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Engineers & Entrepreneurship to Build Bharat Mahan By Dr T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Chairman: Pragna Bharati (intellect India ) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Engineers

Engineers Entrepreneurship toBuild Bharat
  • By
  • Director Center for Telecom Management and
  • Chairman Pragna Bharati (intellect India )
  • Former Chairman Managing Director
  • Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
  • Information Technology Advisor,
  • Government of Andhra Pradesh
  • T 91(40) 5567-1191/ 2784-6137(O) 2784-3121
  • F 91 (40) 5567-1111, 2789-6103
  • Talk _at_ DVR Dr HS MIC College of
    Technology,Kanchikacherla 2 Sept 2006

Engineering Education
  • 1400 (270) Engineering colleges
  • 450,000 (80,000) engineers
  • 80,000 (10,000) MBAs
  • 80,000 (10,000) MCAs
  • (Figures in brackets refer to Andhra Pradesh)

Scientists Per One Million of Population
Japan 5,095
USA 4,099
Australia 3,393
UK 2,666
China 545
India 157
  • (2 to 5) in Ist Class companies
  • 10 in2nd 3rd tier companies
  • To get 25,000, Infosys had to process 15,00,000
  • TCS had to look at (10,000) candidates to get 10K

Indias Brand-name
  • IIT IIM and a few from other colleges built up
    a great brand name for our talents
  • Naina Lal Kidwai ( HSBC) Indra Nooyi (Pepsi)
    Rajat Gupta McInsey ----
  • Foreign companies are flocking to India for
  • IT software services
  • BPO, call center, KPO services manufacturing
  • Future belongs to Brazil, Russia, India

What Resurgent India is Accomplishing
What Resurgent India is accomplishing
  • GDP growth rate of 7.0 to 8 ( Chinas 11.3)
    compared to 3 to 4 during the Nehruvian
    Socialist era
  • Population growth down from 2.8 in1950s to 1.8
  • Spectacular growth of telephones
  • Air services banking/Finance(Loans) Insurance
    Corporate Hospitals Professional Colleges Real
    estate ( Office Residences)
  • National High-ways 4- Laning
  • Computerization Rail reservations, Banks,
    Property taxes, Income ax filing
  • STPS, SEZs
  • Food self-sufficiency

Indians in America
  • There are 3.22 Million Indians in America
  • 38 of Doctors in America are Indians.
  • 12 of Scientists in America are Indians.
  • 36 of NASA employees are Indians.
  • 34 of MICROSOFT employees are Indians.
  • 28 of IBM employees are Indians
  • 17 of INTEL employees are Indians.
  • 13 of XEROX employees are Indians
  • The UK National Health Services

India as ICT Power (1)
Software Export Industry
India as ICT Power (2)
Indias share in software exports in the over
all global market
2001 2002 2003 2005 2006
1.5 1.9 2.82 3.8 5.0
Share of India in GlobalBPO KPO Markets
India as ICT Power (3)
  • Year 2003-04 2010-11
  • BPO 36 55
  • KPO 56 71
  • Leaders
  • Eng. Design Basic Data Biotech
  • Search
  • Integration
  • Mgment
  • 400m 300m 280
  • Education coming up

Not only, BPO but KPO
India as ICT Power (4)
  • GE Capital International Services
  • (Gecis Global)
  • Started in India 1997 with 300
  • Now was 17,000 in several countries
  • In India 12,000 ( gt 70) (2,300 in RD alone)
  • Tutors from India Career Launcher (Delhi)
    20,000 US students taking e-tuitions

Foreign Companies Engaging Indian intellect
  • Motorola 1700 employees
  • 40 of software in its mobiles developed in
  • The Internet browser and multi-media messaging
    system conceived and developed for 3G and GSM and
  • The software going into US cars is being
    developed here in India .

