Conference on Micronutrient Fortification of Foods: Science, Application - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Conference on Micronutrient Fortification of Foods: Science, Application


The Gujarat Food Fortification Programme ... Co-Sponsored by Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India and National Institute of Nutrition – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Conference on Micronutrient Fortification of Foods: Science, Application

Conference on Micronutrient Fortification of
Foods Science, Application ManagementSponsored
by International Life Sciences Institute-India
Co-Sponsored by Ministry of Food Processing
Industries, Government of India and National
Institute of Nutrition
  • The Gujarat Food Fortification Programme

Presentation by The Gujarat State Civil Supplies
Corporation Ltd. Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Article 47 and Food Security
  • Article 47 (Directive Principles) - State shall
    regard the raising of the level of nutrition and
    the standard of living of its people and the
    improvement of public health as among its primary
  • FAO - Food security exists when all people, at
    all times, have access to sufficient, safe and
    nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and
    food preferences for an active and healthy life

Hidden hunger-The Need for Essential
  • Micronutrient malnutrition or hidden hunger is
    widespread apart from the problem of generalized
    protein energy malnutrition (PEM).
  • Impact most on -Women who are pregnant or
    breastfeeding, the young adolescents, infants and
    preschool children, school age children
  • Lifecyclical vulnerability.
  • Poor most affected by micronutrient deficiencies,
    but affluent groups not spared due to faulty food
  • General need to tackle the problems of iron-folic
    acid and protein deficiency
  • Cost effective strategies to reduce these
    deficiencies are available.
  • One of the key strategies for control of these
    deficiencies - food fortification.

Under weight PopulationNational Nutrition
Monitoring Bureau Gujarat Survey (2006)
  • Adult Men 26,
  • Adult Women 30,
  • 6-60 months children 54
  • 10-13 yrs children 50,
  • 14-17 yrs children 23
  • gt 25 people cross section is underweight
  • This rate will be higher among poor population

Food and nutrient intakeNational Nutrition
Monitoring Bureau Gujarat survey (2006)
  • Daily per consumption unit Pulses intake is 50,
    this will be even lower in poor families looking
    at the cost of pulses
  • Total calorie intake is 2/3 of recommended
  • Food energy intake at household level is now
    given prominence as food security measure
  • In poor families Animal protein as a source is
    low and they depend on vegetarian protein
  • To provide good quality protein to them cereal,
    pulse combination is important

Observations from NFHS-III
  • Consistent Delivery Maximizes Benefit
  • Safety in Low Daily Doses
  • Minimal Behavior Change
  • Enhances Health Nutrition Strategies
  • Transfers Costs of Protecting Health to sectors
    otherwise not involved
  • Cost Effective

Food Fortification - Gujarat Model
  • Based on Public-Private Participation Model with
    involvement of society.
  • Stakeholders State Government and its agencies,
    the Private Sector's oil producers, refineries
    and packers, Roller Flour Millers Association
    and its member mills
  • The fortification began in open market with
    private public partnership.
  • In the first phase, Govt. decided that about 2.5
    lakh tons of wheat, which is sold in open market
    shall be made into wheat flour and the same may
    be fortified with pre-mixed iron and folic acid
  • Initially Micronutrient Initiative (MI) NGO of
    Canada also supported this programme technically
    and financially. World Food Programme also
    provided free premix to the small atta chakkies
    of Surendranagar and Surat districts.
  • Based on the experience, fortification of items
    of daily food intake like wheat, edible oil, salt
    through basic Govt. programmes Public
    Distribution System (PDS), Integrated Child
    Development Scheme (ICDS) and Mid-day Meal (MDM)

Food Fortification - Gujarat Model
  • Role of the Government as catalyst to the project
  • Based on partnership, not legislation.
  • Success in markets lead to internalise this
    programme to PDS, MDM, ICDS with fortified flour
    and oil to remove deficiencies of iron/folic
    acid and Vitamin A D.
  • Most of the population being vegetarian, to fight
    against protein deficiency, model was further
    adopted to include Defatted Soya Flour
    fortification Food to Food Fortification.

