Title: Effective Use of Edmark Reading
1Effective Use of Edmark Reading
2Edmark Reading Program
- Edmark Reading is designed for students with
developmental disabilities and for students
struggling with phonics approaches. - Edmark Reading Program is a sight word approach.
- Individualized
- Systematic presentation of information
- Highly repetitive
- Multi-sensory See the words
- Hear the words
- Say the words
- Touch the words
4Student Prerequisites
- Point to or respond in some way to select a
correct choice from a multiple-choice array - Say back or sign words
- Have sufficient receptive language to follow
teacher cues
5Teacher Prerequisites
- No special training required
- Positive, encouraging attitude
- Patience to work slowly and consistently
6Two Levels
- Edmark Reading Program, Level 1
- Teaches 150 words, with comprehension
- Reading Level Kinder through Grade 1
- Edmark Reading Program, Level 2
- Teaches 200 words, with comprehension
- Reading Level Grade 1 through 3
7Why does it work?
- Designed based on strategies that work with
certain learning styles (individualized,
systematic, etc.) - Designed with Applied Behavioral Analysis
techniques (stimulus shaping, positive
reinforcement, etc.)
8Time commitment
- One lesson should take 5-15 minutes
- Number of lessons is at the teachers discretion,
but lessons should be discontinued if fatigue is
a factor or making successive errors - Lessons should be daily, minimum 3-4 times a week
9Numbering system
- Lesson Numbers All lessons have a sequential
number - Each type of lesson has a number WR, Tests,
Direction Cards, etc. - Word Number- each of the 150 words taught has a
10Recordkeeping Student Record Book
- Provides lesson sequence- after a student reaches
criterion you move on to the next lesson
indicated in the Student Record Book - Write in pencil
- Record date and errors
- Valuable information for IEPs, data based
decision making - Should go with student when they transfer
11Instructional Components, Level 1
- 2 types of tests
- Discrimination, Pre/post-tests
- 5 kinds of lessons
- Pre-reading Lesson
- Word Recognition Lessons
- Direction Card Lessons
- Picture/Phrase Lessons
- Story Book Lessons
12Pre-reading Lessons
- Teaches visual discrimination
- Student demonstrates the ability to match
identical configurations - Student is not required to name objects, words,
letters - Correction procedure - 3 chances allowed, if a
student misses an answer, cover up that answer
and ask again - Criterion - no more than 4 errors
- Recordkeeping - Record date and errors
13Discrimination Test (How to determine where to
start a student in the program)
- Start with Discrimination Test, Lesson 9
- If a student has more than 4 errors the student
should start on Lesson 1, Pre-Reading - If a student has fewer than 4 errors, move to
Pre-Test 1, Lesson 10
14Pre-Test and Post-Test
- One Pre-test in Level 1, Lesson 10
- Check words missed
- Post-tests are given after every 10 Word
Recognition Lessons - Write in words missed
- Criterion No errors
- The letter and number in parentheses refer to the
lesson where the number is originally taught
15For your consideration
- For students already using Edmark Reading Program
a master pre/post test is included in the packet.
This is designed by the presenter and not part
of the Edmark Reading Program. It is useful in
determining placement, regression, and present
levels of functioning for those students already
using Edmark Reading Program.
16Word Recognition Lesson
- Teaches one word per lesson till lesson 60, then
2 words per lesson and plurals, plus word
endings -ed, -ing - Two student responses
- Multiple choice frames - student points to
the word and reads it - Read back frames - student reads the word
17WR codes in left margin
- Asterisk means it is a readback frame - teacher
says Read it - A, B, C means it is a multiple choice frame.
- The first column on the left is A, the second is
B and the third is C. The teacher says, Show me
_____(A, B, C)___. - If there is no code, there is only one obvious
18Numbers on left
- wr19-3b
- Means Word Recognition Lesson 19
- Frame 3
- Column b
- Teacher says Show me green.
