Title: Stopping Worm/Virus Attacks
1Stopping Worm/Virus Attacks
- Replicate worms over a computer network
- Perform malicious action
- Grow Exponentially
- Double in a few seconds to hours
3Two Papers on stopping worms
- Potemkin Virtual Honeyfarm
- Scalability, fidelity, and containment in worm
detection using honeypots. - Vigilante
- End-to-end worm containment strategy, which
includes worm detection, alert propagation, and
local response.
4Background on HoneyPot
- Definition
- An information system resource whose value lies
in unauthorized or illicit use of that resource - Carefully monitored and frequently left
unprotected to detect and analyze intrusions - Analyzed intrusions for
- Antivirus/worm signatures
- Disinfection algorithm
- Criminal investigation and persecution
5Low-interaction honeypots
- Minimal interactions with the attackers (at most
network layer interaction) - Passively monitors inbound packets
- Simply transmits a SYN/ACK sequence to TCP SYN
- Advantage high scalability - up to millions
- Disadvantage low fidelity (Doesnt execute the
kernel or application code)
6High-interaction honeypots
- Execution environment identical or similar to a
real host - Advantage high fidelity
- Disadvantage low scalability (each system
monitors one IP address) - Can use VM to multiplex such that each machine
can monitor more IP addresses
7Containment Strategies
- Prevent compromised honeypots from attacking
other machines - Disallow outbound messages
- Problems with phone home to receive updates
- Forward outbound packets sent in response to
inbound packets - Problems with DNS query
- Result low fidelity (impossible to understand the
native behavior of a malware)
8Goal of Potemkin Virtual Honeyfarm
- To implement scalable high-interactive honeypots
with - High fidelity running common operating system
and application software - High scalability
- High containment
9Observations High-interactive honeypots
- Most of a honeypots processor cycles are wasted
idling (given IP address is rarely accessed) - Most of a honeypots memory is idle
- Different honeypot servers in a honeyfarm
replicate the same environment, and duplicate the
10Main Ideas
- Use gateway router
- Dynamically bind IP addresses to physical
servers, - Containment policies.
- Use Virtual Machine Monitor (Xen) create
lightweight virtual machines - Flash cloning (create VM from reference image)
- Delta virtualization (copy-on-write)
12Gateway Router
- Direct inbound traffic to individual honeyfarm
servers - Manage the containment of outbound traffic
- Implement long-term resource management
- Interface with detection, analysis and
user-interface components
13Gateway Router Inbound traffic
- Attracts traffic routing (BGP) and tunneling
- Sends IP packets for which there is no active VM
to a non-overloaded honeyfarm server - Type map illusion that a given IP address hosts
a particular software configuration - Assigns to the same VM if the same IP
- Scan filter reduces inbound traffic
14Gateway Router Outbound traffic
- Containment Policies implemented on the gateway
- Track communication patterns
- Proxy standard outbound service
- Internal Reflection redirect the unsafe
outbound packet back into honeyfarm - Avoid resource starvation
- Avoid cross-containment
15Cross Containment (1)
- Yellow contaminated by worm Wx
- Blue contaminated by worm Wy
16Cross Containment (2)
- Yellow contaminated by worm Wx
- Blue contaminated by worm Wy
- Green contaminated by worm Wx and Wy
17Cross Containment (3)
- Green contaminated by worm Wx and Wy
18Solution for Cross Containment
- Each packet is extended with a universe
identifier (src, dest, src port) that identifies
a unique virtual IP address space - New universe identifier is created for each
transaction - Packets can only forward to hosts within the same
19Gateway Router Resource Allocation
- Reclaim uncompromised VM if it is not receiving
inbound traffic - Allow compromised VM to persist for further
analysis - When resource is low, prioritize VM
20Virtual Machine Monitor
- Active IP addresses are an order of magnitude
smaller - Each server only uses small subset of hardware
- Therefore, VMs are created on request to
multiplex a lot of machines - One VM per IP address per universe
21VMM Flash Cloning
- Reduces speed to instantiate a new clone
22VMM Delta Virtualization
- Reduces memory overhead
- Shares VM pages and supports copy-on-write
23Evaluation Question to address
- How many honeypot VMs are necessary?
