Title: Chapter 613* Aviation Center
1Chapter 613 Aviation Center Home of Chapter EAA
613 Franklin County Airport in Swanton,
Vermont Supporting the Future of Vermont
Aviation www.eaa-chapter613.org www.eaa.org
(Experimental Aircraft Association) Name to
reflect largest financial supporter.
2- Outline
- Chapter 613 Mission
- Scholarship Programs
- Aviation Center Vision
- Partnership Programs
- Aviation Center Design
- Site Plan
- Charter, Lease Permit
- Financial Plan
- Chapter 613 Leadership
3Chapter 613 Mission
Mission Statement EAA Chapter 613 is an IRS
certified 501C3 Corporation dedicated to the
promotion, encouragement and education of sport
and recreational aviation. It serves
northwestern Vermont and is based out of both
Shelburne Airpark and Franklin County Airport, in
Swanton, VT. Our Chapter has approximately 75
members, most are licensed pilots, many own their
own aircraft. The Chapter endows several
scholarship funds which routinely support
Vermonters in aviation education and training.
Collectively, our Chapter members have introduced
more than 3,000 youth to the joy of aviation and
flying through the EAAs Young Eagles program.
The Chapter is undertaking an ambitious capital
project to construct a permanent home which will
include a classroom, a technical library as well
as hanger space for members and students to train
on aviation projects.
4Chapter 613 Scholarship Programs
Dear Frank Gibney and EAA Chapter 613,I wanted
to thank you all so much for giving me the
scholarship money for flying. I can't tell you
how much I appreciate it. Just to let you know,
I got my private in April. Currently I am at
Northland Baptist Bible College in Wisconsin,
majoring in Missionary Aviation. In the next
couple of years I hope to get my instrument
rating and commercial license as well as
maintenance training. Once again, thank you so
much for making it possible for me to Fly!
Abigail Thompson
Chapter 613 will fund two Students to attend in
EAA Oshkosh in 2007
Chapter 613 Scholarship Funds 48,091 (May 2007
Treasurers Report)
5Aviation Center Vision The purpose of the EAA
Chapter 613 Aviation Center is to promote and
foster general aviation activities, including the
construction of amateur built aircraft, in the
State of Vermont. This Aviation Center will
provide a permanent home for EAA Chapter 613, and
a be focal point for chapter activities,
including education, partnership and mentoring
programs supporting and promoting general
6Partnership Programs Chapter 613 Aviation
Center will be used to house and support a
number of local youth education oriented
Aviation programs. This includes Program Par
tner Contact Airframe Powerplant
training Burlington High School Rick
Sylvester ACE Camp State of Vermont Annual
event Aviation Merit Badge Boy Scouts of
America Contact K.Johnson Young Eagles (June
9, 2007) EAA National Don Taylor High School
work-study Missiquoi Union High School George
Coy Health Education Aviation Chapter
Sponsored Bob Desmarais Aircraft Rebuild
Project Chapter Sponsored TBD ____________ Ar
my National Guard TBD ____________ Civil Air
Patrol TBD Contact person
7Aviation Center Design
Concrete apron with access to taxi-way and
Shop area with space for aviation projects and
hands on experience with actual aircraft (48
X 60)
Space reserved for Membership rental
Supplemental Income (lt100 endowment)
1st floor will contain Chapter 613 meeting room
with rest room kitchen facilities (48 X 20)
2nd floor will contain library classroom (48 X
8Site Plan
9State Charter
10Financial Plan
- Activity Cost Status
- 1. Land (lease) 1/year Obtained (State of
Vermont) - 2. Engineering all permits 4,000 Complete
(Chapter 613 donation) - 3. Site Prep work (fill) TBD Provided by State
Corp donations - 4. Foundation 14,000 Provided by Chapter 613
Member - 5. Frame out (labor materials) 28,000 Wall
fames provided by Member - 6. Doors (40) windows 12,000 Main door
purchased by Member - 7. Plumbing Electric 10,000 Septic provided
by Corporate sponsor - Interior finish 12,000
- Total construction cost 80,000
11Chapter 613 Leadership
Tony Speranza President Instrument rated CFI, A
P RV-6 builder Sr. Engineer/Manager
Technical Instructor Bruce Uvanni VP Instrumente
d rate pilot, Aircraft owner builder Profes
sional Engineer Marge Butterfield Secretary In
strument rated pilot, Cessna 812 owner Legal
Assistant Steve Cozelis Treasury Instrument
rated pilot, Cirrus SR-22 owner Retired
Executive George Coy Technical
Advisory Instrument rated CFI, A P, IA multi
A/C owner FBO owner operator, GESOCO
Industries Don Taylor Young Eagles Private
pilot, multiple A/C owner builder Retired
US Navy successful business owner Frank
Gibney Scholarships Air National Guard Pilot
(retired, B57), aircraft builder
owner Professional Foundation
Manger Bruce Richardson Newsletter
Editor Pilot Aviation enthusiast Engineer
John Butterfield Technical Advisor Instrument
rated pilot, A P Mechanic Professional
Engineer Bob Desmarais Program
coordinator Instrument rated pilot, aircraft
restorer Electronics Technician Note
Executive Committee above in blue
12Future Site of EAA Chapter 613 Aviation
Center Supporting the Future of
Aviation www.eaa-chapter613.org
Please Consider a DONATION Your Support is
needed We will all benefit!
Note Design modified to contain 2nd floor