Foreign Companies Engaging Indian intellect
  • GE Largest RD center outside USA is in India
    in Bangalore with 2300 researchers, double that
    in Shanghai
  • GE put in 80 mln in the Bangalore RD facility
  • GEs Bangalore RD field for 260 patents in
    the USA (37 already approved)
  • Boeing USA is outsourcing Aircraft design to
    Russia ( 120/ Hr)
  • Russians are outsourcing parts of the design to
    HAL (BG) at 30/Hr
  • Gorbachev went to USA to recommend Moscow as
    Bangalores rival!
  • An Indian retained does the work of 2 or 3
  • does not take 6 weeks of holidays costs

Some foreign companies employees in India
GE Caps GE Dev IBM Oracle EDS Texas
16,000 1,800 10,000 6000 3,500 900
Intel JP Morgan HUWAI Siemens Motorola
1,700 1,200 1,500 2000 1,500
Indias ST
  • Development of missiles Rockets. Agni, Prithvi,
    Akaash, Brahmos
  • Nuclear Area Power ( fast Breeder technology)
  • Bombs
  • Multi purpose Satellites Remote Sensing
  • Man on the Moon
  • DNA finger printing
  • Teachers (Maths, Science, English) to USA,
    Canada, UK, Africa

Indian Manufacturing Rises Challenges (2)
  • Mittal Steels Acquisitions
  • Tata Car
  • Wind-mill generators ( Pune CBT)
  • Ranbaxy Dr.Reddys Labs - Acquisition of
    European companies
  • VSNL and Relilance acquire global sub-marine
    cables ( Tyco FLAG) and TeleGlobe
    S.Africa telecoms
  • Automotive Parts Ind. Cos. Becoming part of
    global supply chains
  • Fire works (Siva Kasi)
  • Apparel textiles (Tiruppur in TN) beating China

Indian Manufacturing Rises Challenges (2)
  • Indias ICT cos. In China, Japan, Australia,
    Sland, US.. Al continents
  • Indias yoga ( 30 mln practitioners in the USA
    alone ) and Gurus ( Art of Living, Ravi Shankar,
    Ram Dev Chinmaya, RK other missions)
  • Hindu intellectuals professionals emerging as
    influential community ( like Jews) in the USA
  • Western intellectuals discover advocate that
    Dharma (Hinduism)/Buddhism alone and not
    Xtianity Islam can preserve culture and other
    diversity ( John Pierre Lehman Professor of
    International Political Economy International
    Institute of Management Development, Switzerland
    in the On-line daily, Globalist)

Flow of Private Equity Funds into India
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006
Amount (mln) 865 1,300 2,300 6000
Rs. (Crores) 3,870 6,075 10,350 27,000
New Townships (1)
Co. Reliance DLF Tatas Unitech Baba kalyani
Acres. 100,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 27,000
Mahindra EMAR ANSALs Infosys
10,000 10,000 10,000 2,145
New Townships (2)
Investment Source Bank Loan IPOs Real Estate Funds Total
Rs. Cr. 20,148 17,500 22,000 60,000
Development cost Rs. 20 lakhs/ Acre
Indias Soft Power
  • 20 mln Hindus in the Diaspora in all continents
  • Ravi Shankars Art of Living
  • Satya Sai Baba
  • Acharya RamdevSwami Narayan Mission
  • Chinmayananda Mission
  • Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (London, New York, Sydney,
  • Little Indias- Mauritius, Suriname, Guyana, Fiji,
    Trinidad Tobago, Canada, USA, South Africa, UK
  • ISKCON Established in 1966 with 300 temples
    10,000 temple devotees 250,000 congregational
    gt 350 centers 60 rural communities 50 schools
    80 restaurants in 71 countries

India, the Hope (1)
  • Jean Pierre Lehmann Professor of International
    Political economy the International institute
    of management Development in Switzerland .
  • Holds Hindu India to provide alternative model
    for global survival
  • Mono-atheistic religions have caused so much
    turmoil through out history and continue to do so
    even now
  • India is the best candidate to supply a new
    ethical global and spiritual model to the
  • Rather than eradicating religion per se, we
    should instead eradicate mono-esthetic religions
    in favour of polytheistic religions

India, the Hope (2)
  • If you have only one god an d you believe that
    god is all pwo4rful and omniscient and you come
    across some one who does not agree, then you
    may feel it is your duty to kill him .if on the
    other hand you believe there are hundreds, in
    the 1000so f gods and that none can be totally
    almighty or omncient then you have likely to be
    far more tolerant.
  • Global environment is desperate for ideas
    philosophy and religion and India is the most
    prolific birth place of all three
  • Indians and members of the enormous Indian
    Diaspora are thought leaders in economics,
    business, philosophy political science, religion
    and literature.
  • (Source On-line Daily, Globalist
  • Dr. Lehman heads the Evan Group a global
    think tank composed of government , industry and
    opinion leaders from Asia, Europe and US )

