Title: Yunmi and Halmonis Trip by Sook Nyul Choi
1Yunmi and Halmonis Trip by Sook Nyul Choi
- None yet-would you give this story an award?
What do you like best about it?
3Genre Realistic Fiction
- A realistic fiction story is about realistic
(could happen in real life, but they arent real)
people, things, and events. - The plot-including events, problem, solution-is
made up (fictional).
- During their trip to Korea, Yunmi sees how happy
Halmoni is to see her relatives. She worries
that Halmoni will not want to return to New York.
When Halmoni reassures her, Yunmi learns how
lucky she is to belong to two families.
5Background Information
- Most people who live in America have relatives
who moved here at one time-even native Americans
are believed to have moved here from Asia
before the world was broken into 7 continents.
People who move to a new country to live are
called immigrants.
6Key Concept
- visiting a foreign country
7Key Vocabulary
- bustling
- custom
- foreigners
- passport
- sightseeing
- skyscrapers
- vendor
full of activity
a tradition a way of doing something that many
people follow
people who come from a different country or place
a government document that allows a person to
travel in foreign countries
visiting interesting places touring
very tall buildings
someone who sells something
15Strategy Focus Predict/Infer
- When we predict, use the information we have to
make a reasonable guess before we read the story
about what might happen. - Use the title, pictures, and prior knowledge to
help you guess - who the main characters will be
- what the problem might be
- how the problem will be solved
16Strategy Focus Predict
Lets try it!
- What might happen when Yunmi meets her relatives
in Korea?
Do you predict Halmoni will stay in Korea or
return with Yunmi?
17Comprehension Skill Focus Predicting Outcomes
- When you predict an outcome, you are using story
clues to make a reasonable guess about what might
happen next. - These predictions are made after you read some of
the story to help you make a more reasonable
prediction about what might happen further on in
the story.
18Graphic Organizer
Fill in the organizer with details from the story.
I know So this could happen
Yunmi loves her grandmother very much. Halmoni
loves Yunmi and her family very much. Halmoni
misses being in Korea with the rest of her
19Meet the Author
- From the days of her childhood, Sook Nyul Choi
wanted to be a writer. The first stories, poems,
and articles she wrote were in Korean, her first - language. Later, after teaching for many
years in New York City schools, - she began to write in English.
- Sook Nyul Choi writes both for children and
for young adults. Her own - experiences in Korea help to shape her
books. One of her main goals is to - help young Americans learn about the
culture and history of Korea. - Today, Sook Nyul Choi is a full-time
writer. She also visits schools to - speak to students. Once, when a student
wanted to know which of her books the author
liked best, she said, "All of my books are very
important to me. They are like fingers on a hand.
I don't like one more than another." (from
20Link to Houghton Mifflin
- If you enjoyed reading Yunmi and Halmonis
Trip and would like to check out some more
information and activities, click below to go to
www.eduplace.com, Houghton Mifflins web site.
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