Title: Our Most Successful Members Will Try This...
1Our Most Successful Members Will Try This...
2increase your profits 10x by grambbing relevant
From amazon commission junction ebayand
auto-posting them to your covert store builder
sites - 100 hands free
3You could literally build hundreds - even
thousands of profit pulling affiliate stores
using the Covert Store Builder theme.But who
has the time to find products and create posts
for so many affiliate store blogs?The answer
would be nobody!
4You now have your hands on one of the most
powerful WordPress themes ever created.It will
increase your ranking, clicks, commissions and
sales... Plus get you'll a lot more traffic
through the covert inbuilt social traffic
generators.Even better you have an unlimited
license for the theme - both for your own use and
for building sites for clients and customers.
5And that's why we decided to come up with a
solution for you.We have developed a plugin so
powerful we decided to only make it available to
existing Covert Store Builder users - because
this baby is a real game changer!
6With just a few clicks, this plugin will
automatically pull in quality products and
content from Amazon, Commissions Junction
eBay... Adding hands-free products and posts to
your affiliate stores 24/7 - making them just as
active as the big ecommerce sites!
7We have designed the plugin to be as easy and
fast to use as possible.And since it has been
designed to work specifically with the Covert
Store Builder theme, the posts it produces will
always look great in your affiliate stores.
Click here