Food Fortification Overview of Schemes
  • Areas
  • To fight against malnutrition through medium of
    Food Fortification, Government of Gujarat with
    GSCSC as an implementing agency has started
    following programmes
  • Fortification of Edible Oil in Open Market and
    Welfare Schemes
  • Fortification of Wheat Flour with Iron Folic
    Acid (IFA) in Open Market and TPDS
  • Fortification of Wheat Flour with vitamins
    multi micronutrients under ICDS MDM
  • Fortification of Wheat Flour with IFA Toasted
    Defatted Soya Flour (TDSF) under PDS
  • Fortification of Wheat Flour with Vitamins, multi
    micronutrients Toasted Defatted Soya Flour
    (TDSF) under ICDS MDM
  • Fortification of Salt under ICDS PDS
  • Distribution of Nutri Candy under ICDS MDM
  • Steps forward for programme improvements
  • Studies, Seminars, Quality Specifications,
    Quality assurance methods, Monitoring and

Phases of the program
Fortification (Edible Oil)
  • Strategy
  • Public Private Partnership (P-P-P) Model.
  • Discussions were held with the Oil Oil Seed
    Producing Millers' Associations and members of
    the Saurashtra Oil Mills Association (SOMA) for
    edible oil fortification during October, 2005.
  • Producers were educated about the procedure of
    mixing Vitamin A D in edible oils, cost and
  • Method
  • 20 gram of Vitamin Premix is added into 1 MT of
    edible oil. The cost of fortification of 1 MT of
    edible oil is currently Rs.100.
  • Ring Test is conducted with Antimoni Tricloride
    to check the presence of vitamins into the
    fortified edible oil.

Fortification (Edible Oil)
  • Implementation
  • At first, edible oil with Vitamin A D was
    produced in two oil mills of Rajkot. After
    analyzing the success of this venture, it was
    decided by the millers, producers and refineries
    to sell only fortified edible oil from
  • This does not only tackles the micronutrients
    deficiency but also ensures sale of edible oil
    through packages and implementation of packing
  • Ban on sale of loose edible oil.
  • The edible oil consumed under all Govt. schemes
    like PDS, MDM and ICDS is fortified with Vitamin
    A and D.

Fortified Edible Oil under TPDS
  • State Govt. creates buffer stock of edible oil
    almost every year for the distribution of the
    same mainly during festival seasons.
  • Since last three years, Govt. of India is
    providing RBD Palmolien oil for PDS under the
    subsidised scheme and allocating the same to the
    States for distribution under TPDS.
  • The quantity of RBD Palmolien Oil enriched with
    Vitamin A and D which is distributed to AAY and
    BPL cardholders since 2006 is as follows

Year Distribution(MT)
2006-07 1500
2007-08 12000
2008-09 19942
2009-10 6000
2010-11 11950
Fortified Edible Oil under MDM ICDS
  • GSCSC procures fortified edible oil (Refined
    Cotton seed oil) for MDM ICDS through
    e-tendering system for their requirement.
  • Refined Cottonseed Oil enriched with Vitamin A
    and D distributed under MDM and ICDS since 2006
    is as follows

Fortification of Wheat flour with IFA in Open
  • Strategy
  • The project was initiated under the
    public-private partnership and it was decided to
    implement food fortification in the open market
    before it was introduced in the welfare schemes
    run by the Government.
  • Food, Civil Supplies Consumer Affairs
    Department, Govt. of Gujarat (FCSCAD) conducted
    several rounds of meeting with the concerned
    industries and convinced the respective millers
    for doing the needful and implementing the
    fortification process at their manufacturing
  • The millers were also very willing to proceed
    with the project as their corporate
    responsibility towards the society.
  • Method
  • The 1.5 gram premix of Iron (30 ppm) and Folic
    Acid (1.5 ppm) is used for the fortification of
    10 kg. wheat flour.
  • The approximate cost of the iron folic acid
    fortification is Rs.10 / MT.
  • Presence of premix is tested with the spot test.