19WR- Word Recognition
- Each word is repeated enough times throughout the
program to give permanent acquisition. There is
systematic repetition of learned words. - Criterion - No more than 4 errors
- Recordkeeping - Write in word errors and date
20Sequential Progression
- The teacher can decide if the student needs to
spend more time on a lesson or would progress
better by skipping a particularly troublesome
lesson - If you choose to skip a lesson and let the
student do the next lesson, make sure to return
to the problem lesson and meet the criterion on
21Picture / Phrase Card Lesson
- Teaches comprehension by matching pictures to
phrases - The Picture/Phrase card is in front of the
student with the stacked phrase cards - The student reads the phrase card aloud and
matches it to the correct picture - Criterion No errors
- Record keeping - date and letter of the phrase
22Direction Card Lesson
- Teaches comprehension by having the student read
Direction Card and match an illustration - Teacher lays Direction Card in front of student
and spreads out Illustrations. The teacher has
the student read the words in box 1 and put the
matching illustrations in that box. - Criterion - no errors
- Recordkeeping - write the date and the boxes
23Story Book Lesson
- Systematic use of words in regular reading format
- Student reads the story aloud
- Criterion - No criterion for Story Book Lessons
- Recordkeeping - Record date and word errors
24Program Support Materials
- Supplemental Stories - Extra reading practice.
Use as teacher sees the need. - Signing Manual - Gives the sign for all words
taught in the program.
25Class Room Set Up
- For distractible students face present the lesson
with them facing away from class room activities - Tilt boards are very useful for Word Recognition
Lessons - Have lessons organized so students dont wait
while you gather papers
26Motivation -
- Reward success!
- Build rewards into your classroom behavior
program - Have students read to parents and administration.
- Be proud!
27Organizational Ideas
- For ease of reaching the materials and grouping
students the Edmark Reading Program can be
divided into 4 pieces and stored in magazine
holders. Attached is the materials division. The
Story Book Lessons are the only piece that must
be shared.
28Organizational Ideas
- Another way to access Edmark Reading Program is
to use hanging files in a portable file. - Picture Phrase Cards can be stored in a 3 ring
binder for easy access
29Organizational Ideas
- If you get a new kit, Direction Cards and Picture
Phrase Cards come in solid sheets to be
perforated. Before you perforate them, you might
want to use different colored highlighter to
mark on the back on solid pieces before you
separate the pieces for easier grouping. - Over 600 little pieces of paper in the kit!
30Edmark Reading Program, Level 2
- Teaches 200 new words
- Reviews 150 words from Level 1
- Teaches compound words
31Instructional Components, Level 2
- Four types of lessons
- Pre-test / Review
- Word Recognition Lessons
- Picture / Phrase Cards
- Story Book Lessons
- Pro-Ed
- Edmark Reading Program Level 1 475
- Edmark Reading Program Level 2 475
- Other recommended reading resources
- Effective Literacy Instruction for Students with
Moderate or Severe Disabilities, Copeland Keefe - Teaching Reading to Children with Down Syndrome,
33Supplemental Materials- Available Separately
- Edmark Reading Program Software -
- Can be used independently or in correlation with
the print curriculum. - Positives - Visually and auditorily interesting,
students can record their own voice reading,
automatic record keeping, kids like it, strong
reinforcer for words learned - Be sure to teach Call your teacher and do not
let the students learn the code to make
adjustments. - Compatible with TouchWindow, mouse, alternate
keyboard, single switch
34Supplemental Materials - Continued
- Supplemental Worksheets
- 286 blackline masters providing practice using
Edmark words in cutting and pasting, drawing
lines from words to matching illustrations,
circling words to match illustrations and
underlining words to match illustrations. -
35Supplemental Materials- Continued
- Edmark Bingo - game format for teaching the words
learned. Students on different levels can play
the game at the same time. - Edmark Homework - activities to do at home and
encourage parent involvement - Edmark Spelling Teaches the spelling of Edmark
words through the activities of writing, filling
in missing letters, drawing, writing a dictionary
36Edmark Functional Word Series
- Teaches 400 useful sight words using the same
method - Signs Around You
- Fast Food / Restaurant Words
- Grocery Words
- Job / Work Words
- Available separately from Pro-Ed