Title: EEE 431 Computational Methods in Electrodynamics
1EEE 431Computational Methods in Electrodynamics
- Lecture 15
- By
- Dr. Rasime Uyguroglu
- Rasime.uyguroglu_at_emu.edu.tr
2Integral Equations and The Moment Method
3Integral Equation Method/ Electrostatic Charge
- Finite Straight Wire (Charged) at a Constant
Potential - Formulation of the Problem (In terms of the
integral eqn.) - For a given charge distribution, the potential is
4Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- Now consider a wire of length along the y
direction. The wire has radius , and
connected to a battery of 1 Volts. - To have 1Volts everywhere on the surface
(actually inside too), a charge distribution is
set up. Let this charge be
5Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- Then,
- Position vector of any point in space.
- Position vector of any point on the
surface of the wire. - Surface charge density.
6Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- Simplifying assumptions
- Assume . Also assume the wire is
a solid conductor. Then - And
7Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- Integral Equation
- If the observation point is brought onto the
surface (or into the wire) the potential integral
must reduce to 1 volt for all on S or in
S. - Choose along the wire axis.
8Electrostatic Charge Distribution
9Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- And
- This is the integral equation. Solve the integral
equation for .
10Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- Numerical Solution Transforming the integral
equation into a matrix equation - The inverse of the integral equation for
- will be achieved numerically by discretizing
the integral equation.
11Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- Let us divide the wire uniformly into N segment
each of width . - If is sufficiently small we may assume that
is not varying appreciably over the
extent , and we can take it as a constant at
its value at the center of the segment.
12Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- Now take a particular and utilize the
property of the segmentation.
13Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- There are N unknowns above, namely
- We need N linearly independent equations. Take
14Electrostatic Charge Distribution
15Electrostatic Charge Distribution
16Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- Where
- (NXN) matrix to be generated.
- (NX1) excitation column vector (known).
- (NX1) unknown response column vector to
be found. - Then the solution is
17Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- Evaluation of the Matrix Elements
18Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- Where,
- is the distance between the m th matching
point and the center of the n th source point.
19Electrostatic Charge Distribution
- Exercise Consider a wire with ,
a0.001m, V1 Volt. Determine the charge
distribution for N5.
20Moment Methods (Method of Moments, MoM)
- The MoM is the name of the technique which solves
a linear operator equation by converting it to a
matrix equation.
21Moment Methods (Method of Moments, MoM)
- Consider the differential equation
- Where L is a differential operator, is
the unknown field and is the known given
excitation. - The Method of Moments is a general procedure for
solving this equation.
22Moment Methods (Method of Moments, MoM)
- The procedure for applying MoM to solve the
equation above usually involves four steps - 1)Derivation of the appropriate integral equation
(IE). - 2)Conversion (discretization) of IE into a matrix
equation using basis (or expansions) functions
and weighting functions.
23Moment Methods (Method of Moments, MoM)
- 3)Evaluation of the matrix elements.
- 4)Solving the matrix equation and obtaining the
parameters of interest. - The basic tools for step 2 will be discussed.
- MoM will be applied to IEs rather than PDEs.
24Differential Equations Vs. Integral Equations
- Integral equations may take several forms, e.g,
Fredholm equations. -
25Moment Methods (Method of Moments, MoM)
- Where is a scalar (or possibly complex)
parameter. Functions K(x,t) and f(x) are known.
K(x,t) is known as the kernel of the integral
equation. The limits a and b are also known,
while the function is unknown.
26Moment Methods (Method of Moments, MoM)
- The second class of integral equations, with a
variable upper limit of integration, Volterra
27Moment Methods (Method of Moments, MoM)
- If f(x)0 the integral equations become
homogeneous. - All above equations are linear.
- An integral equation becomes non-linear when
appears in the power of ngt1 under the integral
28Differential Equations Vs. Integral Equations
- Most differential equations can be expressed as
integral equations, e. g., - This can be written as the Voterra integral
29Differential Equations Vs. Integral Equations
- Solve the Voterra integral equation
- In general given an integral with variable
limits - It differentiated by using the Leibniz rule
30Differential Equations Vs. Integral Equations
- It differentiated by using the Leibnitz rule
- Differentiating
- We obtain
31Differential Equations Vs. Integral Equations
- Or
- Integrating gives
- Where is the integration constant.
- Or
- From the given integral equation