Fortification of Wheat flour with IFA in Open
  • Implementation in Open Market
  • Phase I 34 Flour Miller members of GRFMA
    initiated the sale of iron and folic acid
    enriched flour in the market since 16th of
    January 2006.
  • Phase II 50 odd Organized Atta Chakki Plants
    across the state were clubbed in the project
    since March, 2006 Thus increasing the reach of
    the fortified wheat flour.
  • Phase III 1.5grms. of the iron and folic acid
    premix pouches were introduced in the market in
    order to encourage fortification at the Nookad
    Chakki level as well as the house holds which
    practiced grinding of wheat at their own places.
  • Benefits
  • Fortified flour can curb the possibility of
    adulterated flour or wheat.
  • Availability of flour in proper packages with
    correct measurements.
  • Accessibility of iron and folic acid to
    beneficiaries with effect on mental and physical
    development .

Fortification of Wheat flour with Iron Folic
Acid (IFA) under Antyodaya Anna Yojna (AAY)
  • Strategy
  • Pilot project with the help of Gujarat Roller
    Flour Millers Association (GRFMA) in Ahmedabad
  • Barter System in the initial phase.
  • Phasewise implementation.
  • Method
  • Fortified Atta specifications as per PFA
  • The 1.5 gram premix of Iron (30 ppm) and Folic
    Acid (1.5 ppm) is used for the fortification of
    10 kg. wheat flour.
  • Presence of premix is tested with the spot test.
  • Implementation
  • The Govt. of Gujarat started distribution of
    fortified wheat flour in place of wheat in
    Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) from April, 2006 on
    experimental basis.
  • Initially the programme was stated only in
    Ahmedabad City, thereafter expanded to the major
    cities of Gujarat and subsequently to the State.
    Till March-2010 all cardholders of AAY scheme
    were getting 16.7 kg. fortified wheat flour in
    HDPE bag in place of 19 kg. wheat.

Fortification of Wheat flour with vitamins
multi micronutrients (9) under ICDS
  • Strategy
  • As per GOIs letter dated 31st March, 2006, nine
    micronutrients were to be added to the food
    provided by ICDS to accomplish the supply of 50
    RDA to the beneficiaries. It was decided to
    provide whole wheat flour fortified with 9
    micronutrients in place of wheat.
  • Pilot project and then Phasewise implementation.
  • Method
  • Fortified Atta specifications as per PFA
  • 9 micronutrients used for the fortification of
    wheat flour.
  • Presence of premix is tested with the spot test.
  • Implementation
  • A pilot project started on 21st June, 2006 in
    Daskroi Taluka of Ahmedabad District.
  • The dosage of this particular premix is 14kg per
    metric ton of wheat flour.
  • The programme was expanded to tribal districts
    and then all over the State.
  • As on date Fortified Wheat Flour is being
    distributed in all the districts of the State and
    approx. 40000 Anganwadis are benefited.

Fortification of Wheat flour vitamins multi
micronutrients (9) under MDM
  • Strategy
  • Looking to the success in ICDS, it was decided to
    provide whole wheat flour fortified with 9
    micronutrients (like ICDS) in place of wheat.
  • Pilot project and then Phase wise implementation.
  • Method
  • Fortified Atta specifications as per PFA
  • 9 micronutrients used for the fortification of
    wheat flour.
  • Presence of premix is tested with the spot test.
  • Implementation
  • A pilot project started during 2008 in Chanasma
    taluka of Patan District.
  • The programme was expanded all over the state on
    25th September, 2009.
  • As on date Fortified Wheat Flour is being
    distributed in all the districts of the State and
    approx. 36000 MDM Centres are benefited.

