedman et al -
- 72 patients preferred block anesthesia
to topical anesthesia -
Br J Ophthalmol 200488333-5. - Ruschen et al supports this view -
- Patients have higher satisfaction scores
with sub- Tenons block - over topical anesthesia alone.
Br J Ophthalmol 200589291-3 - The choice of technique depend on a balance
between - - patients wishes
- - operative needs of
the surgeon - - skills of the
anesthetist - - place where such
surgery is being performed
61The Rules
- 2001 Guidelines (RCA Coll. of
- Ophthalmologists)
- Trained staff
- Surgeons topical /sub- conjunctival / sub-
Tenon - ( without anaesthetist )
- Anaesthetist iv access with
retrobulbar peribulbar blocks - Anaesthetist in charge when sedation is used
www.anaesthesia.co.in anaesthesia.co.in_at_gmail.c