Title: Applying for a Grant Grant Writing Made Simple
1Applying for a GrantGrant Writing Made Simple?
Heather Stuart, PhD, Community Health
Epidemiology, Queens University
2Main Focus of This Session
- Grants that are
- Externally funded clinical, epidemiological, and
health services research - Not randomized controlled clinical trials that
are primarily industry funded - Competitions that require the investigator to
write a grant proposal that will be reviewed by
a - Peer review committee composed of scientists
- Merit review committee composed of scientists and
decision-makers - Main feature is a highly competitive process
3Granting Opportunities
- First Tier Tri-Councils National Foundations
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Open
Grants/Strategic Initiatives) - Theme-Based Institutes
- Four Cross-cutting Pillars (Basic, Clinical,
Population, Policy) - Social Sciences Humanities Research Council
- National Sciences Engineering Council
- Canadian Health Services Research Foundation
(Knowledge Transfer) - Second Tier
- Provincial Granting Bodies (Research Foundations)
- Government Departments
- Third Tier
- Special Foundations and Trusts
- Advocacy Organizations (Cancer Society
Schizophrenia Society)
4The Ideology of Health Research
- Evidence Based Medicine
- Evidence Based Services
- Evidence Based Policy
- Accountability and Cost
- Usability of Research Findings
- Knowledge Transfer
- Research Teams
- Multidisciplinary
- Industry Partnerships
5The Ideal Review Process
Peer/Merit Panel
6The Real World Review Process
7Grantsmanship the art of getting
8Purpose of a Letter of Intent
- In five pages or less, convince a committee of
generic experts to request a full proposal - Rigorous conceptualization of what you want to
do - Interesting idea ( fits with the Call for
Proposals) - Methods are appropriate to the question and will
give valid results - Study is feasible
- Appropriate team
- Consider the match between the question and the
funder - National granting agencies are interested in
nationally relevant findings - Provincial agencies are interested in findings
that can be applied in the Province - Local agencies may have specific strategic
9Purpose of a Proposal
- Convince a committee of generic experts that your
team deserves to be funded instead of someone
else - Develop a highly persuasive and polished argument
that your proposal will make an important
contribution - Critical appraisal of the literature
- Literature syntheses
- Address three issues
- What do we know?
- What dont we know?
- How will this study make a difference?
10Purpose of a Proposal continued
- Use the best methods available, not the method
that is most feasible for you - Study design (name it!)
- Data collection measures (precision and
quality) - Analysis plan (matched to objectives)
- Ethics
- Budget
- Knowledge transfer plan
- Create a strong team (cover all areas of
expertise required to complete project) - Insure institutional environment administrative
capacity (research clearances)
11The Proposal Must Answer Several Questions
- What is your purpose (aims and objectives/hypothes
es) - What are we going to learn (that somebody else
doesnt already know)? - Why is it worth knowing?
- How does the study contribute to scientific
theory? - How can the findings be used?
- How will we know that the conclusions are valid?
- Strengths
- Biases
- Steps taken to identify and reduce biases
12So What? The contribution argument
- The research has never been done before
- Be absolutely sure this is a correct statement
- Insure that you address the counter argument that
there may be a good reason for that! - Some or much research has been done but you will
reassess it in a way that will give new insight - Systematic errors in current research
- Lower power study designs
- Replications studies dont automatically justify
themselves - A combination of the two (most research)
- Some new material that will help in reassessing
the existing field
13Scientific Merit
- Methodological difficulties will not necessarily
kill a good idea at the LOI stage, but - Vague, ill-defined, and overly ambitious study
designs, or black-box statistical analyses
suggest a lack of focus and may raise doubts
about the ultimate usability of findings - Reviewers wont second guess your methods
- Statistics dont make the LOI!
- Projects that are heavily dependent for their
success on yet-to-be developed study instruments
usually cause concern. - Sequential projects are tricky to fund
particularly if the first step is vague or
difficult to achieve
14Projects or Programs!