Micronutrients (as per GOI guideline) used for
fortification of Wheat Flour under ICDS MDM
The need - Fortification of Wheat Flour with Soya
  • As Gujarat is a predominantly vegetarian state,
    TDSF fortification is expected to provide good
    quality and easily digestible proteins in the
    basic diet and reduce protein deficiency
  • Main beneficiary categories of the Soya Flour
    fortified scheme are expected to be 0-6 children,
    Children in schools under MDM, adolescent girls,
    pregnant and nursing mothers and the aged
  • Fortification with TDSF is from 5 to the extent
    of 10 on weight basis in addition to iron and
    folic acid / multi micronutrients fortification
  • The amended PFA Act permits fortification upto
  • The expected benefit of the programme will be
    increase in body mass and ensure better growth of
    the target groups and improve general health and
    reduce morbidity
  • The approximate cost of Soya Fortification
    (addition of 5 Toasted Defatted Soya Flour) is
    Rs.1500 per MT.

Nutritional Content of Defatted Soya flour
  • Soya Flour contains about 48 protein.
  • Generally, Whole Wheat Flour contain 11.5
    protein. Adding 10 of Soya flour, the protein
    content of the atta increases to 17.00.
  • Simple ground Soya flour is not easily digestible
    and so Soya flour which is defatted and roasted
    is used.
  • The Soya contains necessary ingredients for good
    nutrition, such as total protein, carbohydrate,
    fat, vitamin and minerals.
  • Soya protein prevents cancer, reduces
    cholesterol, prevents bones diseases, and in the
    case of women, the periods become regular. Thus
    Soya protein is very useful element for health.

Comparison of Composition of Whole Wheat Atta and
Soya Fortified Atta (per 100gms)
Particulars Whole Wheat Flour (WWF ) Soya fortified WWF
Protein g 11.5 17
Fat g 1.9 1.8
Ash g 1.6 2.2
Carbohydrate g 73 69
Fiber g 12.2 12.7
Calcium mg 34 55
Iron mg 4 4.5
Phosphorus mg 346 380
Zinc mg 2.9 2.9
Distribution of Soya Fortified Wheat Flour
(SFWF) in the AAY BPL Schemes
  • Gujarat Government announced distribution of
    Soya Fortified Whole Wheat Flour under AAY,
    BPL, ICDS and MDM as a Golden Goal (Swarnim
    Siddhi) for Golden Jubilee Year of Gujarat and
    has started distribution of the same in place of
    wheat from April-2010 in AAY BPL Schemes.

Distribution of SFWF - in ICDS MDM
  • Soya Fortified Wheat Flour distribution by
    adding Toasted De-fatted Soya Flour (5 in ICDS
    10 in MDM) to the fortified wheat flour
    containing 8 micronutrients, from 2010 as part of
    Golden Goals Programme (Swarnim Siddhi).
    Expenditure approx Rs.14 Crores per annum.

Soya Fortified Wheat Flour Programme
  • Challenges
  • Limited flour production capacity in the State
  • 45 days shelf-life of the flour
  • Maintaining the quality
  • Transportation arrangement of wheat and the flour
    prepared etc.
  • Shortage of required quality of Toasted Defatted
    Soya flour (TDSF)
  • Reaching out to benificiaries in very short
  • Need for more storage capacity
  • Lack of awareness
  • Steps to face Challenges
  • Encouraging mills to participate
  • Introduction of laminated HDPE bags for packing
  • Process line Quality Monitoring and third party
  • National level publicity for the purchase of TDSF
  • Development of Integrated Management Information
    System (as part of computerisation)
  • Study base line survey on Food Fortification
    by third party expert agency
  • IEC Campaign to raise awareness

