Sociology and Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sociology and Science


Positivists like Comte believed that sociology is scientific. ... Durkheim believed that by complex in depth statistical analysis the ... random (systematic and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sociology and Science

Sociology and Science

What is Science?
  • Many scientists claim there is a clear
    distinction between science and the supernatural.
    A good recent example is Richard Dawkins who in
    The God Delusion 2006 makes the following
    observations about science and religion
  • Fundamentalists know they are right because they
    have read the truth in a Holy Book.... the truth
    of the Holy Book is an axiom, not the end product
    of a process of reasoning. The book is true and
    if the evidence seems to contradict it, it is the
    evidence which must be thrown out, not the book.
    By contrast, what I as a scientist believe, I
    believe not because of reading a Holy Book but
    because I have studied the evidence..... When a
    science book is wrong somebody eventually
    discovers the mistake and it is corrected in
    subsequent books. That conspicuously does not
    happen with Holy books

Characteristics of Science
  • According to Dawkins then science is
    characterised by
  • 1. Objectivity the scientist is neutral
  • 2. Scientific enquiry is evidence based
    conclusions are based on evidence not
    preconceived ideas
  • 3. Scientific enquiry is open ideas which are
    tested and falsified are rejected and more
    accurate ones replace them.

How Objective is Science?
  • Michael Lynch (1983) asserted that science is far
    less objective than scientists claim. Lynch
    studied scientists experimenting on lab rats and
    concluded that the scientists were far more
    influenced by their existing theories than other
    may have thought. Specifically when anomalies
    occurred i.e. results they were not expecting,
    they were put down to unnamed errors in the
    production of photographs they were studying
    rather than as evidence towards a new theory or

Is Sociology a Science?
  • Positivists like Comte believed that sociology is
    scientific. It is about gathering information
    about the social world, classifying data and
    drawing conclusions that uncover the social
    laws which govern human society. Durkheim took
    this position a little further by claiming that
    by using his technique of multivariate analysis
    social facts can be uncovered.
  • Multivariate analysis is the attempt to isolate
    the impact of independent variables (the causes
    of something), on the dependent variable (the
    something which has been caused). For instance
    working class underachievement in school might be
    seen as the dependent variable and material
    deprivation, and teacher labelling the
    independent variables. Durkheim believed that by
    complex in depth statistical analysis the
    independent variables could be measured and a
    social law established.

Inductive and Deductive Method
  • The early positivists used an inductive approach.
    This means data was first collected, studied,
    analysed and then a theory or hypothesis
    composed. The hypothesis is then tested and
    conclusions drawn. If it was repeatable
    (reliable), the hypothesis became a social fact.

Karl Popper and the Deductive Approach
  • The deductive approach is similar the inductive
    approach only in reverse. Popper stressed that
    theories or hypotheses could spring from anywhere
    such as flashes of inspiration (eureka moments)
    or even from dreams. What is crucial however is
    how hypotheses are tested. This must occur
    rigorously and scientifically. Popper rejected
    the idea that there are permanent social laws
    governing human behaviour claiming that any law
    could at some point be falsified no matter how
    many times it has been proved correct in the
    past. The famous example he gave was the
    hypothesis all swans are white which can be
    proved thousands of time until you encounter a
    black swan. Popper said the aim of science and
    social science should be to constantly strive to
    falsify theories. This point arguably
    distinguishes science from religion and
    supernatural belief systems.

Roger Gomm
  • Roger Gomm suggests that most scientists and
    social scientists try to prove rather than
    falsify theories and that their ideas should be
    viewed in the social context from which they
  • Gomm cited the example of Darwin and his theory
    of evolution to explain his position. Gomm
    suggests that Darwins theories of natural
    selection and the competitive struggle for the
    survival of the fittest were not supported by all
    of the evidence. Darwin therefore missed the
    opportunity to falsify aspects of his theories.
    Gomm suggests the reason for this was ideological
    rather than scientific. The survival of the
    fittest theory fitted neatly into Victorian
    capitalist ideology of free market capitalist
    economics, individualism and a minimalist
    approach to welfare of the time. Gomm therefore
    emphasises the importance of placing science in
    its social context. Scientific knowledge can be
    in part seen as socially constructed.

Is Science Objective
  • Thomas Kuhn challenges the idea that science is
  • Kuhn in The structure of Scientific Revolutions
    introduces the idea of scientists at certain
    times in history working in a paradigm. A
    paradigm as used by Kuhn refers to the framework
    of accepted ideas in which they operate. A
    paradigm might include ideas on truth, validity
    and methodology. Kuhn argues that scientist will
    tend to work within the paradigm and thus seek
    evidence which supports the paradigm until such
    time as anomalies are so strong as to precipitate
    a paradigm shift or revolution. A new normal
    science paradigm is established and the process
    begins again.

Revision Questions
  • Q1. According to Dawkins what distinguishes
    science from religion?
  • Q2. What is the difference between an inductive
    and a deductive scientific approach?
  • Q3. What is meant by falsification and why is it
    viewed as important to the scientific process?

Positivist Methodology
  • Prefer methods similar to those used in the
    natural sciences
  • Surveys, cross-sectional surveys, longitudinal
    studies, experiments, field experiments, case
  • Using your A2 books and last years notes make
    sure you are able to describe and evaluate each
    of these methods

  • Positivist methodology uses processes to ensure
    representativeness. If the sample surveyed is
    representative of the wider whole it is possible
    to generalise the conclusions.
  • Representativeness is established through
    sampling techniques.
  • Revise the following sampling techniques random
    (systematic and stratified), cluster, quota,

Exam Practice
  • Assess the view that positivistic methods are
    inappropriate for understanding society (40
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