Message to the Young
  • 160m (16) in the age group 17 to 22 years
  • 67 Indians are below age 30 years
  • Graduating 10m per year
  • 450,000 Engineers ( but only 80,000 Diploma
  • 70,000 MBAs
  • 60,000 MCA
  • 2 mln are in ITES sector where the average pay
    is 2 to 5 times in other sectors

  • IITs, IIMs and some other institutions have
    established a global brand for India Land
    of the Talented
  • When I was in China, Portugal, Greece I noted
    them equating India with IT software !
  • India now recognised as the source of best
    economists, financial analysts, mangers,
    scientists and engineers.
  • Ageing USA imports Indians for brain-work it
    imports Mexicans for menial work so keeps up
    to hegemony

  • Europe does not import Indian ST and other
    Profs it imports culturally incompatible Muslims
    for menial work so it suffers decline
  • USA wants India as an ally Indian Nurses, Indian
    Truck drivers, accountants, lawers..
  • BPO, KPO help us move up the value chain. Indian
    CEOs for the world top companies.
  • Hinduism alone values and promotes cultural an d
    religious radial diversity
  • Abrahamic religions are mutually annihilative
    and predatory on others
  • Intellectuals of the world look to India for all
    values (Vedas, Upanishads, Arth Sastra,
    Mahaveer Ramayana)

  • Our economy is booming inspite of anti-Bharat
    government of alienated persons/parties ( 44 of
    them in the Prlt.)
  • By year 2050 the world order will be China,
    India, America, Russia, Brazil
  • We have to equip ourselves to be a super power
    economically, militarily, intellectually and
  • Read what the worlds noblest wisest think of

BHARAT MAHAN!(Intellectuals estimate of India)
  • India is the only country which never
  • invaded any foreign country
  • India conquered and dominated China
    culturally for 20 centuries without even having
    to send a single soldier across her border.- HU
    SHIH, Former Ambassador of China to USA

We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how
to count, without which no worthwhile scientific
discovery could have been made.-ALBERT
EINSTEINIn the whole world there is no study
so beneficial and so elevating as that of the
Upanishads. It has been the solace of my life it
will be the solace of my death.
Bharat Mahan!
  • Worlds first Universities
  • Takshasila 800 BC 10,000 foreign
  • students, 52 subjects
  • Nalanda Vikrama Sila

If I were to look over the whole world to find
out the country most richly endowed with all the
wealth, power and beauty that nature can
bestow-in some parts a very paradise on earth - I
should point to India. If I were to asked under
what sky the human mind has most fully developed
the choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on
the greatest problems of life, and has found
solution of some of them which well deserve the
attention even of those who have studied Plato
and Kant - I should point to India. And if I
were to ask myself from what literature we here
in Europe, we who have been nurtured almost
exclusively on the thought of Greeks and Romans,
and of one Semitic race, the Jewish, may draw
that corrective which is most wanted in order to
make our inner life more truly human, a life not
for this life only, but a transfigured and
eternal life -- again I should point to India.

India was the motherland of our race, and
Sanskrit the mother of Europes languages she
was the mother of our philosophy mother, through
the Arabs, of much of our mathematics mother,
through the Buddha, of ideals embodied in
Christianity mother, through the village
community, of self-government and democracy.
Mother India is in many ways the mother of us
Whenever I have read any part of the Vedas, I
have felt that some unearthly and unknown light
illuminated me. In the great teaching of the
Vedas, there is no touch of the sectarianism. It
is of ages, climes, and nationalities and is the
royal road for the attainment of the Great
Knowledge. When I am at it, I feel that I am
under the spangled heavens of a summer night.