Distribution of Iodised salt for Nutritional
  • This programme is expected to address the problem
    of iodine deficiency, which would lead to
  • reduction in still births and abortions,
  • low birth weight babies and
  • most importantly, prevention of irreversible
    damage to nervous tissues which leads to deaf and
    dumb children at birth and mental retardation in
    pregnant women and in children
  • Improves work and scholastic performance
  • Under the Tribal Sub-Plan' of the State Govt.,
    GSCSC purchases Iodised Salt and distributes
    through FPS (and Hospital/ Student Hostels) at
    subsidised rate to ration card holders in 12
    tribal districts namely Banaskantha, Sabarkantha,
    Dangs, Vadodara, Panchmahals, Dahod, Bharuch,
    Narmada, Surat, Tapi, Valsad and Navsari
  • The supply (for ITDP PDS) is at subsidized rate
    of Rs 1.00 per kg, involving a subsidy of Rs 1.46
    per kg which is borne entirely by the State Govt.
    The supply under PDS has been started from Oct-09.

Iodised salt under ITDP, PDS ICDS for
Nutritional Security
Distribution of Nutri Candy under ICDS MDM
  • GSCSC is also providing Balbhog Nutri-Candy to
    ICDS and MDM. The micronutrients used are as

Distribution figures are as follows
State Budget for Fortified Items in TPDS Year
2010-11 (in Rs crores)
  • AAY/BPL - Iron, Folic Acid Soya Fortification
    - Rs. 257.00
  • Edible Oil Fortification
    - Rs. 33.00
  • Salt - Fortification
    - Rs. 6.16
  • Total - Rs 296.16

Steps to improve programme implementation
  • After roll out and implementation of food
    fortification programme in welfare schemes, GSCSC
    took following steps to improve the programme
  • National Seminar on Nutrition and Food
    Fortification in March, 2007
  • Assignment to CFTRI, Mysore to suggest steps to
    maintain quality and enhance shelf life of
    fortified atta
  • Max. Moisture level is now only 10
  • Atta is distributed in Laminated HDPE bags
  • E-Tendering to award work of grinding and
    fortification to millers (to have competition, to
    reduce cost and to imphasis on responsibility and
    accountability through penalty clauses)
  • Posting of responsible officer from GSCSC at
    participating mills to monitor the whole
    fortification assignment and record keeping.
  • Mills are not allowed to carry out private work
    while work of welfare schemes is going on.
  • Appointment of qualified third party agency for
    sampling and testing
  • Appointment of qualified third party agency for
    base line survey and evaluation of the programme.

Monitoring of Nutritional Security Initiatives
  • The Department has taken two pronged approach to
    monitor and evaluate the impact of the various
    nutritional security initiatives
  • Firstly, the GSCSC carries out inhouse sampling
    and primary testing of the fortified flour, i.e
    Moisture Sieve and spot test indicative presence
    of Iron (Fe).
  • Secondly, independent third party quality testing
    agencies are also appointed to test the quality
    of the fortified products.
  • Overall schematic evaluation/ impact assessment
    has also started through third party agencies on
    both concurrent basis and also periodical basis
  • IT Solution is under development for overall
    monitoring of various schemes.

Hon. Js. Wadhwa Committee Report
  • Introduction of Fortified Atta (Wheat Flour) In
    The Public Distribution System
  • The Committee is of the considered view that
    fortified atta along with wheat should be made
    available through PDS outlets which would
    immensely benefit the vulnerable sections of
    society and increase off take by consumers of PDS
    food grains. Even today, persons without BPL
    ration cards, despite being eligible for the same
    and other persons with BPL ration cards are
    purchasing wheat flour from the open market as a
    matter of convenience and to save on the time and
    cost involved in grinding of wheat into flour.
    The system of distribution of wheat flout is in
    vogue in the district of Darjeeling where
    enriched wheat flour is given _at_Rs. 6.80 per kg.
    costs anything up to Rs. 150 and therefore, it
    should be possible to price a packet of fortified
    5kg. or 10kg wheat flour at a much lower price
    which may be any price between Rs.7 and Rs.8 per
    kg. This will definitely be much less than what
    may be available through the open market. The
    advantage would far outweigh a somewhat increased
    price that may have to be paid. At least,
    providing this option to the vulnerable section
    of the society though the PDS network will be a
    step in the right direction.
  • The committee has also suggested modalities for
    operationalising this innovative step in the main
    chapter dealing with this subject.
  • Fortified atta would also improve the general
    health of the vulnerable sections and reduce
    instances of Vitamin A deficiency and iron
    deficiency anemia. It has also been suggested
    that general instructions may be given to sell
    only fortified atta both under the PDS as well as
    the open market as this will make implementation
    easier and prevent diversion