- One question only
- Research programs study a series of questions
that build on each other or are interrelated in
some way - For seasoned teams only
- May end up looking like a tangled mess
- One question usually translates into one study
design and one method of data collection
15Know Your Committee
- Peer Review or Merit Review?
- 2-3 Members will be assigned to review your
proposal in detail - External reviewers may also be solicited to
provide written reviews - Committee reviewers (and one additional reader)
will present your proposal, their numeric rating,
and justify this rating with reference to
strengths and weaknesses - Yours will be one of many that the
reviewers/readers will have been assigned - Committee members (who have not read your
proposal) will ask questions - Committee reviewers must defend their position
and/or your proposal - They need to be able to find details quickly to
respond to questions - They need to be able to direct other committee
members to relevant sections to support their
explanations - Everyone votes!
16Help Your Reviewers
- Suitable for a multi-disciplinary team of
scholarly individuals who are not knowledgeable
about your area considering - Incomprehension between disciplines
- Same words, different meanings
- Workload of reviewers and committees
- Fairness in judging proposals difficult if they
cant be understood or if format deviates from
the norm - No short forms, acronyms or jargon (NEVER, EVER)
- Write clearly purge spelling or grammatical
mistakes - Numbers must add up!
17Help Your Reviewers continued
- Follow proposal instructions for length, font,
margins, and auxiliary materials - Make the proposal easy to read
- Compartmentalize information in sections
- Provide navigation through sections with headings
and sub-headings - Headings and sub-headings should tell the story
- Leave white space (spacing between headings and
smaller paragraphs) even if this means you have
to be more concise - Avoid wall-to-wall text in an effort to squeeze
in every last thought - If it looks appealing, and it is well structured
it will be - easier to read and review
- easier to defend, and
- convey the impression that the team is well
organized and thoughtful
18Re-submission Tips
- Expect to be turned down the first time
- Aim for an invitation for resubmission
- Address reviewer comments (consider them free
consultations) - Dont express anger, arrogance, or hurt
- Seek outside help to improve your proposal
- Strengthen your team
- Re-conceptualize, re-think re-focus
- Learn from your mistakes!
19Policy-relevant results
- Communication strategies that foster stakeholder
participation, ownership, and uptake are
important, and in some cases, essential. - Traditional communication strategies oriented to
academic audiences should never be the primary
mode of communication of policy relevant results.
- There is growing belief in a collaborative model
as the best basis for communication.
20Involving Stakeholders
- Decision-maker/researcher collaborations that do
not pre-date the current proposal show that
important linkages have not been made, and may
not last beyond the instant. - If stakeholders can articulate how results will
be used to support policy development or program
delivery (such as in letters of support), the
peer review committee will be more convinced of
the studys practical importance. - Cookie-cutter letters of support (usually written
by the researcher) from decision-makers suggest
that linkages have not been made, and raise
doubts about uptake of results.
21Most proposals fail because they leave reviewers
wondering what the applicant will actually do.
The Art of Writing Proposals, Social Science
Research Council, New York http//www.ssrc.org/Art
22Research funding is for.
- Salaries for research assistants, students, and
trainees - Operating costs of data collection
- Travel costs for data collection and limited
travel for presentation to conferences - Costs of dissemination of results (knowledge
transfer) - Workshops with policy makers
- Non-technical publications
- Web pages
- Dont pad your budget
- Add student stipends
- Expect budget cuts
23Research funding is NOT for
- Salaries for Principal Investigators
- Extensive travel
- Overhead (rent, furniture, some types of
equipment) - Special capital grants are available through
alternate competitions - Other goodies
24In Summary
- A good proposal is a well crafted logical
argument that - Your idea will contribute to knowledge or
practice - Your data collection and analysis plan is as
strong as it could be - Your team is the best available to meet the
challenge - You are able to anticipate and address emerging
challenges - Your team can communicate the findings to
appropriate audiences in ways that will promote
their appropriate use