Title: Tell your Life Story
1Tell your Life Story
2Legend has it
- Ernest Hemingway was challenged to write a whole
novel in six words. - His version?
- For sale Baby shoes never worn.
3- Never really finished anything, except cake.
- Carletta Perkins
4- Not quite what I was planning.
- Summer Grimes
5- I managed not to destroy anything.
- Tucker Frazier
66 word memoirs have become so popular lately that
there is a website dedicated to them. Several
books have been published, including one written
entirely by teens called I Cant Keep My Own
7- Eventually, Ill make my own breakfast. Sam Z.
8- Youre the parent, act like one. Anais V.
9- I only tell truth in journals. Rachel W.
10- Moneys tight thankfully imagination is free.
Vanessa E.
11- I seriously love school bean burritos. Kenna J.
12- They screamed nobody.
- I believed them. Andrew C.
13- Cant stop taking pictures of myself. Kacey K.
14- Exaggeration is the spice of life. Eve G.
15- Aspiration colonize Mars. Youre not invited.
Jordan H.
16- I resent people who ignore grammar. Molly S.
17- I never got my Hogwarts letter. Deanna H.
18- Googled what he called me. Ouch. Emily L.
19- Me plus brother equals total disaster. Zachary M.
20- Lost myself for popular kids approval. Kimberly
21- Chose happiness over anger and hate. Samsara R.
22- Coach ignored me.
- Hell regret it. Maeve M.
23- Still have nightmares of sixth grade. Jackie V.
24- Can I be fourteen forever, please? Emily B.
25- Im thankful Im not messed up. Kieran D.
26- Tired of being the smart kid. Danielle B.
27- Love
- not enough,
- All there is.
- -Katie B.
28Write your life