- How many VMs can a machine spawn?
- How many connections can a gateway support?
24Multiplexing Address Space
- /16 network
- VM aggressively recycled after 500 ms
- Average number of active VMs 58
- Peak 13614
25Multiplexing Honeyfarm Servers
- Delta Virtualization 128MB for 116 clones
- Flash Cloning 521.2ms to clone and 315.5ms to
tear down - CPU usage lt 0.01 for HTTP request
- Gateway traffic 160,000 packets / sec (hitting
flow cache), 28,000 packets /sec (random traffic) - Gateway Memory 256 bytes per flow
- Attracting Attacks
- Tends to only receive traffic from randomly
targeted attacks - Honeypot Detection
- Detects honeypot and evades honeypot
- Denial-of-Service attack
28Next Paper Vigilante
- What do we do after we detect a worm?
- Generate worm signatures by human.
- Too slow? Usually generating worm signatures by
human takes days to weeks. - And worm doubles in seconds to hours.
- Therefore, we need an end to end worm
containment solution.
- An automatic end to end worm containment with
negligible false positive rate - Detection
- Propagation
- Response
30Current Worm Containment Strategies
- Network level approach (doesnt have enough
information, and has false positives) - Host-based detection (not end-to-end solution)
- Host-based architecture (uses heuristic to
correct the vulnerable service)
31Vigilante architecture
- Use honeypot for worm detection, and generate
self-certifying alert - Propagate alert on overlay network
- Install filter in local host
32Self-certifying alert
- Remove the trust between hosts
- Prove the existence of a vulnerability
- Can be verified inexpensively
- Automatically generate, verify, and distribute
33Alerts types
- Arbitrary Execution Control contains the address
of a code to execute - Arbitrary Code Execution contains the code to
execute - Arbitrary Function contains the value of
argument of critical functions - Format id of the vulnerable service, id of the
alert type, verification information, and the
34Worm detection
- Use Honeypots
- Two different worm detections engines
- Non-executable pages
- Non-execute protection on stack and heap to
prevent code injection attack - Dynamic dataflow analysis
- Data received from the network is dirty, and
propagate the dirty bit whenever data is moved
35Alert generation
- Log all the network messages for some threshold
time - When worm is detected, use all the network
messages in the log to generate candidate SCAs. - Run verification procedure for each candidate.
- If verification succeeds, generate SCA.
36Alert Verification
- Verification is run in sandbox, virtual machine.
- Service is instrumented according to alert type
with the verified function.
37Properties of SCA Verification
- Fast Overhead of virtual machine is small
- Simple and generic
- No false positives
- Some drawbacks
- Doesnt describe the scheduling order for the
38Alert Distribution
- Distribution must be fast, secure and reliable
- Use of secure Pastry overlay to broadcast
- To avoid DOS
- Dont forward already seen or blocked SCAs
- Only forward verifiable SCAs
- Limit rate of SCAs received on each neighbors
- Use super-peers they only have overlay code and
VMs with vulnerability services for verification
39Filter generation
- Use dataflow and control flow analysis to
generate filter - Use two filters general filters and specific
filters to reduce false negatives
- Three real worms
- Slammer 75,000 MS SQL Servers infected, 8.5
seconds to double - CodeRed 360,000 MS IIS Servers infected, 37 mins
to double - Blaster 500,000 MS Windows infected, rate of
growth similar to CodeRed
41Alert generation and verification
42Alert Distribution
43Filter generation and CPU overhead
44End-to-end experiments
- 5 host vigilante networks
- One detector, three super-peers for SCA
distribution overlay, and one vulnerable host - Results
- Slammers 79ms
- Blaster 305ms
- CodeRed 3044ms
- Is it possible to incorporate Potemkin Virtual
Honeyfarm into the worm detection of Vigilante to
make it a more scalable solution? - Different aspects of worm containment
- Potemkin Virtual Honeyfarm talks about
salability, fidelity, and containment of
honeypots - Vigilante is an end-to-end worm containment