Title: Infection Control 101 Handwashing!!!
1Infection Control 101Handwashing!!!
2Handwashing and Long/Artificial Fingernails
- Decrease effectiveness of gloves
- Decrease the effectiveness of handwashing
- Decrease the effectiveness of waterless hand
sanitizers - Higher of pathogens/bacteria
- Studies linking long and artificial nails to
infection - Can lead to fungal nail infection
3Bacterial carriage Artificial NailsAJIC 1989
- VA Medical Center, Sioux Falls, S.D
- Cultures before and after handwashing
- 56 in each group
- Higher number of GNR with artificial nails
4Pathogens and artificial nailsInfect Control
Hosp Epidemiol 2000 Aug21(8)505-9
- Study 1
- 12 HCW artificial nails on non-dominant hand,
natural nails on dominant hand - More samples contained pathogens from artificial
nails than native nails 92 vs 62 - Study 2 Case control study n60
- Those with artificial nails were more likely to
have a pathogen (87 vs 43)
5Soap versus Hand Gel-Clin Infect Dis 2001
- Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor
- Case Control Study compared HCW with and without
artificial nails n41 - Before and after washing with soap
- Before and after alcohol waterless hand gel
6Soap versus Hand Gel (cont)
- Artificial Nails
- 86 pathogens prior to washing
- 11 cleared pathogens w soap
- 38 cleared pathogens with gel
- Natural nails
- 35 pathogens prior to washing
- 14 cleared pathogens w soap
- 80 cleared pathogens with gel
7S. marcescens wound infectionsJ Infect Dis 1997
Apr175(4) 992-5
- S marcescens in 1 SSI 1992
- September 1994-1 month time period
- 6 of 31 cardiac post op S.marcescens infections
- 1 of 29 vascular post-op S.marcescens infections
- 5 SSI, 2 BSI, 1 death
8S.marcescens investigation
- Hospital suspended elective cardiac surgery
- Isolates typed-identical
- Cultures collected
- Hands of MDs, nurses,( OR ICU), pharmacists
- Environmental-OR,cardiac cath,lounges in ICU
- Water- OR, cath lab, ICU faucets
- All cultures negative
9Investigation break-through
- Earlier surgery e.g Monday had higher association
with infection - Final SSI linked only to one scrub nurse
- Home cultures revealed S.marcescens in exfoliant
cream identical molecular typing to cases - Nurse removed artificial nails during study period
10Candida Osteo/Diskitis after Spinal Surgery CID
- Feb 1997-3 post-op lami C.albicans infections
(1st in 10 years) - Identical PFGE isolates
- Case control study- scrub tech w artificial nails
- Procedure required kneading of bone wax
11Oklahoma NICU- P aeruginosaInfect Control Hosp
Epidemiol 2000 Feb21(2)80-5
- 15 month time period 439 admitted
- 46 infants- (10.5) BSI and ET tube colonization
- 16 deaths (35)
- Long nails- artificial and natural 2 nurses
12Handwashing and Fingernails
- Studies linking long and artificial nails to
infection - Decrease effectiveness of gloves
- Decrease the effectiveness of handwashing
- Decrease the effectiveness of waterless hand
sanitizers - Higher of pathogens/bacteria
- Can lead to fungal nail infection
14(No Transcript)