  • Impact assessment studies on food fortification
    initiative in Gujarat were conducted by third
    party independent agency.
  • Study-I
  • GRFMA initiated a study program to evaluate the
    effects of consuming wheat flour fortified with
    30ppm iron and 1.5ppm folic acid on a regular
    bases for a period of 1 year.
  • 20 sports people from different sports as well as
    different financial background were chosen from
    Sports Authority of Gujarat.
  • The results of the same were very encouraging for
    all the parties involved in the project of
    fighting malnutrition.
  • It was found that the average Hemoglobin of the
    sample unit was 10.4gm which rose to 12.19gm
    after the consumption of FWF for a period of
    three months.
  • At the conclusion of the third test the average
    Hb level was 12.6gm.

  • Study-II
  • The second study was conducted by Block Head
    Officer, Government of Gujarat on behalf of
    Dept. of Women and Child Welfare.
  • Block Deskrois 16 Anganwadis were supplied with
    Fortified Atta with 9 micronutrients.
  • An Hb test was conducted on 602 beneficiaries
    consisting of children, adolescent girls,
    lactating and pregnant women coming to the
  • The second test showed 505(84) people benefiting
    from the consumption of FWWF. 51(8) people
    showed a constant Hb level and 46(8) showed a
    fall in their Hb levels.

Study-III Baseline SurveyUse of PDS Service
  • For Wheat Atta, BPL and AAY population depend on
    PDS to the extent of 72 and 79 respectively
  • For Wheat and rice the dependency is upto 63 and
    73 respectively
  • Iodine is one of the major micronutrient highly
    deficient in hilly tribal zone , seriously
    affecting nutrition status of mother and children
  • It is also important to mention that Iodised salt
    is sold at highly subsidized rate at Rs.1/kg in
    PDS and needs boost at shop and consumer level

Stydy-III Baseline Survey- Summary
  • The baseline study reveals that the prevalence of
    undernutrition and malnutrition in the indicator
    population group is high
  • Utilization of ICDS supplement is high
  • Utilization of FPS for Atta is high (72-79)
  • SFWA through FPS is a potential intervention that
    can improve the nutritional status of the
    vulnerable population. However there is lack of
    knowledge and awareness about benefits of SFWA
  • A focus on logistics plan and sale of subsidized
    Iodized salt will reinforce the overall
    malnutrition prevention initiative
  • Needs Intensive and Extensive IEC support to
    improve community awareness about benefits of
    SFWA for increased acceptability and use
  • IEC / BCC support to improve hygiene and
    sanitation practices and increased utilisation of
    government health promotion

Factors for Success
  • Dedicated and clear leadership of the programme
  • Part of the Golden Goals (Swarnim Siddhi) of the
  • Public Private Partnership (PPP) which is now
    being extended to Public Private Community
    Partnership (PPCP) mode
  • Regular interaction consultations with stake
    holders at all levels
  • Integriting programme delivery to all other
    delivery systems
  • Striving for constant improvement with planned
    stage wise progression

  • It was experienced that legislative sanction was
    not crucial but administrative /stake holders
    involvement and commitments made the project
  • Peoples participation, motivation and awareness
    are continuously needed.
  • Costs are marginal and incidental
  • Integration of logistics, training of people,
    motivation, monitoring etc. are equally

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