Title: Global vision of resource sharing
1Global vision of resource sharing
- George Bishop
- Ovid-Elsie Area Schools
2The Library at Ovid-Elsie
- 1900 students K-12
- 900 students 9-12
- Small and rural
- Working in local factories
- Dairy farming communitymore cows than people
3Ovid-Elsie Facts
- 40 poverty
- 25,000 print titles
- 24,000 e-books
- 2 elementary libraries, one 7-12 library
- 4 aides K-12
4The flags represent the 23 countries from which
we have hosted foreign exchange students.
5My Library Today
- FM radio station
- TV studios
- ITV classroom
- 30 wireless laptops
- 52 wired desktop computers
- 19 television monitors
- Copy center
6- Innovative Interfaces Millennium
- 3M security system
- Ariel document delivery
- 3M self-checkout
- Budget exceeding 100,000
7 2008
- 1900 students
- 4000 budget
- Follett ILS
- Limited technology
- 1900 students
- 100,000 budget
- Innovative Interfaces ILS
- 52 desktop computers, 3M self-checkout, Ariel
document delivery, radio station, TV studio,
computer lab
8My library was similar to many small
librariesunder funded and lacking resources
9In 1992 we acquired online access to the world
through OCLCbut I didnt realize what I really
10The thought of offering patrons everything was
almost unimaginable to mebut I knew it was
possiblein that moment I decided...I would do it
11- I felt empowered because of OCLC and the
power it gives libraries
12I announced to over 100 teachers and
administrators that our school library would
deliver "everything they needed or
wantedperiodand then I did just that using
13OCLC resource sharing can transform small
libraries worldwide
14- Nothing I could ever have done would have
resulted in such a rapid transformation. I was
doing nothing differently than I had ever done
beforeexcept I was offering OCLC resource sharing
15The library climate in our school had
16- "OCLC has made our school library an essential
part of the curriculum at Ovid-Elsie. "
Kris Kirby Curriculum Director, Ovid-Elsie Area
17- By 1996 my school library had transformed
into one that was respected, utilized, effective
and relevant
18My library has transformed over the last 16 years
because of OCLC
19- "OCLC is the single most powerful resource we
have available in our libraries. " -
Dr. Wayne Petroelje, Superintendent Ovid-Elsie
Area Schools
20- Books really do change lives, provide hope
and inspiration. Globally our children deserve
that kind of access that means OCLC
21Using OCLC, Mr. Bishop did just what he
promised, he got me every resource I requested."
Shane Perdue 7th Grade Mathematics Ovid-Elsie
Middle School
22OCLC I dont know what I would do without it!
This has been a priceless resource for me, both
personally and in my classroom.
Laura Gajewski Fine Industrial Arts
Chairperson Art Teacher
23- "OCLC has changed the Ovid-Elsie school
libraries in many ways...but most significantly
we are now offering resources that make our
library the heart of the school."
Dr. Wayne Petroelje, Superintendent Ovid-Elsie
Area Schools
24The results my library achieved using OCLC can be
replicated in many small libraries anywhere in
the world
25OCLC is a tool of success."
Dana Blank High School English Department Ovid-Els
ie High School
26Using OCLC resource sharing, my global vision is
to provide every patron with the essential
materials they need to realize their ambitions,
dreams and desire for a better life
27- Our library is the icon of the school
Kim Ross Special education teacher
28"OCLC has allowed me to advance professionally
and has afforded our students the opportunity to
compete internationally.
OCLC is priceless
Julie Keck Social Studies Chairperson School
Improvement Chairperson, Ovid-Elsie High School
29When our teachers and students need books we go
to OCLC. No matter how obscure the request, OCLC
has never let us down. What a service from an
awesome organization!
Jerry Goosen Middle School Principal
30Library schools must teach all librarians that
OCLC resource sharing is a core service
31My vision for OCLC is to provide affordable
resource sharing for even the smallest libraries
32"OCLC has transformed our small rural school
library into a world class learning center where
all students and faculty can get the essential
materials they need to be successful, productive
global citizens."
Dr. Wayne Petroelje, Superintendent Ovid-Elsie
Area Schools
33Let us create a bright future for all sizes of
libraries by offering and promoting affordable
OCLC resource sharing globally. Let us connect
all the worlds libraries sustaining OCLC as the
worlds preeminent library cooperative
34Ultimately, I guess you could say that OCLC has
made me a more successful student and a
better-prepared teacher.
Laura Gajewski Fine Industrial Arts
Chairperson Art Teacher