Title: Daniel Kwasi Twum -Acheampong
1Daniel Kwasi Twum -Acheampong Is Studying Civil
Engineering From University Of Virginia
2Daniel Kwasi Twum-Acheampong is a student of
University of Virginia, Charlottesville,
Virginia, US. He is studying Civil Engineering
from engineering college of the public research
university. This is one of the oldest
universities in the US and was established in
1819. The University was developed on a farmland
owned by James Monroe, a former President of the
United States and the idea to form the university
was conceived and developed by US President
Thomas Jefferson who was the founder of the
3The University campus is included among the World
Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Before joining college,
Acheampong was studying at Eastern Regional High
School, Voorhees, New Jersey. He graduated from
the school in June 2011. The teams of Easter are
called Vikings. He developed keen interest in
sports from the early years of schooling and
played various games including soccer, golf,
tennis, lacrosse, basketball and volleyball. He
played soccer for the school team and was captain
of the team.
4While studying in school, Daniel Kwasi
Twum-Acheampong participated in various
extracurricular activities. Music is his passion.
He received awards for showing excellence in
musicianship and guitarship. He is a hard
working, ambitious student and is a member of
National Honor Society. Even in college, he is
part of various associations including Engineer
Student Council, Sigma Nu Beta Chapter, and Inter
Fraternity Council Judicial Committee.
5 The Engineering student Council organizes events
for university's engineering community and
contacts companies to send representatives for
annual career fair. The Sigma Nu Beta Chapter is
involved with community service and organizes
gatherings of students. Inter Fraternity Council
Judicial Committee investigates fraternity
related complaints and incidents.
6Daniel Kwasi Twum-Acheampong utilizes his summer
breaks for acquiring work experience. During
summer vacations in 2012, he worked at Kresson
View Center Nursing Home in Voorhees, NJ and
served food to residents and patients according
to their diet plans. He set up dining areas in
patient rooms and the dining hall. In summer of
2011, he completed his internship at Drexel
Medical School in Philadelphia, PA.
7He learned proper medical procedures and
techniques of research. Before that, he
volunteered as Sunday School Supervisor at
Ashland Church, Voorhees, NJ from 2008 to 2011.
Here, he taught children of age 3 to 6, and
planned, implemented, and supervised their
activities. He is a good soccer player and has a
promising career in Soccer.
8Thank You!