Title: Cambodia Socioeconomic Surveys 9394, 96, 97, 99. 0304
1Demonstration CamInfo Version 2.2
Thirty-Eighth Session of the United Nations Stat
istical Commission and the Side Events,
UNHQ, New York 23 February 2 March 2007 Na
tional Institute of Statistics,
Ministry of Planning, Cambodia
- Home page of CamInfo
- Evolution of CAMInfo
- System Functions
- Database Structure
- Indicator Classifications
- Monitoring Frameworks
- Meta Data Information Sheets
- Access to CamInfo
- Benefits
- Next Steps
3Homepage of CAMInfo
Home Page in English
Home Page in Khmer
4Evolution of CAMInfo
- Development of CAMInfo led by a core team of nine
NIS staff since 2003
- Oversight and Technical Guidance of initial
development provided by an Interagency Taskforce
(CAMInfo Taskforce)
- Supported by GTZ and UNICEF since 2003
- Previous launches of CamInfo include version 1.0
in Mar 04, version 1.1 in Nov 04, version 2.0 in
April 2005, version 2.1 in Nov. 2005 and
preliminary version 2.2 in January 2007
5System Functions
- An integrated approach to data management - all
data compiled on one platform
- Easy retrieval of data
- Analysis of trends and data relationships
- Integration with existing statistical systems
Line Ministries, NGOs, international agencies
6Database Structure
- Data value(670,231)
- Indicators (593)
- Time Periods (1973 2020)
- Geographic Areas (commune, district, provincial
and national level)
- Sub-populations (gender, age, urban/rural)
- Units of Measurement (e.g. percent, number)
- Sources (National, International)
- Meta Data (information sheets)
7Indicator Classifications
Indicators classified by Sectors Agricultur
e, Demography, Development Indices, Economy,
Education, Environment, Governance, Health,
HIV/AIDS, Mine Action, Nutrition, Protection,
Transport and Tourism. Themes Food Security (F
IVIMS), HIV/AIDS, Mine Action, Poverty,
Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation
Sources National Primary Sources CDHS, Census,
CSES, EMIS,CIPS 2004,CDHS 2005, Commune
Database(2002 2005) International Sources UNDP
, WHO, WFP Institutions Key Line Ministries
Conventions Convention on the Right of the Child
8Monitoring Frameworks
- Cambodia Millennium Development Goals (75)
- National Poverty Reduction Strategy (60)
- Cambodia Nutrition Investment Plan (19)
- Education Sector Support Programme (23)
- Health Sector Strategic Plan (45)
- Education for All (19)
- Millennium Development Goals (32)
- A World Fit for Children (58)
9Data Sources
- General Population Census 1998
- Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2004
- NIS Population Projections (1998-2020)
- Cambodia Socio-economic Surveys (93-94, 96, 97,
99. 03-04)
- Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey 2000,
- National Accounts. Consumer Price Index Labour
Force Surveys
- EMIS (District Level)
- HIS (Provincial Level)
- MAFF (Provincial Level)
10Meta Data Information Sheets
- Indicator Definition Sheets
- Definition of indicator
- Method of Computation
- Rationale for collection
- Available Sources
- Source Information Sheets
- Information Sheets for key classifications, such
- Information on Home Page - CAMInfo and RGC
11Access to CamInfo
- Dissemination
- CD-ROM package distributed free of charge
- Information Kiosk / Data User Service Centre
- Internet (www.nis.gov.kh, www.caminfo.org)
- Use
- Government National/Provincial
- NGOs, Research Institutions, Universities
- UN System, Donors
- Others Interested in Development issues
- Individuals
- User-friendly access to data
- Timely dissemination
- Greater consistency in use of data
- Facilitate quality analysis at National,
sub-national levels
- Identify data gaps
- Institutions
- Builds institutional memory
- Promotes better decision making planning
- Supports inter-ministerial collaboration
- Builds database management capacity
- Helps to standardise indicator definitions
13Next Steps
- Training activities Line Ministry staff,
UN/NGO/Donor staff
- Add data values
- Updating maps
- New data sources
- Cambodia Socio-economic Survey 2003-2004
- Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey 2005
- 2005 Line Ministries administrative data
- Strengthen links with line ministries
- CAMInfo website launch
- CAMInfo converted to DevInfo version 5.0
Thank you!