Title: Small Business Resource Power Point Series
1Small Business Resource Power Point Series
- This PowerPoint takes you through the stages
involved in the planning and delivery of a
presentation. - Consideration will also be given to the effective
use of PowerPoint slides in your presentation.
3A Good Presentation
- Has a clear structure
- Encourages independent thinking
- Uses clear explanations
- Is delivered with enthusiasm
- Your presentation should have a beginning, a
middle, and an end. - Beginning Tell your audience what you are
going to say. - Middle Say it.
- End Tell them what you said.
5Plan Your Presentation
- Choose your topic
- Plan your presentation outline
- Build the talk from your outline
- Choose your delivery method(s)
6Delivery Methods
- Consider using one or two of the following
- Video
- PowerPoint
- Overhead Projector
- Handouts
- White/Black board
7Know Your Audience
- It is important that your talk is geared to the
knowledge level of your audience. Research your
audience to avoid going over their heads, or
boring them. - Do not talk down to your audience.
- Know the time constraints for your presentation,
and leave time for questions. - A typical audience has an attention span of
around 20 minutes, so get important points in
9Adding Interest
- Use humour, when appropriate, to add sparkle to
your talk. Demonstrations also add interest. - If you are using a whiteboard or overhead
projector, different coloured pens will help to
add emphasis.
10Delivering Your Presentation
- Introduce yourself and give your credentials
- Tell your audience the rules
- Speak loudly and clearly
- Pace yourself
- Make eye contact
- Bring your talk to a clear end
11Any Questions?
- At the beginning of your talk, make it clear
whether questions are allowed at any time, or if
you will take them at the end. - Repeat questions asked, so everyone hears, and
make your answers clear and concise.
12Using PowerPoint
- PowerPoint slides need to be clear, easy to read
and understand. As a general rule - Dont use more than 5 or 6 words in a title
- Dont use more than 9 words per line
- Dont use more than 7 lines of text per slide
- Colour is great for highlighting text, but dont
go overboard! Too many different colours will
make your slides difficult to read. - Use contrasting colours for text and backgrounds.
White on a dark background, or black on a light
background is fine. Beware of white backgrounds!
- Bold text stands out very well, as does text in
italics. Be cautious using underlining as it can
make your slide too busy. - Space lines out evenly, avoid gaps in your text,
and dont use too many different fonts.
15A Picture Tells 1000 Words
- Pictures, charts, and graphs are very useful in
conveying meaning. - Dont crowd your slides though, try to use a
separate slide for each picture or graph.
16Which Graph?
- Give some thought to which sort of graph will
convey your message best. You could use - Line Graphs
- Pie Charts
- Bar Graphs
- Scatter Chart
17Line Graph
18Pie Chart
19Bar Chart
20Scatter Chart
- Also consider tables for getting your message
22One Last Point
- Once your presentation is ready, the last thing
you must do is practice, practice, and then
practice again. - You are now ready to face your audience and
deliver an interesting and informative
23PowerPoint Content
- As such, the contents should not be relied upon
and professional advice should be taken in
specific cases. - In addition, none of the content of this
PowerPoint or related publications or links will
form any part of any contract between us or
constitutes an offer by Strategic Marketing
Ventures Ltd
24Powerpoint User Guidelines
- These Power points are for the personal use of
members of any of the online marketing resource
centres provided by Small Business Resource Ltd. - Members may download these Power points and
re-brand and amend provided the following
attribution is stated at the end. - This Powerpoint has been sourced from Small
Business Resource Ltd
25Reasons to join
- To get more PowerPoints like these
- To get free downloads
- To get discounts on our services
- To get access to our resource centre
Many other Powerpoints in this series in the
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