Title: Student Empowerment Whats In Your Bag
1Student EmpowermentWhats In Your Bag?
- Krystal N. Clark, M.Ed.
- Coordinator of Fraternity Sorority Life Duke
University - 3.7.2009
2Outline What is she going to talk about?
- Definition/Dimensions of Empowerment
- Power
- Self- Empowerment
- Environment Empowerment
- Importance of Empowerment
- QA
- Thats All Folks!!
3Definitions of Empowerment
- Give someone the authority or power to do
something - Enable someone to do something
- Make someone stronger and more confident
4Two Dimensions of Empowerment
- The sense of self that claims ownership, claims a
place in the process, and expects to be involved - A set of environmental conditions that promote
the full involvement of participants by reducing
the barriers that block development of individual
talent and involvement
5- Empowerment is claimed as well as shared with
others - I have a legitimate right to be here.
- You should be involved in this you have a right
to be here too tell us what you think or feel.
6POWERThe key gift that leaders can offer is
7What do you do well? What is in your bag?
85 Primary Sources of Power
- Expert Power
- Referent Power
- Legitimate Power
- Coercive Power
- Reward Power
- Do you recognize these types of power in your
organization? Who holds these types of power in
your organization?
9Self- Empowerment
- I am a capable human being.
- I like the way I handle problems.
- I can show others a good example.
- My possibilities are endless.
- Taking risks is the path to growth.
- If I think I can, I can. And if I think I cant,
Im right.
10Six methods of Self-Empowerment
- Educating- Education remains the key to both
economic and political empowerment.- Barbara
Jordan - Leading
- Structuring
- Providing- Be of service. Whether you make
yourself available to a friend or a co-worker, or
you make time every month to do volunteer work,
there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling
of empowerment than being of service to someone
in need.- Gillian Anderson - Mentoring
- Actualizing- Just do it.- NIKE
11Is your environment empowering?
- Do people recognize that things can be better
than they are now? - Does the organization expect to learn and seek
new solutions to existing problems? - Does the organization operate on trust and
inclusivity? - Are the dynamics of the group encouraging?
- Is there an absence of an in-group and out-group?
12Empowerment is achieved by enabling the
involvement of group members and conveying faith
in them.
13Why is empowerment important to student
14Summary--What did she just say?
- Empowerment is important. You must empower others
to do and be their best. - It is important to understand the dynamics of
power. Leaders must be willing to share power and
participants must be willing to assume more
responsibility for group outcomes. - Know yourself and it will increase your level of
self-empowerment. - Work to create an environment that is empowering
to those around you.
15Questions? Thanks and have a great day!