Title: Economic
1Economic Capital Markets Presentation To
Beard Miller Company February 25, 2008
- Presented by
- Morris Segall, President
- SPG Trend Advisors
3Gross Domestic Product2000Q1 through 2007Q4
Source Bureau of Economic Analysis
4Contributions to GDP Growth by Component, 2007Q4
Source Bureau of Economic Analysis
5Consumer Credit
6Contributions to Gross Investment Growth by
Component, 2007Q4
Source Bureau of Economic Analysis
7Corporate Profits (SAAR)2001Q1 through 2007Q3
Source BEA
8Corporate Profits After Tax with IVA CCA
Source Bureau of Economic Analysis
9Annual Average Changes in Non-Farm Productivity
Source Bureau of Labor Statistics
10ISM Manufacturing Report on Business Jan
2006-Jan 2008
Source Institute for Supply Management
11Manufacturers Durable Goods Orders
Shipments(excluding transportation)Book to Bill
Source U.S. Census Bureau
12Philadelphia Federal Reserve Business Outlook
Source Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
13New Home Sales Units Sold vs. Length on Market
Prices Thousands
Months Market
Source U.S. Census Bureau
14Average National New Home Sale Prices
Source US Census Bureau
15Existing Home Sales
16Mortgage Bankers Association Delinquency Rates,
Subprime Mortgage Loans, 2005Q1 through 2007Q3
Source Economy.com
17US Balance of Trade Deficit
Sources Bureau of Economic Analysis
18Import Price Index
Source BEA Import Index
19NYMEX Crude Oil Future Prices in U.S.
DollarsJanuary 1995 through January 2008
Source Energy Information Administration
20Value of the Dollar (Broad Dollar Index) January
1999 through January 2008
Source Federal Reserve Board
Broad Dollar Index a weighted average of the
foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar
against the currencies of a broad group of major
U.S. trading partners.
21Net Change in U.S. JobsJanuary 2000 through
January 2008
Source Bureau of Labor Statistics
22National Nonfarm Employment by Industry Sector
GroupsJanuary 2007 v. January 2008 Absolute
Source Economy.com, Bureau of Labor Statistics
23Average Hourly Compensation
Source Bureau of Labor Statistics
24Source Bureau of Labor Statistics
25U.S. Personal Savings Rate 2002 through 2007
Source Bureau of Economic Analysis
26Capital Markets
27SP 500 v. MS EAFE, Russell 2000 NASDAQ
Composite Indices 2003-2008
28Investment Returns as of February 22, 2008
Source Wall Street Journal, Barrons,
Kitco.com, Dow Jones and CASAM CISDM
- DJ Equity All REIT TR
- CASAM CISDM Fund of Funds Index
29US Treasury Yield Curve as of February 22, 2008
Source Federal Reserve Board
- Chances of recession in 2008 are now at least 50
for the first half of this year - Increased near term economic and market
pressures include - stubbornly high inflation in energy, food and
basic services - weakening corporate profits
- increased unemployment
- declining corporate capital and consumer spending
31Conclusions continued
- Diminishing State and Local Government spending
- Reduced economic contribution from exports as
overseas economic growth slows - Continued credit pressures in residential housing
and consumer lending spreading to commercial
construction financing - The Fed will continue to face a stagflationary
economic environment extending its dilemma in
monetary policy.
32Conclusions continued
- However, a bottoming of the housing cycle and an
abatement in bank credit losses in Q3/Q4 of this
year could set the stage for a cyclical economic
improvement and potentially a strong equity
market rally late this year and into 2009.
However election issues and continued secular
problems facing this country may limit the equity
market gains past next year.
33Thank You
- You can always reach me at msegall_at_spgtrend.com
- Also, if you need us in a hurry, we are at
410.522.7243 - Please contact us when you require economic and
capital markets research policy analysis.