Bhaskaracharya (5th century AD) calculated the
time taken by the earth to orbit the sun hundreds
ofyears before the astromer Smart. Time taken by
earth to orbit the sun 365.258756484 days. ?
The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindh
6000 years ago. The very word Navigation is
derived from the Sanskrit words NAV Gatih. The
word navy is also derived from Sanskrit Nou
BHARAT MAHAN! Science Technology

Budhayana first calculated the value of pi, and
he explained the concept of what is known as the
Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the
6th century long before the European
mathematicians.? Algebra, trigonometry and
calculus came from India. Sridharacharya
propounded quadratic equations in the 11th
BHARAT MAHAN! Science Technology
The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans
used were 106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big
as 1053 with specific names as early as 5000 BCE
during the Vedic period. Even today, the largest
used number is Peta 1015.? The place value
system, the decimal system was developed in India
in 100 BC.? India invented the Number System.
? Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.
BHARAT MAHAN! Science Technology
? Sushruta is the father of surgery, 2600 years
ago he and health scientists of his time
conducted complicated surgeries like cesareans,
cataracts, artificial legs, fractures, urinary
stones and even plastic surgery and brain
surgery. Usage of anesthesia was well known in
ancient India. Over 125 surgical equipment was
used. Deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology,
etiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism,
genetics and immunity is also found in many texts.
BHARAT MAHAN! Science Technology
Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known
to humans. Charaka, the father of medicine
consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago. Today Yoga
and Ayurveda are fast regaining its rightful
place in our civilization.? The earliest
reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in
Saurashtra. According to Saka King Rudradaman I
of 150 CE a beautiful lake aptly called
Sudarshana was constructed on the hills of
Raivataka during Chandragupta Mauryas time.
BHARAT MAHAN! Science Technology
  • Socialism Wise thoughts from
  • Sri Nani Palkhiwala
  • Socialism as practiced in India has been a fraud
    Our brand of socialism did not result in transfer
    of wealth from the rich to the poor but only from
    the honest rich to the dishonest rich
  • The sleeping sickness of socialism is now
    universally acknowledged but not officially in
    India The public sector enterprises are the
    black holes, the money guzzlers and they have
    been extracting and exorbitant price for Indias
    doctrinaire socialism.

  • Socialism Wise thoughts from
  • Sri Nani Palkhiwala
  • A law suite once started in India is the nearest
    thing to eternal life ever seen on this earth.
  • History will record that the greatest mistake of
    the India Republic in the first 50 years of its
    existence was to make less investment in human
    resources-education, family planning, nutrition
    and public health-than in brick and motor dams
    and factories.

Socialism Wise thoughts from Sri Nani
  • Over taxation corrupted the national character
    overtly. The nation survived only because the
    tax system continued to breathe through loopholes
    and the economy used to breath through window of
    tax evasion.
  • We have too much Government and too little
    administration too many laws and too little
    justice too many public servants and too little
    public service, too many controls and too little

  • You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging
  • You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the
  • You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich
  • You cannot establish sound security on borrowed
  • You cannot keep out trouble by spending more than
    you earn
  • You cannot build character and courage
  • by taking away mans initiative and Independence
  • You cannot help men permanently by doing for them
  • what they can do for themselves

  • -Abraham Lincoln

  • Be the most accomplished students, all
    employable, enlightened, ignited
  • Read and know your true history how Bharat
    resisted and eventually triumphed over aliens
  • Samskrit, Dharma and Bharatiyata and our
    samskriti bind us together. Religion and
    language dont bind as much as culture does.

Remember revere (1)
  • Bharat, the most richly endowed country
  • Valmini, Vyasa,Kalidasa
  • The ( un-named) Vedic Seers, Sri Rama, Buddha,
    Mahavira, sankara, Nanak
  • Vidyaranya, Samarth Ramadas
  • Kautilya (Chanakya),Sri Krishna
  • Lokamanya Bala Gangadhar Tilak, Gandhiji, Sardar
    Patel, Dr. Ambedkar

Remember revere (2)
  • Bhaskara, Aryabhatta, Baudhayana, Sridhara
    Charya, Charaka, Sushruta
  • Taksha Sila, Vikrama Sila, Nalanda
  • Your Mother, Father, Guru
  • Sahanaavavtu, sahanau bhunaktu, sahaveeryam
    karavaavahaih , maa vidvishavahaih
  • Realise the truth
  • Aham Brahmaasmi
  • Tat tvam asi

DhanyawadThank You
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